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Chapter 357: The Master Blesses!

Jasmine knocked on the stainless steel rice bowl, looking dissatisfied and raising her voice.

"My dear, beloved teacher, is this the result of your visit to the martial arts school? One is seriously injured and two are semi-disabled. In other words, we have lost three adult laborers in the blink of an eye?"

Long Cheng, who knew he was in the wrong, lowered his head to eat and said nothing.

Mo Wenchuan next to him was filled with shame and his face turned red.

This morning he was carried back by Longcheng.

As a sparring partner, he was exhausted before the practitioner. [Thunder Knife] Mo Wenchuan had never done such a shameful thing. Faced with Jasmine’s questioning, he didn’t know how to defend himself. With his physical condition today, during the day

Nothing can be done.

Jasmine looked stern, put down the spoon, and twirled her fingers: "We have a treatment device. It doesn't cost much to treat Zong's injuries, but the money for medical supplies is indispensable. Now the farm is starting up, and there is so much work to do every day. Now,

There are three less laborers, but the three are still the most able to work. A batch of seedlings have just arrived, and if they are not planted today, the activity of the seedlings will be lost by at least 35%! With our current economic situation..."

Long Cheng interrupted Jasmine: "I will plant all the seedlings!"

Mo Wenchuan stretched out his hand weakly: "I still have some money, and I can pay for the loss caused by missed work."

Jasmine originally wanted to say that since everyone is so poor, it’s better to go out and find ways to make some money. It’s great to fight and kill, and the money comes in quickly. What’s the point of eating black and white, eating the king’s meal...

Interrupted by these two people, Jasmine's hard-earned momentum suddenly collapsed. Especially since the teacher looked serious, Jasmine had a headache and was worried. Will the teacher rush up and beat her?

She coughed lightly and her voice was as gentle as water: "Teacher, don't work too hard. Jasmine will feel bad if you are exhausted. If you lose a little seedling, you will lose it. It is not worth much."

She turned to look at Mo Wenchuan, her tone returned to her usual businesslike tone: "How much money do you have?"

Rom watched Jasmine's performance with great interest and felt that he was too wise. Fortunately, he didn't follow him to the martial arts gym last night. Look at Mo Wenchuan, he was embarrassed and lost money. It was really miserable. Zong was the worst in the chop, and was seriously injured and fell into coma.

Why don't you just call him Zong Misan from now on? Why are you so happy? Hahahahahaha!

However, to be able to push Longcheng into such a miserable state, the martial arts school has something special.

Roman's eyes were deep, and after clearing away the rice bowl, which was as clean as new, Shi Shiran stood up. He was looking forward to finishing the work early and going back to continue the unfinished disassembly of the light armor last night.

After "friendly consultation" with Mo Wenchuan, Jasmine achieved her goal and left with satisfaction.

Only Long Cheng and Mo Wenchuan were left in the restaurant, and the air was very quiet.

Mo Wenchuan was cooking rice in silence. The usually tempting pork ribs now tasted like crap, and his heart was not at peace at all. After a while, he suddenly raised his head: "They are really super chefs."

Long Cheng glanced at him and felt a little strange. Didn't he say that earlier?

"Three super masters. I never thought that I, Mo Wenchuan, would be able to see three super masters with my own eyes one day."

Mo Wenchuan's tone was full of emotion, and he looked at Longcheng with an extremely complex look: "It allows three super masters to undergo special training, so, Dragon Apple, who are you?"

Long Cheng felt a little confused. You even shouted "Dragon Apple" and you asked me who I was?

Mo Wenchuan suddenly put down his rice bowl and couldn't help but say sincerely: "What a precious opportunity this is! An opportunity that many people dream of! Special training for three super masters! Those are three super masters! Dragon Apple!"

He became excited and said to himself: "I can see that they really want to teach you. They think highly of you, Dragon Apple. You deserve it. Your talent is so high that I have never seen it before."

.You should not waste your talents. You have talents that countless people can only dream of. You must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Although I don’t know their names, no one will have such an opportunity again with three super masters as training partners.


Long Cheng glanced at the impassioned Mo Wenchuan, quietly pulled Mo Wenchuan's rice plate over, and with lightning speed, pulled the ribs inside into his bowl.

"Maybe my strength is nothing in your eyes." Mo Wenchuan showed a bitter smile: "My talent is not as good as yours. I don't have the guidance of a famous teacher, let alone a super master, there are no more powerful masters. I

All I know is that I piece together things, challenge and learn from each other, and then figure it out on my own. I don’t know if it’s right or not, so I look for dangerous tasks everywhere and test them in actual combat.”

He slowed down his tone and said sincerely: "I'm not saying this to show my bitterness. I just think this opportunity is too precious. Please don't miss it."

Long Cheng, who was biting his ribs, was moved by Mo Wenchuan's sincerity. He put down his rice bowl and said seriously: "I know."

Mo Wenchuan stared into Long Cheng's eyes: "Then why did you refuse the daytime special training?"

Long Cheng said seriously: "I want to farm. I am a farmer, and farming is my job."

Mo Wenchuan was stunned. He saw only sincerity and seriousness in Long Cheng's eyes, without any perfunctory expression.

