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Chapter 632 Begging the Old General to Give His Life

General Xiao was still hesitating, so Gu Chunuan continued.

"You are a veteran general on the battlefield. I believe that although the body's changes are slow, you can still notice it, right? Test the tea residue. If it is not poisonous, it is best. If it is poisonous, can't you treat it as soon as possible?"

"Although I don't know why you hate me so much, I believe that I have no enmity with you and have no reason to harm you. If I wanted to harm you, I wouldn't let you test the tea."

"Old General, you don't have to believe me, but you are the backbone of the Night Kingdom, so you should take care of yourself for the Night Kingdom."

"Come, please invite Doctor Chen and Doctor Ma. Don't alarm anyone, and don't reveal any information."


Dr. Chen and Dr. Ma have followed General Xiao for many years and are his most trusted military doctors. Because the old general is often injured on the battlefield, the two doctors have always lived in the general's residence to treat him at any time.

Soon the two doctors came to the study to test the tea in front of General Xiao and Gu Chunuan.

After almost half a stick of incense, the two doctors were suddenly startled.

"General, this tea is mixed with several conflicting medicinal materials. It is a chronic poison."

"Yes, these medicinal materials have similar medicinal properties. We have tested it many times before we found out. General, you have been feeling unwell recently, which is most likely caused by this tea."

"Are you sure? Is it possible that the test was wrong?"

"It's impossible. We've experienced it many times. It's definitely a chronic poison. It's our incompetence that didn't discover the poison in the tea. If... if the general takes it for another half month, I'm afraid... I'm afraid that the poison will already be gone.

It’s heartbreaking.”

The two doctors knelt down with a plop, "General, although you are deeply poisoned, you can still give it a try. However, I am afraid that all your skills will be lost, and... and it is very likely that you will become paralyzed, or even

Life is not guaranteed.”

General Xiao's face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

I don’t know if it’s because of what the two doctors said or what.

He weakly waved his hand and asked the two doctors to retreat, leaving behind the words, "No one can leak this matter."


Gu Chunuan said, "Don't worry, old general. I can cure this poison, and it won't make you paralyzed, nor will you lose your life."

"But all my martial arts skills will be ruined, right?"

Gu Chunuan said nothing.

He has been poisoned for too long. Although the poison is chronic, it can spread and multiply crazily in the body.

General Xiao smiled bitterly and said solemnly, "How long have I been poisoned?"

"Probably...more than a year."

"More than a year...how could it be...how could it be her..."

General Xiao's eyes were distracted, and all the strength in his body seemed to have been drained away. He fell weakly on the stool, as if he was thinking of the person who poisoned him.

Gu Chunuan probably also thought of the person who poisoned her.

"The old general has been in the battlefield for decades. He should know that a person's eyes cannot deceive others. The old general must know better than me what kind of person Gu Chuyun is. I just don't know why the old general still trusts her so much."


General Xiao was silent, as if he still didn't believe the outcome.

"Junior will venture to guess that the reason why the old general thinks so highly of Gu Chuyun is because Gu Chuyun has another identity, and the old general trusts this identity very much, so he has never been wary of it."

"She is young and no matter what her status is, she is not worthy of the old general's unconditional trust, so the problem must lie with her parents."

"I am also the third young lady of the Prime Minister's Palace, but the old general ignores me. Therefore, the person whom the old general trusts cannot be Prime Minister Gu. The only possibility is Gu Chuyun's biological mother."

"Gu Chuyun's current biological mother is just an aunt. She doesn't have that much ability. I guess the old general thinks that Gu Chuyun's biological mother is someone else."

General Xiao seemed to have aged ten years. The corners of his eyes no longer had any luster, but he let out a long sigh.

"You are very smart, so smart that you remind me of an old friend."

"But old general, have you ever thought about it, if Gu Chuyun's biological mother is someone else, how did she know about her life experience? How could she poison you?"

"You want to say that everything was planned by her?"

"Shouldn't that be where we should think?"

"But why did she want to harm me?"

"Now we have to ask General Xiao what secrets he has."

A secret sentence made General Xiao wary, and then he thought of the purpose of her coming to the general's mansion for two days in a row.

"Let's not talk about her purpose. Let's talk about you first. What is your purpose?"

"I want the Dragon Balls."


General Xiao threw away all the pen holders in his hand, with a flash of shock in his eyes.

But the shock quickly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

But Gu Chunuan caught it.

"Who are you?" General Xiao said with murderous intent. He surrounded Gu Chunuan with overwhelming murderous intent. It seemed that as long as he wanted to kill, he could directly kill Gu Chunuan.

Gu Chunuan lifted up her clothes, knelt down, and kowtowed three times. Her eyes turned red, and she swallowed, "Gu Chunuan, the junior leader of the Jade Clan, knows that what he wants is too difficult for the world to tolerate, so he still begs Xiao

Old General, save thousands of people of the Jade Clan."

General Xiao staggered, almost unsteady on his feet. His pupils widened and he looked at Gu Chunuan in disbelief.

"You...what did you just say?"

"The junior leader of the Jade Clan, Gu Chunuan, implores General Xiao to save the tens of thousands of people in the Jade Clan. As long as you are willing to save the Jade Clan, no matter what conditions you put forward, I will agree to them all and you will... lose one life."

, committed suicide in front of your grave."

As Gu Chunuan spoke, he knocked his head three times again.

She had no other choice.

We can only plead with General Xiao to sacrifice his life voluntarily.

If she could use her life to save the Jade Clan, she would choose to sacrifice herself without hesitation.

But it happened to be General Xiao.

His life is also fate. What qualifications does she have to ask him to sacrifice herself for the Jade Clan?

"You said you are the leader of the Jade Clan, what credentials do you have to prove it?"

Gu Chunuan took out a token from his arms. The token was simple and elegant. On the front was engraved a large "order" character, and on the back was engraved a jade character and a plum blossom pattern.

"This is the order from the leader of the Jade Clan."

"Just relying on a clan leader's order cannot prove your identity, what if you were robbed."

"How does the old general want the junior to prove it?"

"Take me to the Jade Clan and meet the elders of the Jade Clan. Only after meeting the elders can I believe it."

"Yes, but it's a long way from here to the Jade Clan. If General Xiao agrees, can I take you to Shuramen first, the first floor in the world. These two places are the property of the Jade Clan, and the old general should know that.

There are also Sixth Elder and Seventh Elder. They have also left the Jade Clan and are near the Imperial Capital. You can also meet them first."

"Okay, I happen to know the sixth elder and seventh elder of the Jade clan."

Gu Chunuan was overjoyed and said, "Junior will take you there right away."

Crazy concubine who likes miracle doctors: The God of War Prince is obediently pampered

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