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Section 308 and the Little Dinosaur

The 8th Block of Magnolia City is a bustling commercial district with numerous high-rise buildings and busy airways with constant traffic.

Strange-shaped aerial shops float in the air on both sides of the waterway. These aerial shops are built on self-floating island docks with their own docks for customers to land. In the eighth district where land is at a premium, the area is comparable to that of a small

The rent for the island's sky shops is extremely expensive, and only top merchants with strong financial resources will settle there.

For reasons of waterway safety, current federal law prohibits aerial stores from playing various projection advertisements outside the store to avoid distracting the driver's attention and causing serious traffic accidents.

At the corner of the eighth block, at the dock of an aerial store called [Zhongda Trading], an agricultural light armor transport vehicle was parked, with three light armors surrounding it.

Kang Ning asked: "Sister, the specific location of the target?"

Jasmine was very sure: "No. 442, Mingguang Street, Ninth Block!"

Kang Ning said solemnly: "Okay! We need to wait a moment, about ten minutes. I asked them to deliberately create a traffic accident, seal off the surrounding area and clear the area. It's a pity that one group is not here, they do this kind of work quickly and well."

Jasmine clenched her fists: "It doesn't matter, I will keep an eye on them!"

The person in charge of the store came out of the store and ran for a while. Kang Ning waved his hand to ignore them. The person in charge saw the situation and returned to the store and put up a closing sign.

In the communication channel, Kang Ning said proudly: "This is our second group's own store. It is located close to the ninth block, which is very convenient."

Jasmine was a little surprised: "Can the Police Department still do business on its own?"

Kang Ning quickly explained: "Yes, although the above funds are allocated every year, in fact it is far from enough. The government's finances are also relatively tight, so let us solve it ourselves. Each group has its own business scope, and our second group is responsible for waterway patrol.

Security inspection is also a business in this area. Sister, if you want to purchase any goods in the future, let the branch know, we have internal channels."

He said it very cryptically, and Jasmine didn't quite understand it, but the other two old Jianghu people understood it instantly.

Yang Laohu sneered: "That's right, the smuggling channel of the Security Department is safe and worry-free!"

Yuanzhi smiled and said: "Actually, we also have channels in Ishikawa. No one dares to check Ishikawa's ship, and He Dai's army will not care about it."

Jasmine was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

Being squeezed by the two men, Kang Ning was not angry at all and said: "Because Ishikawa and He Dai's army have an agreement. Decades ago, Ishikawa produced a very powerful super master? Uomanoori. At that time, he had an affair with He Dai's army.

There was a conflict? So we went to the headquarters of He Dai's army, had a fight, and signed a twenty-year agreement."

"Huh? I remember the agreement is about to expire."

Yang Laohu and Yuan Zhi didn't say anything. Kang Ning's words did speak to what they were most worried about. The reason why Ishikawa has such a transcendent status? In addition to having many masters, there is another important reason. It's because of this agreement.

The agreement will expire next year? No one knows what will happen to Ishikawa by then.

Jasmine exclaimed: "So powerful! He can actually fight with He Dai's army! Is this Yu Maodian super master still in Ishikawa?"

"No more. The fish master left Ishikawa more than ten years ago and never came back." Yang Laohu's tone was a little low: "Those of us? Including Zong Shen? We all received the guidance of the fish master back then."

Kang Ning couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Ishikawa is really a treasure land of Feng Shui! A super master like Yu Shi can actually be born. Now the sect god is also quite extraordinary. He has a bit of the demeanor of Yu Master when he was young. As long as he can be promoted to a super master, he can

He’s a fish master!”

Yang Laohu and Yuan Zhi were silent.

Everything went smoothly, and the target in the room did not notice anything unusual.

Jasmine vaguely felt that she had forgotten something. After a moment, she suddenly realized it and quickly looked at the surveillance camera in the car behind her. Her eyes suddenly widened.

Wait, where is the teacher?

The carriage door opens? [Black Aurora] sits quietly in place, while the Dragon City next to it disappears.

Jasmine hurriedly asked on the communication channel: "Did you just see someone leaving from the back of the carriage?"

The three of them said in unison: "No!"

As soon as the words fell, the three people reacted, and their expressions suddenly changed!

Was there anyone in the carriage? Did the people in the carriage leave under their noses? The three of them were completely unaware of it?

This is impossible!

The three of them are all 11th-level teachers, and their insights are so sharp. How could someone slip away under their noses without even noticing?

Could it be Boss Luo?

The three of them were so excited that they shut up and stopped talking.

