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Chapter 631 The Tea Is Poisonous

Gu Chunuan's breath was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't go up or go down.

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

Finally, they came to the main hall.

From a distance, Gu Chunuan saw Gu Chuyun and General Xiao talking about something. They were chatting happily, and Gu Chuyun resigned politely.

The moment they passed each other, she and Gu Chuyun stood looking at each other.

Two sisters, two temperaments, two eyes.

One with an inquiring look.

One with a slight sinister smile.

Gu Chuyun smiled and said, "Third sister, I haven't seen you for a long time. I never thought we would meet at the General's Mansion."

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. My second sister's breath seems to be different from before." Gu Chunuan smiled half-heartedly.

"Isn't the third sister different from before?"

Both of them were smiling, but there seemed to be something in their smiles.

Xiao Yuxuan couldn't read the meaning in their eyes, so he interrupted, "Gu Chuyun, we have already terminated our engagement, why do you keep running to my house every two days?"

"Xuan'er, I have recognized her as my adopted daughter. From now on, she will be your adopted sister. Please be more polite."

General Xiao walked over with his head held high, almost blowing his beard and glaring his eyes to warn Xiao Yuxuan.

"Dad, she came to the General's Mansion with no good intentions at all. How could you trust a Green Tea White Lotus?"

"Master Xiao, how can you say that to me? I just respect the old general, that's why I often come to the general's residence."

"Bah, what respect? We are both from the imperial capital. Since you respect me so much, why haven't I seen you here before?"

"I didn't know the relationship between the old general and my family before, so..."

Gu Chuyun was scolded by Xiao Yuxuan, and his eyes instantly turned red. He wanted to explain anxiously, but he didn't know how to speak. He looked very lovable.

When General Xiao saw this, he didn't know what he was thinking, so he scolded Sang and Huai, "How dare you, you are not allowed to be rude to Miss Gu Er in the future. My General's Mansion will be Miss Gu Er's home from now on. She can come whenever she wants." , she can leave whenever she wants, and no one is allowed to stop her. Miss Gu San, you have been running to the general's mansion for two days in a row, I wonder what your purpose is? Why are you trying to get the emperor to cancel the engagement? "

Gu Chunuan's eyes narrowed.

What did Gu Chuyun say to the old general that made him take such good care of her?

"Dad, it was I who begged the ugly girl to go to the palace to find the emperor to take back the marriage decree. If you want to blame me, just blame me."

"You bastard, let's see how I deal with you later."

Gu Chuyun looked at everyone and bowed slightly, "Old General, the time for classes in the academy is coming soon. Chuyun is not welcome to stay in the general's mansion, so Chuyun will leave first."

"Okay." Old General Xiao's sullen face relaxed a little.

After Gu Chuyun left, the smell of gunpowder smoke rose again.

Xiao Yuxuan said, "Dad, that woman Gu Chuyun is not what she looks like. Don't be deceived by her."

"Come here, send the young master back to the house immediately. Don't let him out without my order."


Several guards forced Xiao Yuxuan out, and Xiao Yuxuan was so angry that he cursed, "Old man, you put me under house arrest again for the sake of an outsider. In your heart, isn't your son worse than an outsider? Let go, let me go. .”

No matter how much Xiao Yuxuan cursed, he was still taken away. General Xiao glanced at Gu Chunuan, who was still standing there, with a bad attitude and a cold tone, "I wonder what else Princess Han has to do?"

"Old General, can I talk to you alone?"

Gu Chunuan saluted solemnly, with a humble and polite attitude and pleading eyes.

General Xiao wanted to kick her out directly, but Gu Chunuan performed a grand ceremony. This ceremony was the highest level of etiquette in the Night Kingdom, and ordinary people would not do it easily.

As he spoke, he still made a gesture of invitation.

Gu Chunuan smiled slightly and bowed again, "Thank you, old general."

After entering the house, Gu Chunuan looked at the layout of the house. This was a study room with many military books, as well as a pair of armors and weapons.

The armor shone with a cold light, and there were many scratches on the outside. It seems that this armor has been on the battlefield with him for many years, and the scratches were also left on the battlefield.

"Princess Han, don't hesitate to speak up if you have something to say. Apart from us, there are no outsiders here."

General Xiao was quite polite and asked someone to serve her a pot of tea before speaking slowly.

Gu Chunuan smelled the fragrance of the tea. Although it was not the best tea, it still tasted quite mellow.


As a doctor, she was sensitive to the fact that the tea that General Xiao drank had a different taste from hers, and was also mixed with several chronic poisons.

Gu Chunuan said, "Old general, your tea seems to be different from that of the younger generation?"

General Xiao thought that Gu Chunuan meant that he kept the good tea for himself and gave her the last tea.

He couldn't help but explain, "My tea is only low-grade Tieguanyin. Because I have been restless recently and had poor sleep, I put a few more herbs in the tea. Princess Han's tea is medium-grade Tieguanyin, which is also the best in our general's mansion."

It’s tea.”

Gu Chunuan believed what he said.

The old general probably served the best tea in the general's mansion.

His family is too poor, so he would be reluctant to buy even the finest tea.

"I don't know what kind of medicinal materials are added to the old general's tea. The younger man smells it very fragrant and wants to make a few pots and drink it to satisfy his appetite."

She had a smile on her face and her attitude was still modest and polite, and she didn't seem to be looking for trouble.

General Xiao's cold attitude relaxed a little, "I guess it's because I added tea vine incense, mango grass, and red root."

"I smell it, and there seems to be a hint of qiluo grass."

General Xiao was startled for a moment.

Qiluocao, it seems that there is no such medicinal material in tea.

"Princess Han, people don't speak secretly. If you want to say anything, just say it."

"Has the old general been having nightmares recently, feeling restless, anxious, and has a faint headache and bone pain?"

A cold light shot out of the corner of General Xiao's eyes, and his aura as a general was fully displayed.

This kind of momentum is so overwhelming that people can't breathe, as if they are surrounded by thousands of troops and cannot break through no matter what.

Gu Chunuan said, "I don't mean to stir up trouble, but the herbs in the old general's tea add up to a kind of chronic poison. It will cause people to transfer their minds unconsciously, and finally fall into death without anyone noticing."


"That's nonsense." General Xiao slapped the table, furious.

"If the old general feels that what I said is false, you can ask the imperial doctor to test the tea. Although several medicinal materials have similar medicinal properties, it is difficult for ordinary people to detect it, but as long as someone with superb medical skills examines it carefully, they can still find it out."

"Princess Han, what exactly do you want to say?"

"Old General, why don't you ask the imperial doctor to test the tea first? If you want to ask for anything, this junior must first test the tea."

Gu Chunuan wanted to speak directly and tell him about the Jade Clan.

But with the old general's attitude towards her, there was no way he would agree to it.

Crazy concubine who likes miracle doctors: The God of War Prince is obediently pampered

This chapter has been completed!
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