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Chapter 1022 Newspaper

After Jin Feng improved the printing technology, as long as the plates were laid out, the rest of the work was simple, as long as the printing was repeated.

So the Ninth Princess was a little confused as to why Jin Feng only printed two thousand leaflets.

"Only in Yongle County, two thousand copies should be enough. Too much is a waste," Jin Feng replied.

"Only in Yongle County?" Ninth Princess asked: "Why?"

She thought Jin Feng would drop leaflets all over Dakang to scare all wealthy landowners.

"I just went to ask Xiaoyu. There are still many wealthy landowners in many places who don't know that we are allocating land to local tyrants. Their lives are still the same as before. We throw flyers to these places, but it reminds them and reminds some of them. People with ulterior motives!" Jin Feng explained.

Dakang's communication and transportation are very backward, and the speed of news transmission is also very slow. There are very few channels for ordinary people to obtain external information. Bayi Chinese website

The reason why the people of Yonglin Town know how to divide the land among local tyrants is because Hezhong County is adjacent to Jingzhao Mansion, and there are many small traders traveling between the two places.

But outside Qin, many people and small landowners didn't know it at all.

Maybe some well-informed wealthy families know about it, but they won't tell anyone, and they don't dare to tell anyone.

Because it is too easy to be imitated to divide the land among local tyrants. If Jin Feng can do it, others can do it too.

The people of Dakang are really hungry and long for fields. As long as someone takes the lead and raises their arms, many people will respond.

Therefore, even if the wealthy families know the news, they will not take the initiative to publicize it.

Otherwise, people everywhere will rise up and it will be troublesome.

In fact, Jin Feng is also worried about this situation happening.

It's not that he's afraid of those mountain kings, it's that he doesn't want to cause more trouble.

So he only printed two thousand leaflets to try the effect in Yongle County before deciding what to do next.

"We still have to spend more time cultivating talents!" Jin Feng said with emotion.

"My lord, nothing is accomplished overnight. Haven't you already established a normal school?"

Princess Ninth comforted her: "Cultivating talents cannot be rushed."


Jin Feng patted the back of the Ninth Princess's hand and sighed.

He naturally understood the truth, but knowing what happened in Yonglin Town gave him a sense of urgency.

"Actually, it's not completely impossible..."

An idea flashed in Jin Feng's mind and he said to Princess Ninth: "Here is the letter from Han Feng, show it to me!"

The Ninth Princess knew that Jin Feng had a new idea, so she quickly took Han Feng's letter and gave it to Jin Feng.

Jin Feng read the letter carefully again, and then said: "Reply to Han Feng and ask him to hand over the land distribution work to this man named Dagouzi!"

In fact, for Jin Feng, what is currently lacking most is not combat talents, but rather local talents.

With the combat effectiveness of those veteran soldiers in Dakang and the lack of popular support, they had no choice but to kneel down when they encountered the Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

Since the war with King Qin began, almost all battles have been crushing.

Instead, it was the land distribution work after the occupation that slowed down the escorts.

The people who are in charge of the site distribution work are all from the Zhongming Group.

What if the work of allocating land is left to local people?

Wouldn’t this problem that restricts the progress of escorts be solved?

"Can such an important matter as allocating land be left to the locals?" Ninth Princess frowned: "What if he allocates all the good land to his own people?"

In fact, this is also a big drawback in the Jinfeng plan.

The members of Zhong Ming's third group are mainly from Jinchuan. They go to Qin to preside over the land distribution work, which can ensure fairness and justice as much as possible. However, if it is left to the locals, it will be difficult to achieve this.

Everyone has seven emotions and six desires, and it is inevitable to treat other people differently.

When local people divide their land, they will inevitably give good land to their relatives and people with whom they have good relationships.

"This is indeed a problem, so we must try our best to use off-site deployment to avoid this situation."

Jin Feng said: "For example, if we capture Jingzhao Prefecture, we can select people from Jingzhao Prefecture to go to Hezhong County to allocate land, and then select people from Hezhong County to go to Jingzhao Prefecture."

"The work of dividing land involves interests, can the newly recruited people be relied on?" The Ninth Princess was still a little worried.

"So we must formulate strict procedures for decentralization, strengthen the training of decentralization staff, and enhance the ideological awareness of all people and popularize our policies!"

"It is not difficult to formulate strict procedures for decentralization, and it is also possible to strengthen the training of decentralization personnel, but how can we improve the ideological awareness of all people?"

"Why can't it be done?" Jin Feng said: "Isn't it just a song and dance troupe going to the countryside?"

The performance of Jinchuan Song and Dance Troupe was very effective. Many people got to know Jin Feng through the Song and Dance Troupe and what Jin Feng was doing.

I also had my initial understanding and sense of belonging to the new Dakang founded by the Ninth Princess.

"I admit that the song and dance troupe is a very good publicity tool, but there are only a dozen groups of people in the song and dance troupe. Even if it goes on all year round, how many performances can it perform?" Ninth Princess continued to ask.

"I'm just taking the song and dance troupe as an example. There are other ways to do this!" Jin Feng said with a smile.

"any solution?"

"Newspaper!" Jin Feng slowly spit out two words.

"Newspaper?" This was the first time Princess Ninth heard this term: "What is a newspaper?"

"You can think of a newspaper as a leaflet, but it's just a leaflet that comes out at a fixed time!"

Jin Feng said: "I will set up a newspaper agency to write content specifically, then print it in batches and distribute it to each county, then from the county seat to the county government, then to the towns, and finally to each village.


In this way, all villages can see the new newspaper, and then learn about the latest policies and what we are doing now from the newspaper!"

Before the ninth princess finished listening, she stood up with a roar.

She understood what Jin Feng meant, and also understood what it would mean if the newspaper Jin Feng mentioned could be realized.

Before the advent of printing, she would have thought Jin Feng was dreaming, but it was different now.

The paper mill and printing plant have been officially put into operation. Jin Feng can print as many leaflets as he wants without any problem.

But this also involves another problem: "Sir, your idea is very good, but distributing and delivering newspapers to every county, every township, and every village will require too many manpower. I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money, right?"

Any time a war is fought, money is fought.

In the past, Jin Feng could still make money from Jiangnan, the capital, and other places by relying on soaps and glass beads. Now, due to the war, almost all of his business is limited to Sichuan and Shu.

Although Zhang Liang adopted the strategy of supporting war with war, Jin Feng now had too many people to support, and his finances became increasingly difficult.

"As long as Dakang can stabilize quickly, just give some money."

Jin Feng said helplessly: "In the future, if the newspaper delivery person can also deliver letters by the way, there shouldn't be too much subsidy!"

"That's all." Ninth Princess nodded.

This chapter has been completed!
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