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Chapter 1043 Treat him in his own way!

Jin Feng's attitude towards war has always been to eliminate the enemy on the road close to him.

He was unwilling to let the escort and the enemy face to face with bayonets if they could be eliminated by other means.

Under the influence of Jin Feng, this fighting mode became the mainstream of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

Especially after the hot air balloon appeared, the enemies were basically killed before they could rush to the escort position.

The escort rushed over and basically harvested it.

Although Dongman was pushed to the ground by the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and beaten, most Dongman people were actually unconvinced.

They believe that the bodyguards are only powerful because of their airship and grenades. Without these things, they would definitely not be able to defeat them.

So when the airship bombed the camp of the Jin-Barbarian coalition, many East Barbarians who had escaped hid in private houses, preparing to wait for the bodyguards to enter the city, start a street fight with them, and then quickly break up the armored camp and the bodyguards.

Mix them together to avoid being bombed.

In their opinion, the Iron Armored Battalion will never be their opponent when fighting on the ground.

There are many Eastern Barbarians who think like the little leader, so as soon as the Iron Armored Battalion entered Weizhou City from the west gate, a large number of Jin and Barbarian coalition troops poured out of the surrounding private houses, surrounding the Iron Armored Battalion.

"I knew you would be like this!"

Tieniu sneered and drew out the black knife: "Brothers, we have been underestimated! What should we do?"

“It’s been a long time since I’ve had a hearty game, and today is a good time to stretch my muscles!”

The escort behind him answered as he drew out his black knife and formed a battle formation!

The two sides were sworn enemies, and no one said anything harsh. They rushed to fight each other as soon as they met.

It was only then that the Eastern Barbarians discovered that they had underestimated the armored battalion's melee combat capabilities!

You must know that at Damangpo, Zhang Liang led five hundred black-armored escorts and killed thousands of Tibetan elites!

More than a quarter of the bodyguards in the Iron Armor Battalion were the original black-armored bodyguards.

More than a year has passed since the Battle of Damangpo, and after more than a year of training, their combat skills and teamwork have improved a lot compared to before!

Weapons and equipment have also been upgraded.

The Eastern Barbarians think that bodyguards are not good at street fighting, but they are the ones who are really not good at street fighting!

The biggest advantage of the Eastern Barbarians is that they have been riding horses since childhood and are very familiar with war horses. Riding a horse is as natural as walking.

Therefore, what the Eastern Barbarians are good at is using cavalry to charge in open areas, not the current face-to-face bayonet fighting.

They thought that the escorts were just like them, but when they started fighting, they realized that they were wrong!

The formation used by the escorts is still the classic triangle formation of Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

The female escort who is good at shooting is on the inside, the strong male escort wearing black armor is on the outermost layer, and between the two is the spearman!

Although the formation is simple, it is extremely strong!

Female escorts are not as strong as male escorts, so their training usually focuses on crossbow shooting speed and shooting accuracy.

Now they have finally found their moment to make a difference.

Before the Eastern Barbarians got close to the bodyguards' battle formation, half of them were shot to death by the female bodyguards with crossbows.

After finally getting close, they had to face the sharp spears of the spearmen again.

The spears used by spearmen are made of steel pipes, are light in weight and can cut continuously.

Even if they were lucky enough to break through the blockade of the spearmen and get close to the triangle formation, the Eastern Barbarians found that they couldn't cut through the black armor on the bodyguard!

Looking down from the airship, the triangular formation looks like a hedgehog, while the Eastern Barbarian soldiers are like balloons that actively pounce on them. Although there are many in number, they cannot harm the hedgehog at all.

The escorts did not act impulsively. Instead, under the leadership of Tieniu, they fought steadily and completely occupied a street before advancing to the next street, leaving no opportunity for the enemy to make a sneak attack.

The airships in the sky are not idle either. They have been circling over Weizhou City. Once they find a large-scale enemy gathering somewhere, they will fly over and bombard them!

When General Fan was guarding Weizhou City, he always adopted the strategy of guarding the fields for a long time and strengthening the walls and clearing the fields.

When the enemy did not come, the people would farm around Weizhou City. Once the enemy came, the people would withdraw into Weizhou City with food.

Therefore, there were many common people in Weizhou City. After the Jin-Barbarian coalition entered the city, they massacred many common people in order to establish their authority.

This made the surviving people hate the Jin-Barbarian coalition even more.

The folk customs in Weizhou City are inherently tougher than those in the Central Plains. Before, they could not defeat the Eastern Barbarian coalition forces, so the people could only endure it. Now they found that the bodyguards had entered the city and had the upper hand. The people rushed out of their homes to assist the bodyguards.

Fight against the Jin-Barbarian coalition.

In terms of equipment and combat effectiveness, the Jin-Barbarian coalition was inferior to the bodyguards. In terms of familiarity with the terrain, they were inferior to the local people.

Therefore, the battle was doomed from the beginning, and the Jin-Barbarian coalition was the losing side.

The battle lasted from the evening to the early morning of the next day. Under the leadership of Tieniu, thousands of Jin and barbarian coalition forces were forced by the Tiejia battalion and the people to the northwest corner of Weizhou City!

At this time, the Jin-Barbarian coalition finally realized the gap between itself and the Iron Armored Battalion, and some people began to surrender.

Surrender is contagious. If someone takes the lead, others will soon follow!

At noon, all the prisoners were tied up by the people and lined up on their knees on the ground.

The deputy commander of the armored battalion, whose face was stained with blood, came over holding a round cloth bag.

"Battal Commander, Captain Eagle, General Fan's head has been found!"

The deputy battalion commander raised the cloth bag in his hand, his face full of sadness and anger.

"Have the other remains been found?" Tieniu asked with a frown.

"No..." the deputy battalion commander gritted his teeth and said: "According to the people in the city, the Eastern Barbarians took the remaining remains of General Fan..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Eagle: "Okay, stop talking!"

Even a veteran can't bear to hear it anymore.

Tieniu sighed: "Find the best carpenter and use the best wood in Weizhou City to carve a set of Mr. Fan's bones and bury him!"

"Yes!" The deputy battalion commander nodded.

"In addition, inform the second company to guard various checkpoints, and the third company is responsible for maintaining order in the city and catching fish that have slipped through the net hiding in the city!"

Tieniu continued to order: "Inform the Fourth Company and organize the people to collect the bodies of the Fan Jiajun brothers and pick a place with good geomantic omen outside the city to build a cemetery!"

"Yes!" the deputy battalion commander agreed, holding General Fan's head and left.

"Tieniu, how will they deal with it?"

Eagle asked, pointing at the prisoner.

"No need to ask, just treat them how they treated General Fan!"

Tieniu said coldly.

"But sir once said..."

"Sir also said that specific things should be treated in specific ways! I am just treating others in their own way. Is there any problem?"

Tieniu didn't wait for Yingying to finish and interrupted him directly: "I am the commander-in-chief of this operation. If anything happens, I will bear the responsibility alone!" www.八一zw.????m

In fact, ever since they learned that Jin Feng asked Tieniu to lead the team, the Eagles got a taste of it.

The reason I reminded Tieniu just now was just out of comradeship and fear that someone would catch him in the future.

Seeing Tieniu's insistence, Eagle could no longer persuade him. He nodded and prepared to leave, but was stopped by Tieniu.

"Eagle, don't leave in a hurry, you still have a mission."

"What mission?"

Eagle asked in confusion.

This chapter has been completed!
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