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Day 162 Battleship Destroyer

Battleship Destroyer, Longcheng is quite skeptical of this statement.

As a single combat unit, how can light armor compete with battleships? Let alone battleship destroyers.

Of course, Long Cheng has never participated in a large-scale space war. So far, all his combat experience has been in the atmosphere and near the surface.

Or it would only be possible for a master like Uncle Horace who has mastered the control of light.

Dragon City is not sure.

With doubts, Long Cheng opened the parameter description of [Black Aurora], and then he was stunned.

"Teacher, how are you? Is the light armor okay?"

Jasmine's voice came from the communication channel. Jasmine, who had just raised the butcher knife high at Uncle Du Bei's place, her voice at this moment was full of satisfaction. Her young and kind heart was so easily satisfied.

After asking, Jasmine happily admired the charming numbers in her account. The beauty of the whole world was right in front of her eyes.

After a while, Jasmine realized something was wrong and the teacher didn't say anything.

When she came to her senses, had something happened? She quickly closed her account and asked tentatively: "Teacher?"

Still no response.

Could it be that... the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment?

Jasmine quickly comforted her softly: "Teacher, it's okay, we can assemble it ourselves. When Jasmine has money in the future, she will buy the best light armor and give it to the teacher!"

Longcheng's response finally sounded on the communication channel: "Burn it for me?"

Although the teacher's words made Jasmine want to punch him, but considering the disparity in strength between the two sides and the upcoming tutoring career, Jasmine decided to endure it and revealed her true thoughts: "It's okay, we can eat the big ones and go find Daodao."


Long Cheng ignored Jasmine, his eyes fixed on the parameters in front of him.

[Black Aurora], A-level medium-sized light armor, with a synchronization rate of 85%, a height of 24.5 meters, and a weight of an astonishing 191 tons.

The weight of [Black Aurora] far exceeds that of ordinary medium-sized light armor, and can almost join the ranks of heavy-duty light armor. Huang Shumei's [Aguda] weighs 243 tons, which is also a big guy among heavy-duty light armors.

The weight of [Yan Falcon] is 122 tons, and after being modified into [Red Rabbit], it is 152 tons, while [Elegy] is the lightest, only 106 tons.

With a dead weight of 191 tons, the speed of [Black Aurora] can exceed that of [Elegy], which is only 106 tons. This is due to its powerful heart, the [Tyrannosaurus] energy furnace.

The standard for an A-level light armor energy furnace needs to be High Energy -1 or above, but the [Tyrannosaurus] energy furnace is High Energy -2!

Another reason why [Black Aurora] is so amazingly fast is also related to its main engine. Generally speaking, mech armor will have a main engine with several sub-engines. The main function of the main engine is acceleration, and the sub-engine's

Its function is to control posture.

But [Black Aurora] has dual main engines!

It was the first time Longcheng saw a mech with dual main engines, two thick engine nozzles behind the mech. The two main engines would greatly increase the difficulty of operation.

The number of paired auxiliary engines is six.

The model of the main optical brain is [Kaleidoscope], which has extremely powerful computing power. Jasmine must like it very much.

Its radar model is very special, called [Flow].

Longcheng previously took advantage of Mr. Zhu's poor data processing ability to create a large amount of data, thereby further slowing down his response ability and thus gaining opportunities.

After exploring [Flow] for a while, Long Cheng understood why his tactics were so effective. Unlike what he thought, [Flow]'s detection accuracy was extremely high, but it would generate an astonishing amount of data. The data generated was a steady stream.

Like a rushing river, this is also the origin of its name.

Such a large amount of data can help a master who is good at data processing to master more information. But for a master who is not good at data processing, it is undoubtedly a nightmare.

Judging from the settings of the light armor residue, the radar data flow was adjusted to the lowest level by Boss Zhu.

It’s really a crazy setting, oh no, it’s a life-threatening setting.

The energy armor has 600 layers, which is just above the pass mark in A-level light armor, but thinking back on it, in order to break through the 600 layers of energy armor, I teamed up with Jasmine and tried all possible means.

The long-range weapon is the [Meteor] high-energy howitzer, with a rate of fire of 10 rounds per second. It can penetrate 400 layers of armor when hit and 200 layers of armor within the explosion range. It is undoubtedly devastating to B-class light armor, which generally has two to three hundred layers of energy armor.


That laser sword impressed Dragon City even more. It was called [Cold Alice], and its armor could penetrate up to 700 levels. In other words, even if [Black Aurora] was hit by itself, the energy armor would not be enough.

Long Cheng thought about it calmly. If [Elegy] had been hit at that time, it would have been able to achieve a perfect cut.

The incision is flat and the cut surface is smooth.

From the current point of view, the parameters of the entire light armor are very powerful and can instantly kill all the light armor in Dragon City. However, among the A-level light armors, it is only average and not very eye-catching.

Is this level enough to become a battleship destroyer?

Longcheng didn't believe it.

Until he saw the last item, he was stunned again.

The rigid flying wings on the back of the light armor are shaped like broad swords. Wait, aren't these flying wings?

Its name is "Energy Amplifier Board", which enhances the energy usage effect by 15%.

