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Section 226 Perfect Data

The white [Jiugao] pierced the sky, the roar of the engine was deafening, and the thick red flame tail stirred the air, leaving a white trail in the sky.

The power of the main engine of the mech is turned to the maximum, and even the auxiliary engine, which is usually used to control the body shape, is running at full power at this time to increase the flight speed of the mech.

On [Jiugao]'s shoulders was a broken light armor with only half of its body left.

The mech armor's head was missing, its right shoulder completely disappeared, and various parts and fiber bundles were exposed. They were burnt black and melted into a ball, sticking to the frame of the cockpit. The thickest part of the mech armor, the chest cavity was completely sunken.

The large piece was severely crushed by a sledgehammer. The light armor's legs were bent abnormally and hung in mid-air.

Burnt marks were all over the body of the armor, and it was smoky.

[Jiugao] In the cockpit, Yao Beisi bit his lip and asked on the public channel: "Teacher, can you still persist?"

Teacher Guangjia's communication channel was almost completely destroyed, and only the public channel could barely be used.

"I'm fine."

Xu Boyan's voice sounded a little distorted and hoarse through the public channel.

Yao Beisi could hear the weakness in the teacher's voice. He guessed that the teacher might be injured and was very worried.

When he found the teacher, he was stunned by the sight before him. His first reaction was to open the cockpit of the teacher's light armor and check the teacher's injury.

But was stopped by the teacher.

The teacher ordered him to put on his light armor and return to the academy at full speed.

Halfway through, they received news that the college was being attacked by [Tianwei], which made Yao Beisi even more anxious.

Not caring about taking care of the light armor, Yao Beisi immediately turned on the [Jiugao] overload loading mode and increased the speed to the fastest. In the overload loading mode, the operating power of the energy furnace will greatly exceed the standard rated power, and the light armor can burst out even more energy.

Big energy.

The overload loading mode is also called the life-saving mode, because it will cause great damage to the light armor and greatly reduce the service life of each component.

[Jiugao] flew at a high speed that Yao Beisi had never experienced before, but he was not in the mood to enjoy it. Along the way, he occasionally encountered some defeated light armor and small battleships. Seeing [Jiugao] was like a mouse meeting a cat, and he avoided it.

Less than.

After a brief silence, Xu Boyan asked: "How is the situation at the college?"

His tone was very calm and calm, and there was no hint of anxiety or worry. He coughed twice just after he finished speaking.

Yao Beisi hesitated.

Xu Boyan said calmly: "Just tell me, it's okay."

I don't know why, but the teacher's voice was not very powerful, even out of breath, but it calmed down Yao Beisi, who was confused and confused.

Yao Beisi calmed down: "There is a half-black and half-red light armor attacking the academy. It is said to be Usiyak's light armor [Tianwei]."

Xu Boyan said: "It's the soul light armor."

Yao Beisi didn't know why the teacher knew: "Yes. According to the data comparison, it is the soul light armor transformed from Usiyak's [Tianwei]. The opponent also used super combat skills, and the [Star Nest Defense System] was attacked

, the situation is unknown now.”

Xu Boyan was surprised for the first time: "Super combat skills?"

"Yes." Yao Beisi also found it incredible that pirates could actually use super combat skills. He had too many doubts in his heart and couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, isn't Usiyak dead?"

Xu Boyan regained his composure: "The person dies, but the light armor is still there."

Yao Beisi was even more confused and said anxiously: "But except for Jacques, how can the other three have such ability? Also, where did they get the Aurora Titanium? And the super combat skills..."

When Xu Boyan heard about the super combat skills, he couldn't help but have a trace of worry on his face, but he didn't show any signs of it, but said casually: "Don't make random guesses. We'll know when we get there. How long will it take?"

"10 minutes left!"

"I'll take a rest for a while. Wake me up when the time comes."

Yao Beisi suppressed the anxiety and doubts in his heart and said quickly: "Yes!"

No matter what, everyone must hold on!

He couldn't help but clenched his fists.

In the cockpit of [Tianwei], An Guluo paid attention to real-time data and Billy's condition.

The effect of the calming agent gradually began to take effect. Billy's face no longer looked as ferocious as before. The bursting blood vessels and angry flush disappeared, replaced by calmness. Billy's face took on a strange gray-blue color, as if cast in cement.

It is solidified, and the blood vessels under the skin are clearly visible, like gray-purple spider webs.

An Guluo glanced at Billy's heart rate data. The heart rate was constantly rising, indicating that the battle was becoming intense.

Billy suddenly said: "He's tempting me."

His voice also changed greatly, and became as thin as an awl, as if it was about to pierce people's eardrums.

An Guluo was a little surprised: "Seducing you?"

"He was going to use the rhythm to wear me down."

"Can he wear you down?"


Billy's answer was crisp and clear, like a guillotine falling suddenly with cold light. He spoke and operated without any confusion.

Billy looked like a different person in front of him, which made An Guluo a little more interested.

In the past, Billy was drunk, irritable, and had an extremely bad temper. He was like a powder keg ready to explode. He was also unruly. In addition to respecting Usiyak from the bottom of his heart, he was often sarcastic towards others, including the boss An Guluo.


Once you accept the character design in front of you, it's quite interesting.

An Guluo complained silently in his heart.

He reminded: "Your body load is approaching the safety line."

Billy ignored it and concentrated on controlling the light armor.

An Guluo also focused his attention on the [Black Aurora] in front. The impact of the light armor would put a load on the teacher, but it had no effect on his light armor AI.

Even if it was a light-armored AI, he couldn't help but admire it.

What a perfect tactical move!

That's right, he felt that the only way to describe it was "perfect". From beginning to end, the master in front did not make a single mistake. Even Jacques, who has a calm personality and mature skills, would never be able to achieve such perfection!

This is why even though the opponent's reflection frequency is much lower than Billy's, Billy has never succeeded.

Not only Billy saw that the other party was deliberately seducing, but An Guluo also saw it.

The opponent did not make a single mistake, and showed no signs of slowing down. All the data proved that the opponent was able to do it with ease.

In a sense, the other party controls the current situation.

Perfect operation! Strong body!

What surprised An Guluo even more was that Billy had not succeeded in predicting anything in advance so far. Jacques had always been very strict with Billy because he believed that Billy's talent was better than his own.

In battle, Billy possesses beast-like intuition.

This shows how terrifying the other party’s consciousness is!

Angu has never seen such a perfect master. Look at the combat data he recorded of the opponent. It is concise, efficient, and has an indescribable mechanical beauty. It is a feast that no light armor AI can resist.

[Tianwei]'s light armor followed closely behind [Black Aurora], constantly changing directions and jumping at an astonishing rhythm.

The cockpit is spinning all the time, accompanied by violent shocks from time to time.

An Guluo is a light armor and is unaffected.

But Billy...

An Guluo glanced at it and noticed that the gray-purple blood vessels on Billy's face were expanding, his rapidly soaring heart rate began to touch the safety line, and his blood oxygen concentration was rapidly decreasing...

The guy in front is so awesome!

According to the normal operating procedures, the protection mode is activated at this time, and An Guluo will actively intervene to take over the light armor to ensure the safety of the teachers.

But...the data in front of him is so perfect. If enough data can be recorded, his combat database can definitely be upgraded!

An Guluo looked at Billy, whose breathing became heavier, and licked his lips.

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...

A soft needle swam out like a snake and suddenly plunged into Billy's neck.

This chapter has been completed!
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