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Chapter 999 Listing

“Write ‘Huaxia University·Jinchuan Normal University’!”

Jin Feng took out the note he had prepared and handed it to Fang Lingjun.

"Hua Xia University? Jinchuan Normal University?" Fang Lingjun stared at the words on the note and fell into deep thought.

In Dakang, Huaxia has always been the name of the Han people in the Central Plains.

No matter how the dynasties change, no one has ever denied that they are descendants of China.

From the words "Hua Xia University", Fang Lingjun felt Jin Feng's strong self-confidence and understood Jin Feng's determination to unify China.

The suffix Jinchuan Normal University shows that Jin Feng’s goal is not just one school.

In the future, there may be other colleges such as Mianzhou Normal University and Xichuan Normal University.

There is no need to think too much about the words Jinchuan and College. What really attracts Fang Lingjun is the word normal.

The more important a Confucian is, the more he likes to talk about words.

"Mr. Jin, the word "Shi" in the word "Shifan" should be master, which means teacher, right? What does Fan mean?" Fang Lingjun asked.

Hearing this, Jin Feng quickly lowered his head and took a sip of tea.

In fact, he chose this name entirely because of the inertia of his thinking.

Aren’t the schools that trained teachers in previous lives all called normal universities?

He really never thought about why Normal University is called Normal University.

But since Fang Lingjun asked, he definitely couldn't answer like this.

While drinking water, he pondered for a while, then raised his head and said: "Fan means model. Normal College is a place to train teachers. I hope that the students who go out from here can take on the responsibility of being role models and become teachers' role models."


"That's it!" Fang Lingjun nodded suddenly: "Liu'er Xiaoning, get some paper and prepare ink!"

"Yes!" Luliu and Xiaoning hurried to the room and took out pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

Fang Lingjun rolled up his sleeves and stood attentively for a while, then picked up his brush and wrote down ten characters: Huaxia University and Jinchuan Normal University.

Although Jin Feng didn't know much about calligraphy, he still felt an unusual flavor from Fang Lingjun's calligraphy.

This is the charm of calligraphy.

At Jin Feng's request, Fang Lingjun added his name and date at the end.

When the ink was dry, Jin Feng called the hammer in and asked him to take it with him to make the plaque.

The village now has many carpenters, and the plaque was made that afternoon.

Early the next morning, Fang Lingjun gathered the scholars on the playground and held a hanging ceremony.

According to later historical records, on October 10, the first year of the New Year, the first university in Dakang, "Huaxia University Jinchuan Normal College", was established in Xihewan, and the unprecedented compulsory education for all people officially kicked off...

As the founder of the Normal College, Jin Feng also participated in the opening ceremony and delivered a speech at the ceremony.

He was not good at giving speeches, so he said a few words and left in a hurry.

But when it was Fang Lingjun's turn to speak, the old man continued to speak for half an hour.

Liu Buqun, who was sitting in the audience, just dozed off while listening.

He was originally interested in all kinds of machinery. After coming to Xihewan, he felt like he was in heaven.www.八一zw.????m

Except for coming back to sleep at night, I almost never go back to school. I spend all day either in the iron smelting workshop or in various factories.

Especially after meeting like-minded Zuo Zhiyuan, he didn't even want to go back home.

If today wasn't the first day of school and Fang Lingjun sent someone to bring him back, he wouldn't be in any workshop right now.

"Mr. Jin, can I discuss something with you?"

Seeing Jin Feng coming down, Liu Buqun rubbed his face and leaned forward.

"What's the matter?" Jin Feng asked.

"I don't want to teach. I want to do research and development like Lao Zuo. Is that okay?" Liu Buqun asked with expectation.

"No!" Jin Feng shook his head without hesitation: "If you leave, who will teach mathematics?"

Just kidding, there are only two teachers in the entire Normal College. If Liu Buqun runs away again, Fang Lingjun will be the only one left.

Let’s not talk about whether Fang Lingjun can handle it or not. The key is that he is not good at teaching mathematics.

In Jin Feng's plan, mathematics is a very important subject, even more important than Chinese.

After all, future physical chemistry will require mathematics as its foundation.

Moreover, the scholars are already literate, and they only need to learn teaching skills from Fang Lingjun.

But the scholars had never studied mathematics before, so Liu Buqun's teaching task was heavier than Fang Lingjun's.

"Let Lao Zuo teach me, he can also do math!" Liu Buqun said.

"Let Zuo Zhiyuan teach?" Jin Feng glanced sideways at Liu Buqun: "Aren't you afraid that he will lead the students to jump down the mountain together?"

Zuo Zhiyuan has always been fascinated by various aircraft and is also a serious enthusiast of skydiving.

Now that conventional parachutes could no longer satisfy him, he began to tinker with the paraglider that Jin Feng once mentioned, and even began to study wingsuits.

Some time ago, he took his apprentice to experiment with a homemade wing suit. If he hadn't been stopped by the airport staff, the grass on his grave would have dried up for a whole season.

After Jin Feng learned about it, he immediately froze his qualification to pilot an airship and hot air balloon and locked him in the laboratory.

By letting such a lunatic teach, Jin Feng was really worried that his students would be driven crazy by him.

"Mr. Liu, don't envy Zuo Zhiyuan. How about I build a laboratory for you later?" Jin Feng comforted him.

"Really?" Liu Buqun asked, "Is it the same as your laboratory?"

After he heard Zuo Zhiyuan talk about the laboratory, he was particularly interested and went to ask Jin Feng.

Jin Feng took him for a visit.

The various equipment in the laboratory made him envious.

"Okay," Jin Feng nodded: "As long as I have the equipment in my laboratory, if you need it, I will give you one!"

Many universities in previous lives were also scientific research centers.

Jin Feng plans to keep this tradition alive.

Even if Liu Buqun hadn't mentioned it, Jin Feng would have built a laboratory here.

Now is the time to go along with the flow and send a favor to Liu Buqun.

"Mr. Jin, thank you, thank you!" Liu Buqun was so excited that he lost all sleep.

"Don't rush to be happy yet, I have a prerequisite."

"Mr. Jin, please speak!"

"You must teach me this class of students well!" Jin Feng said: "At the end of the year, I will personally issue a mathematics test paper with a full score of 100 points. If it is less than 80 points and more than 10%, you will

You don’t have to think about it.”

"Mr. Jin, you won't deliberately create problems to embarrass them and me, right?" Liu Buqun asked with a grimace.

"In Mr. Liu's mind, am I, Jin Feng, this kind of person?" Jin Feng glanced sideways at Liu Buqun: "Don't worry, I will only give test questions from the third-grade textbook!"

It was already mid-October, and there were only more than two months before the Chinese New Year. Although the scholars had a foundation in literacy, they could not learn too much in more than two months.

So Jin Feng asked them to study mathematics until the third grade of elementary school, so that they can teach the basics of mathematics for the time being.

The rest will wait until the winter and summer vacations next year and then bring them over for training.

This chapter has been completed!
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