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Chapter 1062

"This kid must have fainted from hunger. No matter how big the fish is, it can't fly!"

Everyone in the room thought the child was hungry and was hallucinating, and laughed and joked.

But not long after, they heard a faint rumbling sound.

I ran to the door and saw that there was indeed a big fish flying towards the village in the sky.

The rumbling sound came from the big fish.

"Oh my god, what kind of monster is this?"

The people in Jin had never seen an airship. They were afraid and curious. They hid in their houses and looked out through the cracks in the doors and walls.

Seeing the airship flying towards the big house, many people were trembling with fear, fearing that monsters would come down to eat people.

But the monster didn't hurt them, nor did it land. It just threw a handful of pieces of paper down when passing by the big house, and then flew away.

When the airship completely disappeared from sight, the people hiding in the house came out quietly.

Picking up the piece of paper on the ground, I found rows of words printed on it.

"Hong Xiucai, Lao Lin, take a look at what's written here?"

A man ran over and handed the leaflet in his hand to Hong Xiucai and Lao Lin.

Hong Xiucai and Lao Lin were also curious, so they took the flyer and started reading it.

But only halfway through, their expressions changed.

Hong Xiucai's eyes widened and his right hand holding the flyer couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Lao Lin frowned slightly, crumpled the flyer into a ball and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Old Lin, I picked this up, why are you pretending to be it?"

In Dakang, paper is rare. When he saw Lao Lin putting the leaflet into his pocket, the man who took the leaflet back was not happy. He stretched out his hand and said, "Take it out and give it to me!"

Lao Lin glanced at the man sideways: "This is not a good thing. If you keep it, it will cause disaster."

"Don't fool me. Isn't it good? Are you going to keep it in your pocket?" The man pushed Lao Lin: "Give it to me quickly!"

Lao Lin sighed, took out the paper ball and threw it to the man.

"It's all wrinkled to me!"

The man flattened the flyer and asked, "What's written on it?"

But Lao Lin didn't seem to hear it, wrapped up his clothes, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

"Forget it, you're not the only one literate in Matougou!"

The man turned to look at Hong Xiucai: "Hong Xiucai, come and read to everyone."

Hong Xiucai looked down at the flyer and then at Lao Lin, feeling a little hesitant.

But the more he behaved like this, the more curious the villagers became, and they pestered him one after another.

Hong Xiucai was harassed by the villagers and had no choice but to say: "It says here that there is a fight between King Jin and General Fan of Weizhou City!"

"Aren't the King of Jin and General Fan both from our Dakang family, working together to deal with the barbarians in the north? How could they fight?"

"If they fight, won't the barbarians from the north take advantage?"

"Who says it's not the case? It's been two years of peace and quiet, so why does something like this happen again?"

Matougou is not very far from Weizhou City, and all the villagers know Fan Jiajun.

When they heard that General Fan and King Jin were fighting, the villagers found it unbelievable, and many villagers began to worry.

In the past, the Dangxiang people always invaded the south. It was only after Jin Feng came to Weizhou City that the Dangxiang and the Eastern Barbarians stopped.

But who would have known that after two years of rest, the King of Jin and Fan Jiajun started fighting...

"Hong Xiucai, please read it quickly, what's going on?"

The villagers were bored and panicked. After hearing this, they all urged Hong Xiucai to read the leaflets.

Hong Xiucai had no choice but to pick up the leaflet and start reading it.

The first part of the leaflet tells the story of General Fan.

Although Matougou belongs to the territory of the Jin Dynasty, because it is closer to Weizhou City, the local people also have a strong sense of identification with Fan Jiajun.

They also have great respect for General Fan who joined the army to resist the enemy invaders. Many villagers were attracted by General Fan's personal experience.

Then the leaflet talked about Jin Feng again.

When they heard that Jin Feng had defeated the Dangxiang people, the villagers knew where the peace in the past two years had come from, and they had a better impression of Jin Feng.

Next, we talked about the four princes who killed their father and usurped the throne, and the Central Plains was in chaos. The King of Jin went to Jinchuan to visit Jin Feng and asked for Jin Feng's loyalty, but Jin Feng refused.

Hearing this, the villagers' hearts suddenly lifted.

They were worried about a fight between Jin Feng and King Jin.

However, Jin Feng and the King of Jin did not fight. Instead, the King of Jin colluded with the Eastern Barbarians and attacked Weizhou City.

When he heard that the Eastern Barbarians massacred Fan's army and made General Fan's skull into a wine cup, the room boiled.

"How could Prince Jin do this!"

"Not as good as a beast!"

"Don't listen to other people's nonsense. The King of Jin has been fighting with the Eastern Barbarians for so many years. How could he collude with the Eastern Barbarians?"

"Yes, someone must be slandering King Jin!"

Most of the villagers were angry at King Jin's actions, but there were also several villagers who had participated in King Jin's direct troops and supported King Jin to speak for King Jin.

"Weizhou City is not far away. If it's true, let's go and take a look and we'll know."

Some villagers suggested it.

"Yes! Go over and have a look!"

Many villagers immediately agreed.

Half an hour later, several young people went out and headed straight for Weizhou City along the mountain road.

Situations like this occur in various places along the Shanxi border.

King Jin, who was standing not far away, also received the spies' report immediately.

The spies also brought back two leaflets.

Before he finished reading the flyer, King Jin's face turned pale and his body couldn't help but tremble.

He murmured to himself: "It's so vicious! It's so vicious!"

The "Prime Minister" next to him also looked ugly.

The only advantage King Jin has against Jin Feng now is that there are still some people who are willing to support him.

And Jin Feng's move was a blow, it could be said that it pierced the heart of King Jin!

If the people know what King Jin has done, they will definitely be disappointed in him and even oppose him!

"Quickly, order people to take back all these things and destroy them!"

King Jin shouted with red eyes: "Anyone who dares to hide and spread the news will be killed without mercy!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down!"

The prime minister quickly admonished: "There are too many people who see this. If they start killing people, I'm afraid they will fall into Jin Feng's plot!"

All villages, markets and towns that the airship passes by will drop leaflets.

Although the education in Dakang is very backward, which village does not have one or two scholars?

The contents of the flyer have long been circulated.

Is it really possible to kill all the people passing by the airship?

If this is the case, King Jin may not even be able to preserve the remaining support of the people.

King Jin was not a fool. He was frightened and angry just now, so he said those words. After being stopped by the counselor, he immediately calmed down and revoked the order just now.

"But Mr. Liu, we have to do something, right?"

The King of Jin sat weakly on the chair and said with a worried look on his face: "If this kind of news is allowed to spread wantonly in Jin, my people will rebel without Jin Feng taking action!"

But the King of Jin couldn't do anything with the airship, so what could the prime minister do?

Just when the King of Jin and his counselors were at their wits' end, a eunuch bent over and walked in: "Your Majesty, the Chanyu of the Eastern Barbarians has sent an envoy to ask for an audience!"

This chapter has been completed!
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