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Chapter 65 Do you want to sign?

Jasmine was a little scared. Even the soundproof door of the room could not stop the sound of a landslide and tsunami outside. The teacher could not understand what kind of sensation completing the challenge would cause, but as a "senior player", Jasmine knew very well. In any city, this would

It will become a hot event. People will come to the holographic network center where the challenge is completed like a tide to take photos as if they themselves participated in this event.

Commonly known as punching in.

Reality and the Internet are two completely different worlds for Jasmine. On the Internet, she is a domineering analyst and a two-dimensional active and cute girl, but in reality, she is just a timid and introverted girl with no social experience.

She was a little nervous.

Long Cheng noticed Jasmine's nervousness and became alert, asking: "Is there any danger outside?"

Jasmine swallowed and forced herself to stay calm: "No, no."

But it seems to be of no use...

Long Cheng noticed that Jasmine's legs were shaking: "Are you scared? Jasmine."

Jasmine's legs shook even more: "No...no."

Long Cheng's expression became serious, his lowered eyes flashed with murderous intent. Jasmine was so scared...could someone outside want to steal their loot?

"Jasmine, don't be afraid."

As soon as the teacher finished speaking, Jasmine's neck tightened, her eyes behind the black frames suddenly widened, and her quiet and delicate face under the bangs looked confused.

Long Cheng grabbed Jasmine's neck with one hand, like grabbing the soft flesh of the back of a cat's neck, and picked her up directly.

If it were an ordinary human, the neck would be a fragile part, and Longcheng would have to worry about not being strong enough and accidentally twisting it off. But Jasmine wouldn't. The neck muscles are strong and elastic, and the inside is a high-strength alloy skeleton. The important thing is the thickness of the neck, which is very handy.

Long Cheng looked straight at the door, with a serious expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Jasmine, we are going out."

The confused Jasmine responded unconsciously: "Oh..."

The door slowly opened, and Long Cheng no longer hesitated, carrying Jasmine and stepping out of the room.

Outside the door of the game room is a small platform with guardrails.

When Long Cheng's figure appeared, louder cheers immediately erupted in the holographic network center. Many people couldn't help but start applauding, whistles and screams came and went, and the whole place was boiling.

Longcheng remained unmoved.

He stood on the platform, carrying Jasmine, looking down from a high position, and his cold eyes slowly scanned the dense crowd below.

Where is the danger? Who wants to steal his loot?

Since the riot in Zhao Ya, Longcheng has become more vigilant and alert towards crowded places.

Slowly, everyone realized something was wrong. Dragon City's expression was so serious that it didn't look like he had just finished a shocking personal challenge. Shouldn't he be smiling, cheering, and talking incoherently with excitement? Why were the audience more excited than the main character?

And the murderous look of Longcheng...

As if liquid nitrogen was injected into a boiling red furnace, the warm and crazy atmosphere suddenly cooled down, and the voices became quieter and quieter, until the whole place was silent.

Fermi, who was immersed in the novel, suddenly realized that something was not right. Hey, why was there no sound? Wasn't it noisy just now? What happened? He raised his head again, and there were still people around him.

Why is there no sound?

Femi struggled to stand up and followed everyone's gaze. Hey, Long Cheng and Jasmine came out. The posture was a bit strange, but thinking about the tragic conditions of classes every week, the strange posture became uncomfortable in Femi's eyes.

Quite strange.

They have to kill ten times a week, what can't these two people do?

He raised his arms and shouted loudly: "Dragon City, Jasmine, I'm here!"

Long Cheng carried Jasmine, jumped off the platform, and landed steadily.

"Dragon City!"

A strange voice sounded. It was Yu Zhe. Yu Zhe said politely: "Hello, Longcheng. I am Yu Zhe."

"Hello, I am Long Cheng."

Longcheng's blunt but polite response was a bit cold.

Yu Zhe showed a kind smile: "Dragon City, can you take a step to speak? Regarding the [Mingkong] liquid metal robot, I have a..."

Long Cheng thought to himself that he really wanted to take advantage of his trophies. He said expressionlessly: "No."

After saying that, before Yu Zhe could speak, Long Cheng carried Jasmine and walked outside. Femi quickly followed after waking up from a dream. Long Cheng's rejection was so straightforward that Femi didn't even have time to save him. Now he wanted to

I feel like crying.

Yu Zhe, Yu Zhe, the president of Orange Cat Poetry Society, the real boss!

Does this...offend Yu Zhe?

Yu Zhe was also stunned by Long Cheng's straightforward rejection. He didn't react for a moment. How long had it been since he had been rejected like this?

The crowd watching the melon-eating immediately became excited, Yu Zhe, that is Fengren’s dangerous boss, Longcheng is so disrespectful, this is going to be big news!

And the smart ones have already started broadcasting. With such a grand occasion, how could it not be broadcast live?

I originally thought that Dragon City's completion of the "Ultimate Skills Test" would be big news, but I didn't expect that it would come up again and again. It was so exciting!

Wherever Dragon City passes, the crowds automatically separate like the tide.

Suddenly, Long Cheng stopped, and a woman stood in front of him. The woman was wearing an atomized mask, and her entire face was shrouded in mist, making it blurry.