Jasmine had calmed down at this time and immediately found the location of Dragon City through the communication module.

On the three-dimensional map, a green light point is slowly moving.

Jasmine hurriedly zoomed in, and then saw a shopping and sightseeing car driving slowly towards the distance. At the pier of every sky store, many shopping and sightseeing cars would be parked for customers to use.

The teacher actually got into a shopping sightseeing car...

And none of the four of them noticed it.

It's really hard to take care of such a naughty child... Jasmine couldn't help but complain secretly in her heart.

She suddenly became curious, where did the teacher want to go?

To Jasmine, the security system of the shopping tour bus seemed to be undefended. She easily hacked into it and read the destination information.

——Emily Snack House.

Snack shop? Jasmine was a little puzzled. She quickly found this shop on the map, and after zooming in, she couldn't help but laugh and cry.

The appearance of Amelia Snack House is in the shape of a red apple.

The Longcheng children’s obsession with apples… is really scary!

Well, after confirming that the teacher had not lost it, Jasmine felt relieved and put the teacher's location information in the most conspicuous position. She was not worried about the teacher's safety, but worried that the teacher accidentally beat someone to death or broke up, which would cause trouble.

Not only will he be wanted, but he will also have to pay compensation!

Moreover, without the teacher, Jasmine can show off her talents!

Jasmine suddenly became excited again.


Long Cheng stood in front of the door of Emery's Snack House, with his head raised and staring at the huge apple in front of him, his expression blank.

The apple in front of me... seems a little different?

Where to start nibbling?

What made him even more confused was that he couldn't smell the sweet smell of apples.

A little girl wearing green dinosaur children's pajamas staggered out of the store door. The dinosaur's open furry mouth was wrapped in a small round face like a red persimmon. She was carrying a little yellow duck's backpack on her back.

, the flannel dinosaur's tail swings from side to side with its swaying steps, it's really cute.

The little girl's bangs were combed in front of her forehead, and her expression was very confused, as if she hadn't woken up. She was holding a chocolate bar in her hand, biting it.

Long Cheng stood in front of the little girl and he smelled the smell of apples.

The little girl stopped and opened her confused eyes, staring blankly at the figure in front of her with a confused expression.

The little girl was very short, only 1.55 meters tall. She looked up at Dragon City.

Long Cheng lowered his head and looked at the little girl.

The two looked at each other with equally confused and confused expressions.

After half a minute, the little girl's confused eyes recovered a little. She noticed Long Cheng's gaze and stared at her schoolbag. She seemed to understand something, so she generously handed a chocolate bar to Long Cheng.

Long Cheng didn't answer, and still stared directly at the little yellow duck schoolbag on the little girl's back.

The little girl thought blankly for more than ten seconds, then took off her schoolbag, took out a piece of Shaqima and handed it to Long Cheng.

Long Cheng remained motionless and continued to stare at the little yellow duck's schoolbag.

The little girl dug out her schoolbag again. After a while, she took out a rainbow lollipop and handed it to Long Cheng.

Dragon City does not move.

Sea Salt Crackers…

Satay beef jerky…

Flavored seaweed…

Finally, the little girl took out an apple. Long Cheng's eyes suddenly brightened up. He took the apple and started to chew it.

The little girl blinked and stayed for more than ten seconds, then suddenly turned around, swung the dinosaur's tail and ran into the snack house.

The corner next to the door of Amélie Snack House.

Two figures, one large and one small, squatted side by side on the ground. One had a little yellow duck schoolbag in front of him, and the other had a bag of apples in front of him.

Click, click.

Long Cheng concentrated on chewing the apple, and the little girl concentrated on chewing the chocolate bar.


"Sister! The area is cleared! The cordon has been set up! The net can be closed!"

In the communication channel, Kang Ning's voice was full of energy, as if he was reporting to his superiors. So far, his ability has been much better than that of Yang Laohu and Yuan Zhi.

Jasmine was already impatient: "This is the arrest plan I just made! One copy for each person! Don't act without authorization!"

"Yes!" "Understood!" "Listen to the big sister!"

Jasmine's tone was serious: "We want to arrest people alive, and I want to ask them why they reported me! Now I announce..."

Jasmine suddenly noticed the signal on the light screen, and her eyes lit up: "Wait! There is a communication call coming in! This guy has accomplices! We will catch them all by then!"

"Got it!" "Okay!" "Big sister is so powerful!"


"Turn left ahead and you'll find the Ninth Street District..."

7758 suddenly stopped and didn't speak. When the speeding car passed the intersection, it turned to the right and entered a channel with endless flow.

