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Chapter 734 Unable to Fusion

"This alchemy furnace was left over from thousands of years ago. Only it can hold seven dragon balls."

The Ninth Elder looked at the alchemy furnace with infinite emotion in his heart.

The alchemy furnace has been lost several times over the past thousands of years, and each time they found it with great effort.

In order to protect this alchemy furnace, the Jade Clan also sacrificed many people.

The seven dragon beads are in seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, and each dragon ball is blooming with bright light.

No matter which dragon ball they are, they have spent countless blood and countless generations of talent to collect it.

Several elders couldn't help but burst into tears.

Gu Chunuan didn't have that much time to hurt Qiu Beiyue.

She only knew that her brother Chenfei could not survive any longer. If she delayed for one more minute, the possibility of death would increase for brother Chenfei.

And she couldn't accept that brother Chen Fei died in front of her eyes.

"How will my blood be used?"

"Just drop your blood in the alchemy furnace."

"Are there any blood volume requirements?"

"This... shouldn't exist. Our ancestors didn't leave any information about how much blood is needed."

Gu Chunuan nodded, bit his finger and dripped his blood into the alchemy furnace.

When the alchemy furnace came into contact with her blood, there was a sudden burst of phoenix chirping, and there was even a colorful phoenix flying soaring around the alchemy furnace.

"What's going on with this colorful phoenix?"

Several elders looked at each other.

They can't understand it either.

Perhaps only the great elder can know, but the great elder's current life and death are unknown, and his whereabouts are also unknown.

They went to invite the Supreme Elder, but the Supreme Elder was in retreat. They called several times but did not invite the Supreme Elder.

Because they were afraid of affecting the Supreme Elder's practice, they did not dare to disturb the Supreme Elder all the time.

Gu Chunuan curled his lips, "There are so many Supreme Elders in the Tianfen Clan, don't we have no Supreme Elders in our Jade Clan?"

"This... the Supreme Elder does exist, but he has gone into seclusion. Chief, because of the blood curse, our Jade Clan cannot live long at all. Most of them have died at a young age. In fact... they are not as good as the Tianfen Clan.


Gu Chunuan understood.

It is precisely because of this that the original owner did not dare to attack the Tianfen clan despite having so much power.

Because the background of the Jade Clan is not as rich as that of the Tianfen Clan, and outsiders cannot predict how many immortals there are in the Tianfen Clan.

Now that things were like this, Gu Chunuan could only put all seven dragon balls into the alchemy furnace, and then asked several elders to guard the formation for her.

She used her inner power to activate the alchemy furnace, and used the fierce fire in the alchemy furnace to fuse the dragon beads.

As time passed by, there was no movement from the alchemy furnace except for a few phoenix sounds at the beginning, and the seven dragon beads showed no tendency to be refined and fused.

Gu Chunuan was startled.

It shouldn’t be. Didn’t it mean that after the seven dragon balls are collected, they can be fused using this alchemy furnace?

Could it be that too little blood was given?

Thinking of this, Gu Chunuan took a small knife, cut his wrist, and dripped the blood into the alchemy furnace.

She didn't dare to put too much in at once for fear of having the opposite effect.

However, she practiced again and again, and added blood again and again, but the dragon beads still showed no signs of fusion. Instead, she was exhausted, and her face turned pale due to excessive blood loss.

"What's going on? Did you make a mistake?"

The Ninth Elder picked up an ancient sheepskin scroll, looked at it for a long time, and shook his head. He was also extremely puzzled.

This chapter has been completed!
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