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Section 71 Jin Hai's Invitation

"Nine Styles of Guidance" gave Longcheng a big surprise. Its effect is very good. It was originally expected that with the help of the gravity bracelet, it would take three weeks to fully recover, but Longcheng expected it would only take about a week.

After his body recovered completely, he could start practicing "Smoking Slash". He rehearsed "Smoking Slash" many times, sorting out almost all the details he could think of, chewing and rehearsing it over and over again.

This is his study habit.

Jasmine is reporting: "Judging from the information collected so far, there are almost no public skills for controlling awns, and they are completely in the hands of various schools and large groups. Unless you join these schools, it is difficult to obtain the skills of controlling awns. Jasmine searched for information about controlling awns in previous years.

The number of Mang’s papers is very small, and Jasmine also found a large number of deletion traces.”

Jasmine pushed up her eyeglasses on her nose: "This is an inspiration to Jasmine."

Long Cheng and Fermi both pricked up their ears and listened intently.

"Jasmine decided to look for clues from these deleted papers. The reason why the papers were deleted must be because they involve the theory of light control. How to find these papers? Jasmine began to inquire among energetic scholars.

Finally, hard work paid off. Jasmine found an old man who had a hobby of collecting papers, and got many related papers from him that had been published many years ago but had been deleted. I made them into a list file and sent it to the teacher."

Jasmine puffed up her chest: "Teacher, don't worry, Jasmine will also study these papers, build models, conduct deductions, and strive to break the evil feudal factions and large group blockades as soon as possible!"

Longcheng sincerely thanked: "Thank you, Jasmine!"

Jasmine's face turned red and she felt a little embarrassed: "This is what Jasmine should do. Teacher, you are too polite!"

Femi on the side witnessed this tender scene and was deeply moved. He couldn't help but said: "Otherwise, there will be no classes this week?"


Long Cheng and Jasmine objected in unison.

Fermi: “…”

Jasmine continued: "The teacher asked for information about Yao Tianlai. Yao Tianlai was born in 3610. He was naughty when he was young. Later, he went through hardships and became a super master. At the age of thirty-two, he became the head of the Yao family. The teacher said Yao Xinglian and Xiao Yuzhen

The information was not found, it should be family secrets."

"In 3652, the Hundred Years War broke out. Yao Tianlai joined the then extremely powerful Landu Empire the following year and became the first king of the Landu Empire with a foreign surname. In 3661, the war raged, and Yao Tianlai was ordered to guard the Lando Empire's Xilan defense line, but was assassinated.

The cause of death is unknown.”

"The Yao family began to decline from then on. After Yao Tianlai, the Yao family never produced a super master again. And in the 33rd year after Yao Tianlai's death, that is, in 3694, a coup occurred in the Lando Empire. The following year, Lando disintegrated.

Since then, the Yao family has wandered around and worked for multiple organizations and regimes. However, the situation is irreversible. They are gradually being marginalized and less and less information can be found."

Longcheng didn't expect that Yao Xinglian's memory chip turned out to be an ancient artifact from hundreds of years ago.

Yao Tianlai, who was as towering as a mountain, took his legend and became a part of history. The sad stories of Yao Xinglian and Xiao Yuzhen were lost in the long river of time.

But yesterday, the extremely real dream opened a corner of the long curtain of time. Hundreds of years later, I walked into Yao Xinglian's once vivid world and felt his joys, sorrows, and joys.

Long Cheng felt a complex and unspeakable emotion in his heart.

The emotion passed away in a flash, as fast as an illusion, and Long Cheng regained his composure: "That means that the "Nine Guided Styles" will not cause trouble?"

Jasmine said seriously: "Yes."

Long Cheng said: "Then I will teach you."

Jasmine and Femi were stunned and looked at each other.

Jasmine said: "Teacher, I am a new human being..."

"Give it a try." Long Cheng thought for a moment and said, "The body structure of the new humans completely imitates humans. It may be useful, it may not be useful, I don't know. Anyway, it's free."

Jasmine stood up straight with her legs crossed, bowed at 90 degrees, raised her ponytails in two arcs, and said loudly: "Teacher, Jasmine will definitely work hard!"

Fermi didn't know what to say. He just felt his mouth was dry: "I..."

He has been in the army and has been in society, so he knows how valuable the things that Longcheng takes out are. If it were him, and he got the "Nine Guides", he would definitely keep it carefully, tell no one, and leave it to his descendants in the future.

In fact, he has no qualifications or opportunity to touch such advanced skills.

Longcheng: “Want to live or die?”

Fermi was stunned for a moment: "That...want to live."

"Study hard." Long Cheng continued: "I don't want to wear out a game cabin, so I have to find an assistant."

Femi's eyes turned red.

Jasmine suddenly exclaimed: "Teacher, we have a guest. He is the man who helped Harold deliver the sword last time. He said he has something to come to see you!"

Long Cheng's eyes lit up, and he asked as he walked out: "Are you here to send something again? What are you sending this time?"

Jasmine called up the surveillance camera: "It seems that he came empty-handed and didn't bring anything."

Long Cheng stopped and said, "No."

Jasmine said after a while: "He said that he has something very important to discuss with you, teacher, which is related to your future. How about we meet, teacher?"

Jin Hai sensed that he was being watched from the moment he stepped onto the dock of May-Catherine Laboratory, and he was mentally prepared for this.

Even a blind man can see the amazing talent displayed by Longcheng.

Jin Hai knew that the competition he was about to face would be very fierce, and no one would let such a talented and potential star slip away. But Jin Hai had enough confidence because of his master's instructions.

No matter the cost.

Jin Hai has followed the master Norman for many years and knows how important these four words are when they come out of the master's mouth.

Under the gaze of several eyes hidden in the dark, Jin Hai swaggered into the May-Catherine Laboratory.

After expressing his intention to come, Jin Hai met Long Cheng, and Femi and Jasmine beside Long Cheng were completely ignored by him.

Even though it was not the first time he saw Long Cheng, Jin Hai was greatly impressed by the calmness that Long Cheng showed.

His attitude was sincere: "Longcheng, this time I am here on behalf of Wanshen Group and invite you to join us."

"We have been paying attention to your performance and think you are one of the most talented young people in Fengren. The group attaches great importance to you and believes that you have enough potential to become the core of the group in the future. The group is also willing to help you

Pay any price, as long as you ask."

Jin Hai saw Long Cheng calm and calm as usual, and he appreciated it even more: "I am here this time just to make initial contact on behalf of the group to express to you how much the group values ​​you. The group has made an extremely serious and detailed evaluation of you. As long as you are willing, the group will

Someone will be sent to explain your future plans in detail. The group can guarantee that the resources invested in you must be of the highest level. Medicines and exercises have already been prepared for you."

Jin Hai noticed a slight change in Long Cheng's expression when he mentioned "Kung Fu", and was secretly delighted: "We have a dedicated echelon, guided by famous teachers, top-notch equipment, and even the sparring staff earns 120,000 an hour.

.The small planet of Xingxing can no longer accommodate you. Dragon City, you need a wider world to unleash your unparalleled potential..."

No, he likes the farm, he likes grandma, he doesn’t want to leave the farm, he doesn’t want to leave Xingxing.

Long Cheng shook his head: "No, I refuse."

His tone was not serious, but extremely firm.

This chapter has been completed!
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