Energy amplifying board? It was the first time Long Cheng heard of this kind of thing. He asked on the communication channel: "Jasmine, do you know about energy amplifying board?"

"Energy amplification board?" Jasmine shook her head: "Jasmine has never heard of it. Jasmine will check it out."

After a while, Jasmine said in surprise: "There really is such a thing. It can enhance the effect of energy use. The specific parameters are unknown, and the manufacturer is unknown. There are pictures. Hey, isn't this the flying wing of the teacher's mech? Someone wants to buy it.

,Oh my god, so, so expensive!”

"So expensive?"

Jasmine yelled: "50 million a piece, the price is still negotiable. Oh my God, what is this, why is it so expensive? Is it inlaid with diamonds? Is it inlaid with a knife? The teacher has six yuan, three hundred million


Longcheng was also shocked by the price.

He now has a little money concept, but obviously, his money concept is far from reaching the level of 50 million.

In the communication channel, Jasmine said to herself: "There are many ways to increase the effect by 15%, but it's not worth 50 million! This is 50 million, and you can buy half an A-class light armor. Could it be... it's

Can the effects be stacked?”

Jasmine was stunned. She was shocked by her conclusion. Wouldn't six yuan increase by 90%?

Can the effect be superimposed? Long Cheng was reminded by Jasmine and read on quickly. After reading the explanation, Long Cheng's mouth felt a little dry: "It's not a superposition, it's a multiple. Each time the energy passes through an amplifier board, it is enhanced by 15%."

Jasmine quickly calculated: "Six amplifier boards, enhanced by 2.313060765625 times!"

She stammered: "This, this is not scientific..."

There are many ways to enhance the performance of a light armor by 15%. Even A-level light armor can still be achieved as long as you are willing to spend money. But if the energy effect is increased by more than twice, it can basically be said to be another level of light armor.

An ordinary A-class light armor probably costs about 100 million. If you want to more than double its energy effect, it is definitely not something that 1 billion can achieve.

How could there be such a perverted thing in this world?

No wonder someone is asking for 50 million to buy it. Bah, you want to buy it for 50 million?

If you only have one amplifier board, the effect will not be obvious, but if you have three or more, the energy effect will be greatly improved. Six? You can’t sell it even if you kill it!

Longcheng finally understood why this [Black Aurora] dared to call itself the "Battleship Destroyer". The fundamental reason was these six energy amplification boards.

Energy effect is the core performance of light armor, regardless of offense or defense.

[Black Aurora] has 600 layers of energy armor, which has just reached the passing line for A-level light armor, but after six energy amplification plates, it immediately soared to 1387 layers, which has exceeded the standard line of 1200 layers of energy armor for S-level light armor.

And [Cold Alice]'s 700 layers of armor piercing will immediately soar to 1619 layers of armor piercing. This value can already challenge Uncle Horace's [Streaming Light] super combat skill.

And if [Black Aurora] is driven by a master like Uncle Horace who has mastered the control of light, how terrifying will its power be?

Dragon City cannot estimate it.

There is no doubt that [Black Aurora] is fully qualified to be called a "battleship destroyer".

Dragon City calmed down quickly. Judging from the superficial numerical value, [Black Aurora] was unparalleled. However, its previous owner’s bones were still cold and did not show the astonishing power of [Black Aurora]. There must be a reason for this.

As he continued reading, Long Cheng didn't know what to say.

Each time the energy in the energy furnace passes through an energy amplifier plate, part of the energy is consumed, and the power of the remaining energy is enhanced, but the stability is reduced and the requirements for high-pressure support will be greatly increased.

The energy effect is increased by 15%, and the required high-pressure support is increased by 30%. With six amplifier boards, the high-pressure support strength suddenly increases to 4.83 times the original!

Rao Shi Longcheng's high-pressure support level is pretty good. Seeing this value, my heart still can't help but tremble slightly.

The high-pressure support required by A-level light armor is definitely not low. After 4.83 times...

He now roughly understood why the pirate leader whose bones were still cold did not exert the true power of [Black Aurora], and also understood why it was necessary to configure a high-energy -2 level energy furnace instead of high-energy -1.

The dual main engines require stronger multi-threaded operation capabilities, the [Flow] radar requires powerful data processing capabilities, and the energy amplifier board requires terrifying high-voltage support.

But unfortunately, the pirate leader seems to be bad at these three aspects.

Without these three items, [Black Aurora] is just an entry-level A-level light armor.

At the end of the explanation of the parameters of the light armor, Longcheng found the manufacturer of this abnormal light armor, Zhan Yaya.

A rather unfamiliar name.

In addition, there is a very small red warning statement: "Please be careful when activating the energy amplification board, the risk of explosion is high!"

Dragon City asked Jasmine to search for Zhan Yaya, but none of the information found was related to [Black Aurora].

Jasmine had a confused expression from beginning to end, and her open mouth never closed.

"Teacher, this mech is too weird. Who can pilot it? This Zhan Yaya must have had his brain crushed by the door! He crushed it twice!"

"That's right."

Long Cheng rarely agreed with Jasmine's statement, and then activated the light armor.

This chapter has been completed!
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