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Section 127 Huang Shumei who is single

The weather is entering autumn and the wind is getting cooler.

As far as the eye can see, battleships of various sizes are floating in the sky above Xifeng City. Light armors continuously fly out from the battleships and land in the deserted city below. After all the light armors have landed, the battleships will be parked.

The pier outside the city.

Huang Shumei stood on the rooftop, leaning on the railing, holding a can of beer in her hand, staring at the dead city and the distant mountains.

At her feet lay a pile of empty beer bottles.

As a native of the Laisen galaxy, she has been to Xifeng City more than once. In the past fifty years, no disruptive technology has appeared, and the world has been running smoothly and in order. The economic growth in various places is very slow.

On an agricultural planet, urban buildings often remain unchanged for decades.

But the Xifeng City in front of her and the Xifeng City in her impression were like two different cities.

There is no life, it seems like a desolate ruin.

When she was wandering around outside, she saw many similar ruins, which were the footprints left by the pre-interstellar era of mankind. Resources were exhausted, the former cities were empty of people, and the desolation was reduced to ruins. The buildings were entangled and swallowed up by vegetation and collapsed.

, steel rots, wild beasts appear.

She hates pirates!

Click, the beer can was crushed by the slender fingers, and a cold snort came from the nose.

She grabbed a bottle of beer and turned towards the other end of the rooftop.

A majestic and domineering purple light armor stood not far away, with the cockpit open. That was Huang Shumei's car, the famous heavy-duty light armor [Aguda] from the Lassen galaxy, from the light armor customization studio [Planet Power]


It is 27 meters high and weighs an astonishing 243 tons. It is a real behemoth, even among heavy-duty light armor. The thick engine nozzle is like a giant cannon, and the body is as thick as a mountain. The beauty is formed by the blend of violence and technology.

Supplemented by the purple paint, it is impressive.

It is hard to imagine that the master of such a tall and heavy light armor is actually a petite woman.

The adjutant was always standing by. Seeing this, he quickly stepped forward: "Sister, where are you going? There are still ten minutes for the joint military meeting..."

Huang Shumei didn't bother to pay attention to him and jumped directly onto the light armor.

The adjutant was so anxious that he almost cried: "Sister, my dear sister! This is a joint military meeting. You are the representative of our Huang family and you cannot be absent!"

"Okay, then you can attend on my behalf."

Huang Shumei got into the cockpit without saying a word.

After a moment, the light armor soared into the sky, leaving only the adjutant with a dazed look on the rooftop.

In the cockpit, Huang Shumei took a sip of beer and turned on the music to play heavy metal rock. She felt very happy. She didn't want to attend any joint military meeting. Under Nie Jihu's righteous and round face, there was no concealment of hypocrisy, coldness and calculation.

, making her sick.

She was afraid that she would not be able to resist and smash that face with a punch.

She pushed the power of the light armor engine to the maximum, and the engine roared, and the surging and low tremors were like dense drum beats, which immediately made her emotions soar.

She planned to go find Huang Feifei, and she happened to meet Xu Baiyan, the former King of Cangqing.

In a high-rise building in Xifeng City, a gray light armor hidden in the shadows watched the purple [Aguda] retreating. After a while, its figure disappeared into the shadows little by little.

In another part of the Laisen galaxy, the Armobic received intelligence.

"The female drunkard left alone?" An Guluo, who was wearing bear pajamas, opened his sleepy eyes and yawned: "Do we still have manpower in Lanxing?"

Moosa touched the remaining brown curly hair on his head and said, "Also, the ghost team is lurking, do you want to wake them up?"

The ghost team is under his jurisdiction and dormant on the star, providing them with accurate intelligence.

An Guluo nodded: "Wake up, this is a good opportunity."

Mosa felt a little distressed: "Huang Shumei's strength is pretty good, I'm afraid the Ghost Team's casualties will be considerable."

An Guluo said nothing, and after weighing it for a moment, he made up his mind: "Kill her, this is the best chance to kill Huang Shumei. If we encounter her in the landing battle, our losses will be even greater."

Mosa stopped talking nonsense and stood up: "I'll make arrangements."

As usual, Long Cheng started his daily homework, starting with the "Nine Positions of Daoyin". Although his body had long since returned to its strongest state, he did not interrupt the practice. It could strengthen the internal organs.

, far beyond the exercise methods he learned in the training camp.

He moves very slowly and is not greedy for progress at all, but pursues safety first.

There was a detail in the memory chip's dream. When he was in a semi-conscious state, he vaguely heard a program to check whether there were hidden injuries. Longcheng didn't know if this meant that "Nine Guidance Styles" were dangerous, but he still thought it was safe.


He had neither nutrient solution nor equipment to detect dark wounds.

At the end of the "Nine Ways of Daoyin", Long Cheng's face was flushed, and his whole body was steaming with heat, like a cooked shrimp. After about five minutes, the flushing all over his body subsided, and Long Cheng's breathing returned to normal.

After this period of joint practice, he felt that his body had improved, but without instruments, there was no way to measure it specifically.

After warming up, he said to Jasmine, who had been waiting aside, "Get ready to start."

