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Chapter eighty-six home

When the familiar land appeared in the field of vision, Longcheng Mo was a little excited.

Gone home.

He closed his eyes and smelled the green smell of vegetation and the faint fragrance of flowers in the humid air. Spring had just been planted when he left, and the air at that time was filled with the smell of earth. A month later, the seeds had sprouted and the seedlings were growing vigorously.

The leaves have become broad and plump. Some early-flowering crops, such as pink-tailed stalks, have sprouted clusters of buds. Bees flap their wings and buzz back and forth across the fields, tirelessly.

The farm was a little different from when he left, but it was inexplicably familiar. Long Cheng's whole body relaxed involuntarily, and he felt indescribably relaxed and comfortable, like a dry river bed being moistened.

And peace of mind.

All worries seemed to be far away from him, and there was no killing.

Jasmine looked at the teacher curiously. It was the first time she saw such an expression on the teacher's face, and she found it very interesting. She couldn't help but think of the big fat cat raised by Mrs. Anai. It was an orange tabby cat.

It is fat and lazy. What it likes to do most is to lie in the sun and bask in the sun. Whenever this happens, it will squint its eyes and look relaxed.

But the teacher was so fierce, and he actually showed the same expression as Da Ju.

Oh, by the way, the name of Mrs. Anai’s fat cat is Big Orange.

It’s so similar!

Jasmine couldn't help but stretched out her palm and touched Long Cheng's cheek. Every time Daju was basking in the sun, Jasmine would slowly stroke it, and Daju would lie on her lap with an expression of enjoyment, and sometimes even

It will make a comfortable humming sound.

If her hand stops, Daju will open his eyes and stare at her with a puzzled expression, as if to say why did he stop?

Seeing that the palm of her hand was about to touch the teacher's cheek, Jasmine's eyes widened and she was so excited. Will the teacher also enjoy it like Da Ju? Oh my, the picture in Jasmine's mind almost made her burst into tears!

Jasmine saw a shadow flash before her eyes, and then she tightened her wrist, and a strong force came, and the world was spinning.


Jasmine's body fit perfectly with the interior wall of the cabin, and after two seconds, she slowly slid down like a piece of dough.

When she struggled to stand up from the ground, Long Cheng's expressionless face appeared in her field of vision.

"what you do?"

Jasmine said: "Teacher, I just saw there was dust on your face."

No, Jasmine felt that she had shit in her head. She actually associated the teacher and Daju together. What else could this mean if she didn’t have shit in her head? That fat and lazy tabby cat, and the teacher who kills people without batting an eye and eats people without letting them go.

Salt's killing machine is completely a creature from two planets.

At this moment, Femi staggered out. He was sleepy and yawned: "Are we at the farm?"


"Actually, it's not that far." Femi chuckled and poured himself a glass of water: "It's my first time out of school in Longcheng, so I was a little worried. It seems that my worries were in vain, everything is calm!"

The first day he met Long Cheng was still vivid in his mind.

Femi remembers clearly that Long Cheng asked him if the school holidays were the "murder window period", which left an indelible impression on him.

Calm and calm?

Jasmine pretended that nothing was wrong and pushed up the black-rimmed glasses on her nose.

If Fermi had known that the spaceship containing three corpses was about to explode in outer space above their heads, I wonder if Fermi would have said everything was calm. Oh, and there was also a guy whose name he didn't know ran away.

Fermi looked around: "Hey, where are the apples you bought?"

Jasmine glanced at the teacher and saw that Long Cheng had no intention of answering, so she said, "I didn't buy it."

Femi yelled, and suddenly he whispered: "Moli, what's wrong with your neck?"

Jasmine was expressionless: "The third cervical vertebrae was broken, causing the neck to bend slightly to the side."

Fermi was a little surprised: "Am I so harsh?"

He looked at his palm and murmured to himself: "I have become stronger!"

Jasmine: “…”

The spaceship arrived at the farm, and people kept hearing noises in the wooden house below. The familiar faces made Long Cheng excited. The scene in front of him reminded him of the first day he arrived at the farm, which was exactly the same as before.

Behind her, Jasmine was chanting word by word: "Hot, fierce, welcome, welcome to Dragon City, return home."

Long Cheng's face turned red.

He didn't know why his face was red, and his cheeks were so hot that he felt like they were about to burn. But what was even hotter was his beating heart. What was flowing in it was not blood, but hot magma.

The images from the past overlap again.

I was once helpless, but now my heart is on fire.

Jasmine noticed that the first word "hot" was pasted on a wooden board, lined up with other abandoned farm armors. She thought of the crooked word "hot" written on the chest of King Tiegeng before her teacher, and then she suddenly understood.

Before returning to the farm, Long Cheng said hello to grandma.

There is no entertainment life on the farm, so the return of Dragon City is regarded as a festival.

Grandma was very happy to see Long Cheng. When she saw Jasmine, she smiled from ear to ear. She grabbed the little girl's hand and couldn't let go.

"Oh, the little girl is so handsome!"

"Dragon City wants it! I went to school and kidnapped a little wife and came back! Look how good she is!"

"How about his ability? No one can compare to him in digging holes and driving piles!"

Grandma’s face smiled like a flower, but she said: “Go, go, talk nonsense. Don’t scare Jasmine!”

He turned to Jasmine and showed a kind and kind smile: "Jasmine, ignore them and come and eat an apple!"

Everyone was equally enthusiastic about Fermi.

"Thank you for your hard work, driver. You've come all the way, come here, come here, eat more, eat more!"

"The driver comes here to eat fruits, which are all grown by us ourselves!"

"Master driver, have a cup of tea, this year's new tea!"

The dinner was a feast for the whole village that had been prepared long ago. As night fell, the whole farm was decorated with lights and colorful, full of people and lively.

Fengren Guangjia Academy.

Harold was a little impatient: "What's going on? Where are the Mo Zhai guys? Are they all fucking dead? There's no news at all, they're a bunch of losers. Go and ask them, what's going on?"

Jin Hai winked at a guard, who quickly understood and contacted Mo Zhai.

Jin Hai supports the young master's plan. When the group recruits experts, background checks are essential steps, and family public relations are also common methods. As a space pirate, he does not rule out intimidation and threats. If the target does not agree, kidnapping is fine.


After a while, the guard looked ugly and said, "We can't contact them."

Harold's face darkened: "Did he run away?"

His first reaction was, could Mo Zhai be a spy from another group hiding beside him? This kind of thing is not uncommon, but this is the first time it has happened to him.

Jin Hai was more experienced and realized something was wrong, and said in a deep voice: "Check their location."

Every combatant of the group will have a positioning chip implanted in their body, so the group can find their location at any time.

After a while, the guard who got the results couldn't help but exclaimed: "They left the Star and were flying in the direction of the Qingling Star. They changed to a spaceship, and the registration information was a private transport spacecraft from the Qingling Star.


He is indeed a spy!

Harold was furious: "Chase! Chase me!"

Jin Hai stood up excitedly: "I'll chase them."

This chapter has been completed!
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