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Chapter 1031 The Postman

The first issue of the newspaper had only four sections, three of which were ready, and only the military section had some problems.

The reporter in charge of the military section was influenced by the storyteller and wrote the Battle of Qingshui Valley like a myth, which went against Jin Feng's purpose of seeking truth from facts.

The arrival of Zhao Yue just solved this problem.

He personally experienced the Battle of Qingshui Valley, and as General Fan's staff, Zhao Yue's perspective on war could rise to the national level.

What's even more coincidental is that Zhao Yue also brought over the war report he had written. All the reporters in the war section had to do was change the obscure classical Chinese into vernacular that ordinary people could understand.

It only took one day for the reporter to complete the work.

Jinchuan Daily was also officially released according to the scheduled date.

Not far from Guangyuan County, there is a small town called Fengshui Town.

Because in Guangyuan, this was one of the first places where Zhang Liang trained his troops. Last spring, the bandits in Fengshui Town were uprooted by the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

There was no bandit oppression, and taxes were reduced by more than half compared to previous years. In addition, Jin Feng established several factories in the town, and Fengshui Town became a well-known wealthy town.

There is plenty of water in Fengshui Town, and there are many people raising fish. The fish shop at the east end is the busiest place in the town. Many fishmongers will come to Fengshui Town to purchase fresh fish on market day.

This day was a gathering held every three days in Fengshui Town. People came from all villages early in the morning and the streets quickly became lively.

Especially the entrance to the fish shop was crowded with people.

"Why are there so many people today? Who caught the fish king again?"

A newly arrived citizen asked the butcher selling meat.

Fengshui Town is located inland, and almost all the people have never seen the sea or any big fish in their lives.

Here, any big fish weighing more than thirty kilograms will be called the king of fish.

Once someone catches this kind of fish, it will become a grand event in Fengshui Town, and the fish market that day will be more lively than usual.

"We didn't catch the fish king, it's because someone over there is setting up a show."

The butcher explained while cutting the meat.

"Setting up a stage?" The people buying meat were excited when they heard it: "Is the Jinchuan Song and Dance Troupe coming to sing again? When will the show start? Will they also play the white-haired girl?"

Since its establishment, the Jinchuan Song and Dance Troupe has been touring various places and has performed in Fengshui Town twice before.

But since the war with Qin, Qingyuan has transferred all the song and dance troupes to the front line to perform condolences performances for the soldiers, and also helped the Zhongming Group to promote Xihewan's policies.81Zw.????m

In an era when entertainment was scarce, performances by song and dance troupes were too rare for the common people, and many people were looking forward to the song and dance troupe coming to Fengshui Town again.

"I just saw that the stage is very small, with only three or four people standing at most. It shouldn't be a song and dance troupe performing."

The butcher shook his head and said.

He went out to the stall before dawn, and the people hadn't come over at that time, so he could see more clearly.

"If it's not a performance by a song and dance troupe, then what's the point of setting up a stage?" the meat buyer asked with a frown.

Just as the butcher was about to speak, he saw a noise coming from the west side of the street.

Following the sound, I looked over and saw a young man carrying a green bag walking slowly leading a black horse.

There was a bamboo pole stuck on the saddle, and on the bamboo pole hung a black flag of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

Although the flag was not big, the people on the street got out of the way after seeing it.

People do this not out of fear, but out of respect.

Jin Feng did a lot of things after his rebirth, and countless people benefited from it and were grateful to Jin Feng from the bottom of their hearts.

However, the village with the most longevity plaques for Jin Feng was not Xihewan, but several villages in Fengshui Town.

Because the villagers of Xihewan can often see Jin Feng, and many people grew up watching Jin Feng.

They were willing to fight tooth and nail for Jin Feng, but it was too awkward for them to set up a memorial tablet for Jin Feng.

But the people of Fengshui Town are different. In their eyes, Jin Feng is their biggest benefactor.

There was an outbreak of malaria here last year, and Wei Wuya went to Jin Feng for help.

Jin Feng not only gave money, but also made mosquito nets and linen clothes from all the gauze in the village at that time and gave them to the people of Fengshui Town.

Moreover, Jin Feng also told Wei Wuya how to prevent and treat malaria.

After Wei Wuya returned, he led the people of Fengshui Town to clean the stagnant ditches and kill mosquitoes and flies, finally suppressing malaria.

Later, the people of Fengshui Town recommended several highly respected people to come to Xihewan with gifts to thank Jin Feng.

Tang Xiaobei learned about this and opened a textile factory in Fengshui Town to supply goods to Guangyuan County.

Tang Xiaobei's original intention of doing this was to take advantage of the people's gratitude to Jin Feng in Fengshui Town, so that the other party would work more seriously and be more willing to cooperate in keeping confidentiality.

However, Fengshui Town had just experienced malaria at that time. In order to kill mosquitoes, the water in many fish ponds was drained, which made it difficult for many people who relied on fish farming to even eat.

The emergence of factories gave them a way to survive.

In the feudal era, malaria was a very terrible and serious disease, and it was extremely contagious.

The people of Dakang are physically weak due to lack of food and clothing all year round. Sometimes if one person gets malaria, more than half of the people in the entire village or even the entire town will die.

Jin Feng first donated supplies and medicinal materials to help them suppress malaria, and later opened a factory to find a way for them to survive. How could the people of Fengshui Town not be grateful to him?

The people didn't know that the decision to open the factory was made by Tang Xiaobei, so they gave all their gratitude to Jin Feng.

Aiwujiwu also respects the forces under Jin Feng's command.

"This man is carrying the banner of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, but he is not wearing the clothes of an escort or the clothes of the Chamber of Commerce. What does he do?"

"Yeah, I've never seen this kind of clothes before, and it looks quite energetic."

"It's not a fake, is it?"

"In our Sichuan and Sichuan provinces, who dares to pretend to be Mr. Jin?"

While many people made way for the young people, they were also curious about the young people's identities.

The young man was able to keep his composure, and under the gaze of the people, he led the horse straight to the wooden platform that had just been built.

The mayor, who had been waiting under the wooden platform for a long time, quickly came over and said, "Mr. Xu, we are ready!"

"Sorry for your trouble!"

The young man nodded to the mayor and then climbed onto the wooden platform carrying his small bag.

There was no need to beat the gong, and the people under the stage all calmed down consciously, waiting for the young man to speak.

"Hello everyone, I am the postman of Jinchuan Daily. Starting from today, I will come every three days to read the latest issue of Jinchuan Daily to you!"

The young man cleared his throat and said, "Today, I will read the first issue of Jinchuan Daily to everyone!"

After saying that, he opened the green packet and carefully took out an A3-sized newspaper.

At the top of the newspaper are four large red characters - Jinchuan Daily!

"Jinchuan Daily? What is it?"

"I do not know."

People, you look at me and I look at you, they are all confused.

This chapter has been completed!
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