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Chapter 1006 Big Monster

Fighting alone, the escorts are no match for the killer, but collective action like sealing the mountain is the specialty of the escorts.

Jin Feng originally trained his troops by suppressing bandits, so he was very familiar with Fengshan.

By daybreak, the killers sadly discovered that the ravine to the west had been completely blocked by the bodyguards, and they could not find any chance to break out.

"Boss, how about we fight out?" Scar Killer suggested.

The manpower of the escorts is limited, and many key points are only guarded by three or four people. With the abilities of the assassins, they can easily kill them.

But the killer leader pointed to the airship above his head and shook his head to reject the proposal: "No, they have people watching in the sky. If we move any stuck point, we will be discovered immediately, and we will probably be bitten by them!"


"What should we do?" Scar Killer asked.

"Let's go to Yonglin Town and have a look."

"But boss, didn't you say that the people in Yonglin Town are too arrogant and you can't go that way?"

The place where they were hiding was actually closer to Yonglin Town. After the rendezvous, Scar Killer once proposed to break out from Yonglin Town, but the leader rejected it.

Because the leader felt that there were too many people in Yonglin Town and they would be easily exposed.

"The Yellow River is to the east, and the Heiyu River is to the south. We don't have a boat, so we can't go. This side has been blocked by the bodyguards. Apart from Yonglin Town, we have no other way to go!" the leader said helplessly.

"We can think of it, and the escort must have thought of it. They may have been waiting for us in Yonglin Town!" Scar Killer said worriedly.

"It's not possible, but it's certain!" said the leader: "But we have no other way to go, we can only try Yonglin Town!"

"Does the boss already have a plan?" Killer Scar asked.

"There is no plan, it's just that relatively speaking, Yonglin Town is easier to break through than here."

The leader explained: "There is only one ravine to go down the mountain here, but there are too many roads to go down the mountain in Yonglin Town. The bodyguards have limited manpower and the defense may not be that tight.

Second, Jin Feng has always claimed that he is of one mind with the people. Although everyone knows that he is pretending and wants to win people's hearts, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has always been very polite to those untouchables.

If we are really discovered in the end, and we can capture a few untouchables in Yonglin Town to use as shields, and the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is concerned about the untouchables, we may be able to find an opportunity."

"What the boss said makes sense!" Scar Killer nodded: "Then just do what the boss said!"

The one-eared killer did not speak, but this in itself was a kind of acquiescence.

The three of them had almost rested, and after discussing it, they immediately set off for Yonglin Town.

Unfortunately, they were a step too late. The escort's airship had already arrived outside Yonglin Town.

It was just dawn at this time, which was a good time to go to bed.

The roar of the steam engine broke the tranquility of the town, and many people walked out of the house rubbing their eyes.

"Dad, is it thundering outside?" the little boy asked, huddled in the haystack.

It's already cold today, and their family only has one thick coat. Several children, all wearing summer singles, huddled in the thatch to keep each other warm.

"Silly brother, thunder always sounds loudly, how could it last so long?"

The sister rubbed the boy's head: "Besides, it's winter now, and there won't be thunder in winter!"

"Then what is this sound?" the boy asked in confusion.

"I don't know either. Didn't our father go out to see it? I'll ask him later..."

Before the girls finished speaking, they saw their father running back in a panic and closing the door in a hurry.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" the child's mother raised her head and asked.

"There is a monster outside!" The child's father pushed his back against the door: "The sound is made by the monster!"

"What monster?" The child's mother also panicked.

"It's... it's a very big monster that can fly in the sky!" The child's father turned pale with fear.

"A monster that can fly in the sky?" The little boy couldn't help but be curious. He pulled out a handful of thatch from the wall and looked outside along the hole.

"Wow, it's so big!" The little boy couldn't help but marvel.

"You melon boy, do you want to die? If a monster sees it, it will eat you!"

The father pushed the child away, then pulled out a handful of thatch from the haystack and blocked the hole again.

Then he knelt on the ground and kept bowing in the direction of the airship: "Don't blame the immortal, don't blame the immortal! Don't behave like a child!"

"Dad, I heard from Cuihua that the National Master of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau made a very big fish that can fly into the sky. Could it be this one?" asked her sister.

"That's nonsense. Fish live in water. No matter how big a fish is, it can't fly into the sky, right?" The father glared at his sister: "And that Cuihua, I went to the city to visit relatives, and when I came back, I talked nonsense.

, stay away from her in the future and don’t listen to her nonsense!”

"Cuihua is not talking nonsense, she heard it from the storyteller in the city!" her sister defended her best friend.

"You little melon, how dare you argue with me?"

The father said and slapped his daughter on the head.

"Dad, sister is not talking nonsense. I saw the black flag of Zhenyuan Escort Agency from the big fish just now!"

When the little boy saw that his father wanted to hit someone, he quickly helped his sister to speak up.

"You melon boy, do you recognize the black flag of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency?" The father was reluctant to hit his son, but just gave him a fierce look.

"Of course I recognize it," the little boy nodded heavily and said proudly: "Last year, Hanwa and I went to herd sheep in the back mountains. We saw people from the Zhenyuan Escort Agency once on the official road. I remember clearly the flags they were flying. I don't believe you.

Ask silly boy!"

"Dad, do you still remember the businessman you met on Guandao last month? He said that the Imperial Master of Sichuan and Sichuan was allocating land to us people. The Jingzhao Mansion in the west has been allocated!" the child's mother asked.

Said: "Do you think the Imperial Master will come to allocate land to us?"

The child's father looked thoughtful, thought for a moment, and then pulled off the thatch that had just been stuffed into the hole.

At this time, the airship was not far from the village, and the view became more realistic.

Sure enough, there was a black flag painted on the side of the airship.

Black flags are rarely used by people, and coupled with various legends about Jin Feng, the child's father finally believed it!

"The Imperial Master is finally here! The Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is finally here! We can finally divide the land!"

The child's father was shaking with excitement, then rushed out of the house like crazy and ran towards the airship.

The same thing happened all over town.

As soon as the airship landed, it was surrounded by people rushing over.

The escorts subconsciously prepared for battle.

The portable heavy catapults on the airship were also cocked and aimed at the crowd.

The bodyguards also drew out their swords and raised their crossbows!

"What are you doing? Put away the knife!"

Han Feng said angrily: "Have you forgotten what you said? The weapons of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau can never be pointed at the people!"

This chapter has been completed!
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