"Long Cheng, you tricked me last time and stole my prize this time. It seems that we are really destined."

In fact, Araki's Divine Sword is not too angry. With 200 million in hand, he is very confident. It's just a [Death Scythe] and not much money, so it's not worth being angry.

I just didn’t expect that Longcheng would just go in her direction and make way for Longcheng? Doesn’t she, the Araki Divine Sword, have no face?

Long Cheng's face was expressionless: "Who are you?"

Her prize? It's obviously his trophy! Another person who pays attention to his trophy.

The onlookers were immediately excited, and some people immediately shouted: "She is the Araki Divine Sword!"

Femi, who originally thought the man in front of him looked familiar, reacted when he heard someone remind him. Wait, the Araki Divine Sword? The Araki Divine Sword who was knocked unconscious by the Dragon City explosion and his true appearance was revealed?

Is this... an old grudge coupled with a new grudge?

Femi was suddenly worried. The two of them wouldn't fight on the spot, right?

Long Cheng went through it in his mind and said firmly: "I don't know him."

Then he ignored the Araki Divine Sword and continued to move forward with Jasmine. Femi followed Long Cheng with eyes, nose, nose and heart, and passed by the Araki Divine Sword. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the Araki Divine Sword trembling with anger.

It's so pitiful.

Femi really wanted to tell her that Long Cheng didn't lie. If you show your face, maybe Long Cheng will recognize you, but I've never seen your name before.

Hey, why did you say "maybe"?

Well, there's another mortal enemy.

Fermi calmed down instead. For the King of Soldiers, he was destined to become the public enemy of the whole school. Every novel about the King of Soldiers is written like this. Can other authors write nonsense?

Two big bosses hit a wall in a row, and no one dared to stop Longcheng.

Deng Deng Deng, someone was chasing after him. Long Cheng turned around and frowned.

Another woman! Another unknown woman!

Huang Feifei stopped and said excitedly: "Longcheng, I am Huang Feifei, and I am your fan!"

She had wanted to step forward for a long time, but she didn't expect Yu Zhe and Araki Shen Dao to take the lead.


Long Cheng relaxed his brows. He was not here to steal his trophies. He knew what fans were. At Zhao Ya's concert, he remembered that many people said they were Zhao Ya's fans that day, and then they all made the same move.

Longcheng suddenly asked: "Do you want an autograph?"

With the sudden words, the expressions of everyone watching the excitement suddenly became dull. They asked Sister Pao if she wanted an autograph?

Huang Feifei was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, Longcheng, you are quite dry and humorous! It turns out you are boring!"

Huang Feifei's smile was brilliant and bright, just like her cannon fire. She seemed to have discovered a new world and stared at Dragon City.

Long Cheng looked at her seriously and looked at each other. Both of them found that something was wrong, and Huang Feifei's smile gradually stiffened.

Long Cheng was sure from the other party's eyes that she didn't want a signature at all.

She is not a fan.

Long Cheng came to the conclusion and turned around and left without hesitation.

Huang Feifei's expression was dull and confused, and he didn't know what happened. Femi also looked confused and didn't know what happened, but he still followed. The onlookers also looked confused and didn't know what happened.

On the way back, Jasmine asked curiously: "Teacher, why did you suddenly ignore Huang Feifei just now?"

"She's not a fan."

Jasmine said oh, she has been on the Internet all year round, so of course she knows about fans. So, Jasmine, who was led astray by Dragon City, began to think seriously, is Huang Feifei considered a fan?

It seems like it is, but it doesn't seem like it is.

No, you have to figure out what the fan standards are before you can complete the judgment.

Femi looked at the abnormal two people speechlessly. Forget about non-human beings like Longcheng, whose brain circuits are filled with the smell of rust. Now even Jasmine... No, Jasmine is a new human, and her brain circuits... okay, she

It is not human in the first place.

Could this be the legendary Shuangfei?

Can't afford to offend!

Fermi gave up completely. He no longer cared about offending another big boss.

Leave the Holographic Network Center and return to the laboratory warehouse.

Long Cheng sat down next to Chitu, leaning against the cold steel armor. He felt inexplicably safe, and his tense nerves relaxed. After three hours of hard fighting, fatigue came over him like a tide.

He fell asleep.

Jasmine, who was about to cook, stopped. After a moment, the insulated lunch box came quietly. Jasmine opened the insulated lunch box, took out a small floral tablecloth from it, and gently covered the teacher.

The sleeping teacher is like a child.

It goes so well with this tablecloth! So cute!

Jasmine secretly stuck out her tongue proudly, then tiptoed away, with the insulated dining cart floating behind her like a little tail. She was going to cook so that when the teacher woke up, there would be delicious food to eat.

Femi lay on his simple bed and continued to immerse himself in the novel "The King of Soldiers". Today's experience was so exciting that only novels could make him forget the troubles of reality and heal his frightened little heart.

As for the reaction on the school network, he knew it would be exciting without even looking at it.

Forget it, he still wants to read a few more Prince of War novels and doesn't want to die young.

This chapter has been completed!
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