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Chapter 1020 Still lack of people

Han Feng reported the arrest in the letter.

Seeing that all the murderers had been brought to justice, Jin Feng breathed a long sigh of relief.

The second half of the letter talked about the help provided by the people of Yonglin Town in the arrest operation. At the same time, it also talked about the expectations of the tiger team to distribute the land, and asked Jin Feng if he could send a group of people to Yonglin Town to take charge of the land distribution work.

After Jin Feng read it, he frowned.

"It seems that the people's life is more difficult than we expected!" Ninth Princess sighed.

Hezhong County is close to Jingzhao Mansion, but after the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau captured Jingzhao Mansion, they did not continue to advance eastward, but turned around and headed west and north.

One can imagine what the wealthy landowners in Hezhong County would do.

Yonglin Town is a microcosm and a typical representative.

In fact, before he decided to attack the local tycoons to divide their land, Jin Feng knew that the wealthy families and landowners would fight back wildly.

The closer we get to Sichuan and Shu, and the closer we are to the battlefield of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, the more powerful the counterattack will be.

But Jin Feng did not expect that the people of Hezhong County were living such a difficult life.

The wealthy landowners had previously understood the principle of not fishing all the way, so they still had a certain bottom line and did not dare to push the people to a dead end.

But now the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau may call at any time, and they can't care about anything.

"Husband, any change will be accompanied by sacrifice. There is no way around it. You can't be impulsive."

The Ninth Princess saw that Jin Feng's expression was wrong, and she was worried that he would get angry temporarily and make a decision that was not in line with the overall situation.

"Don't worry, I understand the severity, I just feel uncomfortable."

Jin Feng sighed: "If a speck of dust in the changing times falls on the head of a common person, it will be a mountain that can crush people to death!

For us, this is a necessary sacrifice in the process of change, but for the people of Yonglin Town, this is a disaster! A disaster that is enough to destroy their families!"

"A speck of dust in the changing times will become a huge mountain when it falls on a common person's head..."

The Ninth Princess repeated these words, looking thoughtful.

As a member of the royal family, the Ninth Princess actually does not agree with dividing the land among local tycoons, because the royal family is the largest wealthy family and landowner in the world.

But she also understood that when Jin Feng made this decision, it was already unstoppable.

Even if Jin Feng doesn't do it, other ambitious people will do it.

It was also from the time when the local tyrants were allocated their fields that the Ninth Princess saw the power of the masses and understood the true meaning of "the power of the masses is endless".

The number of the masses is simply too huge, and their power is truly endless.

In fact, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau still doesn't have many people, but it can firmly control the entire Sichuan and Shu and most of Qin.

In addition to the intimidation of powerful weapons, the biggest reason is the support of the people.

Everywhere the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau went, people lined the streets to welcome him, and many people gave the escorts their only rations at home.

This happened more than once and in more than one place.

After the Zhongming Group is divided into areas, it will set up village branches and women's brigade in the local area to manage the local people.

Generally speaking, each village only retains one bodyguard or clerk from the Zhenyuan Bodyguard Bureau, so that the various places are managed in an orderly manner.

Because the people were so cooperative, if someone wanted to harm the escorts or clerks who stayed behind, the local people would be the first to be unwilling.

Before, the Ninth Princess thought that Jin Feng was also a careerist, but now she suddenly realized that she was wrong.

Because most careerists only regard the people as tools to fight for the world, but Jin Feng is different. He cares for the people from the bottom of his heart.

The Ninth Princess could feel Jin Feng’s sadness and anger when he spoke just now!

Maybe this is the reason why people support Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and Jin Feng so much!

"Husband, what can you do?" Ninth Princess asked.

"I..." Jin Feng was stopped by the question.

Yes, the meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step.

No matter how angry he is, he can't kill all the wealthy landowners in Dakang in one day.

According to Jin Feng's previous plan, he planned to liberate the entire Dakang in three years.

If you speed up the pace blindly, you may end up with insufficient control and a big tail.

But after hearing about what happened in Yonglin Town, Jin Feng felt that this time was too long.

People can’t afford to wait!

Too many things can happen in three years.

Even if he liberates Dakang in three years, the people in the Central Plains and the East may be tortured by the wealthy landlords!

"What should we do?" Jin Feng rubbed his brows and sat down.

The Ninth Princess stood behind Jin Feng and helped him rub his temples: "Husband, there is nothing we can do about this!" 81Zw.????m

"No, there is a solution to everything, we just didn't think of it!"

Jin Feng stood up and said: "We must find a way to scare the wealthy landowners everywhere, and we cannot let them continue to do whatever they want!"

"How to shock?" Ninth Princess asked.

"Yeah, how can we scare people?" Jin Feng sighed in a low voice: "There is still a shortage of people!"

The number of people in the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is too small. Now that the war is going on in Qin, it is already very difficult to support the current front, and there is really no manpower available.

"How about we send out airships and hot air balloons to scare them just like how we shocked King Wu and King Chu?" Ninth Princess suggested.

"This is a way, you can try it!"

Jin Feng nodded slightly: "But it's not enough to rely on the bodyguards to shout. It's better to spread leaflets. I'll go to Mr. Chen to discuss it. You don't have to wait for me to eat!"

"I'll go with you!"

Princess Ninth said as she went to get her coat.

"You should have a good rest in the last two or three months."

Jin Feng pushed Ninth Princess onto the chair and sat down.

Wei Wuya had confirmed her pregnancy some time ago. Because she had had a miscarriage before, the fetal gas was somewhat irregular. Wei Wuya emphasized several times that the Ninth Princess must be at ease to raise the fetus, especially in the first few months.

So Jin Feng spends most of his time in the study recently helping the Ninth Princess handle the memorial.

Fortunately, I have Tie Shixin.

Tie Shixin was not a fool. After coming to Xihewan, he quickly figured out Jin Feng's temper and discovered the difference between the new court and the old court.

The various forces in the old court were so intertwined that it was really difficult to do things right.

The new court established by Jin Feng and Ninth Princess is completely different. There are not so many fights here. Everyone is working hard to make the new Dakang better and let the people live a better life.

Tie Shixin finally understood how stupid his previous actions were!

Realizing this, Tie Shixin's thoughts completely changed.

Even if Jin Feng deliberately asked him to be a sixth-grade official, he still behaved conscientiously and handled everything he handled well.

After all, he was the talent chosen by the Ninth Princess, and Tie Shixin was indeed capable. Since he took over the household department, he quickly straightened out the work, greatly reducing the workload of Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess.

Jin Feng plans to inspect him for a while, and if there are no other problems, he will be promoted.

This chapter has been completed!
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