"Teacher, come on!" Jasmine shouted, then turned on the high-precision dynamic holographic camera placed outside the training ground, preparing to start recording the entire training process of the teacher.

Jasmine's face was full of anticipation.

Every night when she was sorting out the training videos for her teacher, she was deeply shocked.

The teacher's swordsmanship has improved by leaps and bounds, and the progress every day can be seen with the naked eye. The teacher's terrifying talent has completely subverted Jasmine's cognition. She has done more than a thousand cases of image analysis, but she has never seen a template similar to the teacher's, even if it is similar.


As long as the teacher discovers an error or deviation in a certain movement, these errors and deviations will basically be corrected the next day. Most people need a lot of practice to correct these wrong movements.

Such traits should obviously appear in new humans!

Thinking of her poor learning ability, Jasmine couldn't help but wonder, who are the humans and who are the new humans?

Dragon City did not use Red Rabbit, but chose [Elegy].

Dragon City was a little surprised that Araki Divine Sword did not take away [Elegy]. After Araki Divine Sword paid again, he had not yet completed the seizure again, but Araki Divine Sword still kept [Elegy]. The tone of her words was like this

He was dismissive and said that rich women never care about such a small amount of money.

Longcheng thought Araki was a good swordsman and hoped that she would have a smooth journey home.

[Elegy] is more flexible than Red Rabbit, has more auxiliary engines, and can complete more complex movements. It is equipped with two long knives, which is very suitable for training swordsmanship.

Horace sent Longcheng two swordsmanship videos, "Swordsmanship Basics" and "Swordsmanship FAQ Guide".

There are countless versions of swordsmanship holograms with similar names, and they are extremely widespread.

The one Horace had was certainly not an ordinary version.

The instructor of "Fundamentals of Swordsmanship" is Chang Yanxi. Jasmine checked the information and found that this person is a slightly famous swordsmanship professor. There are many videos circulating of explaining swordsmanship, but they are very different from this version.

The instructor of "Swordsmanship Frequently Asked Questions Guide" is He Zhen. No information about this person can be found on the Internet. Well, I can't find it...

Longcheng was very grateful to Horace and studied very seriously.

Jasmine on the sidelines could clearly see that the teacher's movements had become more reasonable, and all the minor mistakes and flaws that had occurred yesterday were corrected today.

Jasmine was already reciting silently in her heart, "My robot teacher Long Cheng..."

Thinking about the speed of her own progress, Jasmine was a little frustrated, but then thinking about Fermi who was progressing even more slowly, she became happy again.


Jasmine's attention was attracted by the [Elegy] light armor in the field. The teacher used the "Smoke Slash" technique in the swordsmanship just now, and the momentum immediately changed. The sword shadows were thick like smoke, like mist,

Like thousands of peaks, the black and red figure of [Elegy] looms in the smoke, overflowing with murderous intent.

However these are not the point.

Jasmine stared closely at the phantoms of smoke. She was very familiar with her teacher's "Smoking Slash" and was keenly aware that today's "Smoke Slash" seemed a little different.

With a thought in her mind, she switched the high-precision dynamic holographic camera from the holographic image mode to the energy observation mode. In the energy observation mode, it is a very practical function to be able to "see" the flow of part of the energy.

Jasmine's eyes widened when she saw the energy map in the camera.

Wait, this is...

A purple light armor whizzed past in the air.

The slightly tipsy Huang Shumei shook her head to the beat of the music. Pirates and other things had long been forgotten by her. Thinking of seeing Huang Feifei later, she felt even happier. Among the younger members of the family, Huang Feifei was the most fond of her.

Appetite is also her favorite.

It is said that Feifei's nickname in school is "Sister Pao". She has a bit of Huang Shumei's demeanor back then!

Huang Shumei's shaking head suddenly stopped and turned off the music.

She glanced at the radar, but there was nothing. She increased the power of the radar scan, and found that the surroundings were empty and there was nothing.

Under the brain control device, his cheeks were slightly flushed, and his lips still had traces of wine, but his smile was cold.

Someone is following.

There was an extremely subtle jump in the radar signal just now. Others might have ignored this weak signal feature, but she would not. Back then, she went out alone to explore, experienced all kinds of dangers, and experienced endless weird methods.

It's invisible light armor!

If she guessed correctly, the enemy should be forty kilometers away. The radar performance of [Aguda]'s equipment is excellent. Even if it is a stealth light armor, it will still leave a weak light on her main control optical brain after entering a range of forty kilometers.


The weak signal feature that flashed just now was probably because the other party did not control the distance well and entered the range of 40 kilometers.

She had a vague feeling before, and she trusted her intuition.

[Aguda] did not make any unusual movements, and continued to fly towards Fengren Light Armor Academy as if unaware.

In the cockpit, Huang Shumei, who was wearing a brain control device, reached out and touched next to the combat seat, and found a can of beer in her hand. While drinking beer, she observed the holographic map of this area.

If she guessed correctly, there must be an ambush waiting for her ahead.

Do you think she, Huang Shumei, is easy to bully because she is alone?

She counted her strategic reserves, one, two, three... and six bottles of beer.


This chapter has been completed!
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