Mr. He immediately became alert: "Is there something going on?"

What the 7 series is best at is long-range sniping, and it has unusual sensitivity and intuition for danger.

7758 said with a sullen face: "Someone is watching, but I haven't figured out the location yet."

Mr. He's heart sank, and he said: "It seems that they may have been exposed. I will try to contact them."

7758 said yes.

Mr. He was very cautious. He first adjusted the protection of the communication system to the highest level before calling 5968.

The moment the communication was connected, the light curtain in Mr. He's field of vision immediately lit up a red alarm.

——"You are under an unknown attack!"

Without any hesitation, Mr. He hung up the communication in a flash.

His face looked ugly: "They were exposed!"


"We're exposed!"

Although Lao Wang was not very talented, he was extremely experienced. The moment his superior hung up, he understood what had happened.

He was very calm: "Get ready to break out!"

Zhang Peng was so frightened that he jumped up from the sofa and followed Lao Wang with his bare feet in a panic.

The two rushed into the underground light armor warehouse, and a gray light armor appeared in front of them.


Jasmine's expression changed drastically: "No! They've been discovered! Act now! Catch them!"

Upon hearing this, the three light armors immediately swooped towards their destination in the ninth district.

Although they still haven't figured out what this group of people reported to Sister Jasmine, since they offended Sister Jasmine, they deserve to be unlucky.

All three of them are level 11 masters and are confident in their own strength.

Jasmine looked at the three light armors nervously. She thought her monitoring was very covert, but she didn't expect to be discovered... This group of people is quite capable...

Don’t let the fish get away!

Marshal Jasmine’s first command operation must end with success!

The teacher is not here... Hey, what is the teacher doing?

Jasmine took the time to take a look at the teacher's position. The teacher was still at Amélie Snack House, but her position had not moved.

Wait, the teacher won’t treat other people’s houses like a giant apple and eat them, right?

Jasmine felt a dull pain in her head. She just hoped that the teacher would be merciful and not eat the wall bare. Now she had no money to compensate!

When she thought about having no money, she thought about being reported on the black market, and became even more angry. She immediately said bitterly in the communication channel: "We must catch them!"


In the endless waterway in the sky, a small business spacecraft was mixed in with the traffic. It had been flying for several hours and still had not found its target.

The atmosphere inside the spaceship was solemn.

Nancy was a little nervous and couldn't help hugging McCaws' arm. McCaws gently patted his wife's arm to encourage her.

Next to Nancy, sat a dignified old man with gray hair. He was Nancy's father, the elder Simons of He's family.

Ke Xing sat beside him with a respectful expression.

But the eyes of everyone present fell on a woman wearing a white priest uniform. In front of the woman was a silver alloy suitcase. Inside the box was a set of black monitoring instruments and 360 monitoring equipment over the city.

The devices are connected to form an airtight monitoring network.

The woman's face was cold. On the light screen that popped up from the alloy suitcase, messages flowed past at high speed. Suddenly, the light screen lit up with an alarm.

"Capture special energy fluctuations! Model: 5!"

The woman said in a deep voice: "I caught it! It's them, Series 5!"

Simmons said solemnly: "Please help me, sir!"

The woman nodded: "Don't worry, they can't escape. All the 5 series are on our death list. Most of the other series are individual killings, but the 5 series is keen on causing large-scale chaos and death. I don't know how many families have been destroyed!"

Deserve to kill!"

She stopped talking and quickly entered the key.


Click, click...

Long Cheng suddenly stopped chewing the apple and tilted his head to look at the dinosaur girl squatting next to him.

The little girl was motionless, with half a piece of Shaqima left in her hand and crumbs still stuck to the corner of her mouth.

A series of instructions lit up in the little girl's field of vision.

"Request order received!"

"Requester: Mo Yuying, identity verification passed, request command passed!"

"Received the permission key, passed, combat status activation, code name [33], activated."

"Authorization level: Level 3 authorization. Whether to enable super master, no. Whether to enable light control, enable. Super combat skills are optional, 1/3."

"Light Armor [Mountain Throne], S level, configured. Delivering in progress, delivery successful."

A pure white light armor with golden patterns stopped in front of Dragon City and the little dinosaur girl.

The mech armor carried a large sword that was almost as tall as the mech armor, and held an astonishing Gatling howitzer in both hands. The barrels were extremely thick and numerous, and the densely packed muzzles were facing the two people.

Bang, half of Shaqima fell to the ground.

The children's dinosaur pajamas and little yellow duck schoolbag remain in place.

The engine roared suddenly.

This chapter has been completed!
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