Farmer? Farming?

Long Cheng stood up and asked before leaving: "I'm going to start farming. What kind of work are you doing today?"

Mo Wenchuan woke up from a dream. He fell into a brief moment of confusion and blurted out: "I, I paid the lost wages..."

Long Cheng shouted, limped and turned around to leave the restaurant. A moment later, the roar of [Iron Plow King] sounded.

In the empty restaurant, Mo Wenchuan stood in front of the dining table in despair, with a bowl of white rice in front of him almost untouched.

On a hillside of the farm, Jasmine couldn't help but sigh as she watched [Iron Plow King] galloping happily around the farm.

The teacher is obviously a cool killer who can kill everyone in the training camp, why does he like farming so much? Isn't it good to fight and kill? Isn't it cool? Farming is not cool at all... and he is still poor!

Teachers can't even support themselves by farming.

Forget it, this shaky home that may go bankrupt at any time can only be saved by the kind-hearted Jasmine!

Jasmine clenched her fists, full of fighting spirit.

She turned over and jumped down the hillside, and came to a piece of grassland that looked the same. The scenery in front of her suddenly changed. The blue sky, white clouds, and green grassland disappeared. In front of her, a newly dug hole revealed the alloy gate underneath.

She finally found the abandoned training camp, just underneath this inconspicuous-looking hillside.

At the foot of the hillside, in a grassland that looked no different from other places, Jasmine dug three meters into the ground to dig out the gate. A camouflage device was installed at the entrance of the gate, which could escape the scanning of various scanners and release fake

The signal is perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment.

Had it not been for Jasmine Qiongwang... who was determined and scanned the entire farm inch by inch with a high-precision wave detector, digging again and again, otherwise she would never have been discovered.

Jasmine marveled at how advanced the technology of this mysterious organization was. Judging from the corrosion level of the alloy gate, it can be judged that this training camp was built for at least two hundred years. However, the signal released by its disguiser not only works normally, but can still perfectly deceive the market.

Use mainstream scanners.

When Jasmine dug out the entire gate, she found that it was larger than she expected, a circular gate with a diameter of more than thirty meters.

The erosion of time has still left traces on the gate, which is a thick gray-black color with mottled rust marks. There are no patterns on the surface of the gate, and there are no unnecessary decorations. There is a line of small words next to it, indicating that this is not the gate of a training camp, but

It is an emergency escape exit.

Jasmine scraped some powder from the gate and did a composition analysis. Jasmine had never seen a similar alloy formula. She also searched a lot of information and papers, but could not find a similar formula.

The performance indicators of gate alloys are very amazing, and they can be used to make light armor. However, in training camps, they are only used to make escape exit gates. Similar gate alloys are often called "silly and thick" because of the huge amount used.

Some cheap materials.

Are cheap materials so good?

What kind of amazing organization does the teacher come from?

A strong curiosity arose in Jasmine's heart, and she looked forward to the underground training camp even more. This is Jasmine's treasure. Whether she can become rich overnight depends on it!

Jasmine came to the control box next to the gate, squatted down, and asked expectantly: "How is it? Has it been cracked?"

Sanxiao replied weakly: "No."

Jasmine's brows knitted together and her face sank: "It's been three days, it's been three days, and you still haven't cracked it? Are you so lazy that you want Sister Jasmine to tear down this broken door yourself?"

Song Zhong: "Sister Jasmine, I can't open it."

Suo Ming: "Sister Jasmine, it has a self-destruct program."

Xinbu said aggrievedly: "Sister Jasmine, its algorithm is so strange. We have never seen it before, and it is completely different from now. There are also some strange codes that we have never seen before."

Jasmine was dumbfounded.

People are at the door of the treasure, but the door cannot be opened...

Poverty calms me down!

Jasmine took a deep breath: "What should we do now?"

Upgrading demolition equipment requires money, and forceful demolition can cause self-destruction. Farms on the verge of financial ruin cannot afford the subsequent costs of a large explosion.

Xing Bu came up with an idea: "If there is more information and more codes, we may be able to decipher their code base. Sister Jasmine, do you want us to dig other places first? If we dig out other things, light armor or spaceships

Ah, there is their core program on it, the higher the intelligence, the better. After we eat it, we will definitely be able to crack it."

Jasmine has great trust in Sanxiao's cracking ability.

Although they are created and cultivated for the purpose of assisting light armor in combat, they are also good at fighting between AIs.

Because they are AIs born from the fighting of countless intelligent programs, it is their instinct to "devour" other weak AIs to strengthen themselves.

“The higher the level of intelligence, the better?”

Jasmine was talking to herself, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Can the smashed AI core be used?"

The three little ones looked at each other, and everyone was a little hesitant.

Song Zhong: "I like to be alive."

Suo Ming: "The body must be fresh enough."

Xingbu said weakly: "Then... give it a try?"

Jasmine no longer hesitated, yes, she remembered the AI ​​core that was smashed by the teacher, Guide-0179!

In terms of seniority, he is also his ancestor! Anyway, the core is completely cold, that... the rich water should not flow to outsiders...

Master bless you!

This chapter has been completed!
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