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Chapter 1410 Bamboo Garden

In Weiyang Palace, Wen Shaoyi was dressed in white and stood quietly by the window. The sun was setting, and the golden light shone on him, as if he was covered with a layer of sacred brilliance.

Originally relegated to immortality, his elegant and graceful body was inexplicably filled with loneliness and sadness.

Gu Chunuan stood outside the palace, watching his every move.

At least two-thirds of the Weiyang Palace was burned down, and many attics were reduced to rubble.

Even the palace where Wen Shaoyi slept was reduced to nothing, and the extent of the fire was worse than she imagined.

At this moment, what he was standing in was just a small study room.

After waking up, Wen Shaoyi seemed to enjoy standing by the window and admiring the scenery.

Gu Chunuan took a cloak, put it on him, and said softly, "The sun has set, and the wind is strong by the window. You are injured, so you should not blow the wind."

"Is this justice from His Majesty?"

Wen Shaoyi was still looking out the window, without even raising his head. His voice was very soft, but his words were very strong.

"Amo has already promised me that he will never do it again in the future. I have also demoted him to the rank of Momei. He has always been mentally ill, so please forgive him this time."

Wen Shaoyi sneered silently, his gentle face full of ridicule.

Guarantee? Never do it again?

Is it possible?

He has been dealing with the Demon Lord for many years, and he still has some understanding of the Demon Lord.

Gu Chunuan may have seen the sarcasm on his face, or maybe he didn't see it and brought up a topic.

"The Weiyang Palace burned too much. I will find a new palace for you to live in. Wait...when the Weiyang Palace is rebuilt, you can move it back if you want. Little Butterfly, do you have a palace you like?"

The two of them had a tacit understanding.

With the current economy of the Bing Kingdom, it is impossible to rebuild the Weiyang Palace.

It won't be possible to rebuild for at least a few years.

Wen Shaoyi was silent and didn't even show an expression.

Gu Chunuan coughed a few times and said, "Ningyi Palace has a quiet environment and a hot spring inside. All the harem attendants throughout the ages have wanted to live in Ningyi Palace. How about a reward from there?"


Still so quiet.

It was so quiet that the only sound was his breathing.

"How about I give you the Furong Palace? Furong Palace is majestic and full of carved beams and painted buildings. It is the best palace in the harem besides Weiyang Palace."

He didn't speak again, he seemed dissatisfied.

"Where is Mianze Palace?"

"How about Quanfu Palace?"

"Or what about Mei Pavilion?"

"Little Butterfly, I know that Amo went too far this time. I promise you that this kind of thing will never happen again in the future, and I will make it up to you. However, when I was in danger, Amo sacrificed himself many times.

I owe him a favor to save him alive, and indeed...it is impossible to relegate him to limbo."

"Just think for my sake that adults don't remember the faults of villains. Can you spare him this time?"

"Let's go to Zhuyuan. If your Majesty really wants me to move to a different place, just ask me to move to Zhuyuan."

Gu Chunuan was startled.

Bamboo garden?

Bamboo Garden is located in a remote area.

It is far away from her Fengluan Palace or any of the palaces in the harem.

Only the unfavored harem attendants will be assigned there.

It's said to be a cold palace, but that's pretty much it.

Because no emperor would go that far to visit a harem attendant.

Gu Chunuan carefully considered the meaning of his words.

Does he hate her, don't want to see her, or does he have other motives?

"Little Butterfly, the Bamboo Garden is really too far and desolate. How about you choose another place?"

Wen Shaoyi sneered, his words full of ridicule.

"Your Majesty holds the power of life and death, and he is the emperor of the Ice Kingdom. His servants are no more than a harem attendant. Your Majesty wants Shao Yi to live wherever he wants. Shao Yi is free to do as he pleases."

This chapter has been completed!
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