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Chapter 1014 Not a Bandit

The heavy crossbow catapult is the most commonly used weapon after the establishment of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, and is a required training subject for all escorts.

From the main battle elite to the cooking squad, I am very familiar with them all.

By the time Big Gouzi arrived with his tiger-fighting team, the bodyguards had already blocked the mountain road.

"Han...Mr. Han...what... happened?"

The big dog asked panting while holding on to the tree trunk.

The other tiger fighting team members were also like him.

They were so full just now and ran so far that many of them vomited out.

The big dog can still talk, which is pretty good.

"A group of people are coming from the west. Brother, you are here just in time. Help us see if the Blackfish River bandits are coming!" Han Feng said.


The big dog was startled, climbed up the stone on hands and feet, and squinted at the west.

"Use this to see more clearly!" Han Feng adjusted the focus of the telescope and handed it to Da Gouzi.

Dagouzi followed Han Feng's example and put the telescope to his left eye.

"Oh my God, what kind of treasure is this? How can you see it so clearly?"

"This is a telescope made by the Imperial Master. We also call it a telescope." Han Feng explained, and then asked: "Are there bandits in the west?"

"Oh," Dagouzi then remembered the business and pointed the telescope at the crowd.

"Why are there so many people?" Big Gouzi was also startled, and after a moment he shook his head: "It's a bit far away, so I can't see who they are!"

After saying that, he carefully returned the telescope to Han Feng.

"Mr. Han, how about we wait until they get closer?" the platoon leader suggested.

"Don't wait, brother Gouzi and I will go over and take a look," Han Feng shook his head and said, "Let the airship come down for a while."

The escort has finished setting up the defense, and there is an airship in the sky. Regardless of who is coming from the other side, Han Feng is not afraid.

This is the confidence produced by Zhenyuan Escort Agency!

But the manpower he brought this time was not enough, and the mountain had to be closed. Han Feng was worried that attention would be attracted here, allowing the murderer hiding in the mountain to seize the opportunity and escape.

The airship kept hovering around, and the platoon leader made a signal, and the pilot immediately lowered its flying altitude.

Han Feng took Dagouzi onto the gondola, and the airship slowly took off and flew to the west.

The big dog was so curious that he leaned on the railing and looked down.

The airship was traveling very fast, and the crowds in the west could see it more and more clearly.

"Oh Mr. Han, they are not bandits, they should be people from Wafang Village."

Big Gouzi pointed down and shouted: "They must have heard that Mr. Han was giving porridge in the town and wanted to come over to beg for food!"

In fact, he didn't need to say it, Han Feng also saw it.

"Send a message to the second platoon leader and ask him to leave four people to guard the heavy crossbow catapult. The remaining people should go back and continue sealing the mountain! A few people from the cooking team will also return and cook a few more pots of porridge."

The group of people in front of me were dressed in ragged clothes. They were not bandits at all, but ordinary people.

Most of them were old people and children. Many people would take a breath after running for a while, but would soon stand up again and continue running stumblingly.

Almost everyone was skinny and skinny, and Han Feng was really worried that he would be blown down by the wind in the next second.

Even if they really wanted to do something with such a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, leaving a few bodyguards to guard the mountain road, plus the airship and a few of his personal guards would be enough to deal with it.

"Yes!" the guard agreed, took out his hand crossbow and fired a resounding arrow.

At the west end of the town, the escort platoon leader saw the sound of arrows and immediately left with a few people and returned to their previous posts.

Han Feng also asked the airship to turn around and return.

This group of people had been hungry for too long and had no strength at all. Although everyone was running as hard as they could, it took them almost an hour to appear at the west entrance of the town in just a few miles.

For safety reasons, Han Feng asked again: "Brother Gouzi, take a look again, are they from Wafang Village?"

"Yes, the one running at the front is called Erqiangzi, who came to report the news, followed by Sanquan, Sixi and Wufu, and behind him is Da Chun Xia Qiudou Dongzi..."

Big Gouzi immediately started to give his name.

Han Feng and the others saw the common people. In fact, the common people also saw the airship in the sky a few miles away.

This was the first time they saw an airship, and they were a little scared instinctively, but driven by hunger, they continued to run.

We finally stopped when we reached the town entrance.

Because they saw Da Gouzi and Han Feng standing on the boulder by the roadside.

"Big dog, Er Qiangzi said that the Imperial Master is here and has arrested Mr. Huang and Liang Chong. He is also recruiting people in the town. As long as you go into the mountains and arrest people, you can eat porridge and get food for work.

is that true?"

An old man with half his hair lost asked.

"Uncle Xu, it's not the Imperial Preceptor who is here, but the Zhenyuan Escort Agency under the Imperial Preceptor."

Dagouzi said: "It's true that we are looking for people to go into the mountains, but Uncle Xu, you can't walk down the aisle, how can you help them catch people?"

"Who are you looking down on, you big dog? I was also the captain of the Tiger Fighting Team back then. Your father had to call me Big Brother when he saw me!" The old man was so angry that his beard stood up: "If you are not convinced, come down and let us

Let’s compete!”

"I don't dare to compete with you!"

The big dog couldn't laugh or cry, then turned to look at Han Feng: "Mr. Han, look..."

As a fellow villager, he naturally hopes that the people in Wafang Village can also have a full meal, but he has no decision-making power and is worried that he has gone too far and Han Feng will not even care about the people in the town.

The people in Wafang Village also turned their heads after Big Gouzi.

"Commander, please show your kindness and leave us!"

Uncle Xu bowed to Han Feng!

"Master Jun, please show your kindness. If you don't eat, the child will starve to death!"

"Master Jun, give the child something to eat. I'll go into the mountain and arrest him for you!"

Other villagers also began to plead.

The children also looked at Han Feng eagerly.

Han Feng raised his hand, and everyone immediately shut their mouths.

"I know everyone is hungry. Porridge has been cooked inside. You can go in and eat later."

Han Feng thought for a moment and said, "But after eating, I want to ask everyone for a favor!"

"Don't worry, military lord, we've eaten the porridge and will go into the mountains immediately to help you arrest people!" Uncle Xu assured, patting his dry chest.

"Those from the Tiger Fighting Team can go into the mountains together, and the others just need to help me guard at the bottom of the mountain. If they see the thieves coming out of the mountains, just shout and let us know to catch them!"

Han Feng said: "Don't worry, everyone, there will be wages even if you don't go into the mountains. If we catch the thief in the end, discover the thief and notify our brothers, we will be rewarded with ten taels of silver and two hundred catties of wheat!"

When he saw this group of common people just now, Han Feng was thinking about how to use them, and then made this decision.

Although this group of people are all old, weak, sick and disabled, there are enough of them.

Han Feng believed that under the stimulation of rewards, all the people would open their eyes and help them watch all the roads down the mountain!

This chapter has been completed!
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