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Chapter 1067 Compromise

In the corridor on the second floor, the innkeeper was standing at the staircase with a stool, and the Dongman envoy was standing at the door of the inner room.

Between the two of them were two masters in black costumes.

"I say it again, get out of here and don't force me to do it!"

A man blocking the road said again.


The shopkeeper held the stool with his left hand, pointed at the man in front of him with his right hand, and laughed maniacally.

After laughing for a while, the shopkeeper suddenly roared angrily and threw the stool at the Eastern Barbarian envoy.

One of the masters just stretched out his hand and grabbed the bench. The other master took two steps forward and kicked the shopkeeper in the chest.

The shopkeeper broke the railing and fell downstairs.

Fortunately, the man did not kill him, and the second floor was not high. The shopkeeper did not fall to death, but only broke a leg.

The prime minister glanced back, and several government servants quickly stepped forward and dragged the shopkeeper away.

After being dragged to the door, the shopkeeper was still crying and laughing crazily.

The prime minister turned to look upstairs, frowned and said, "It's inappropriate to kill someone in front of me, isn't it?"

"Then arrest me!" The Dongman envoy spread his hands provocatively.

"I..." The prime minister wanted to curse, but finally held back.

Although the King of Jin had gained the confidence to negotiate with the Eastern Barbarian envoys through his guidance, that was all.

This is also the reason why the Eastern Barbarian envoys dared to commit crimes blatantly.

Because he knew that King Jin did not dare to do anything to him!

"I know why you are here, but I said that if you want to talk, let your emperor come in person!"

The Eastern Barbarian envoy stared at the prime minister and said, "You are not qualified!"

"Your Majesty is busy with many things and has no time to see you!" The prime minister shook his head.

"It's okay, I can wait." The Dongman envoy sneered: "Anyway, the airship is not dropping newspapers on our territory, so I'm not in a hurry."

"We are not in a hurry. At worst, His Majesty will go to Jinchuan again to find Princess Wuyang." The prime minister said: "For the stability of the north, I believe Princess Wuyang will definitely be willing to call the airship back."

After saying that, the prime minister also pretended to be indifferent and led the people away: "Also, I would like to advise you that there are criminal thieves sneaking nearby recently. You'd better calm down, otherwise I can't guarantee your safety!"

The Eastern Barbarian envoy couldn't help but frown when he heard this, grabbed the railing and jumped down from the second floor.

He thought it was a farce when the government soldiers went to the inn to arrest the Jiangyang robber. But today, after wandering around the city looking for an inn, he realized that the Jiangyang thief had really come to this small town.

It is said that this criminal thief is extremely skilled and hates evil. He has killed several wealthy families who have done evil in recent times.

The wealthy families in the county have been too scared to go out recently.

However, the local people liked this criminal thief very much, because every time the criminal thief attacked, he wore black clothes, and the people privately called him Heixia.

If Heixia knew what the Dongman envoy was doing in the inn today, he would definitely not remain indifferent.

The Prime Minister and others will be concerned about the Eastern Barbarian forces, but Heixia will not care.

The Eastern Barbarian envoy was not a person who was afraid of death, otherwise he would not have repeatedly provoked the King of Jin and the Prime Minister before.

But he didn't want to die in the hands of a knight-errant.

Moreover, he also listened to what the prime minister just said.

Why did he let the leader of the army persuade the King of Jin to attack Weizhou City before? Wasn't it because he was afraid of the alliance between the King of Jin and Jin Feng?

So he didn't dare to really push King Jin to a dead end.

The prime minister also understood this and gave him a step up by using Jiang Yang's thieves.

The Eastern Barbarian envoy also understood, and happened to follow the steps to borrow the donkey and follow the prime minister out of the inn.

But when he went out, he still asked: "I want to talk to your emperor!"

The prime minister's attitude this time was very tough: "Impossible, His Majesty has already left!"

"Where have you gone?" the Dongman envoy asked quickly.

"Do you think I will tell you?" The prime minister turned to look at the Eastern Barbarian envoy.

Now Jin Feng's airship is dropping leaflets on the edge of Jin land dozens of miles away, and it may fly over at any time, so the hiding place of King Jin is constantly changing, and few people know about it.

The camp where the Eastern Barbarian envoys went before was now abandoned.

In fact, the Eastern Barbarian envoy did not come alone, he also had a group of guards.

However, for the sake of safety, the "Forbidden Army Commander" of the King of Jin did not agree with the Eastern Barbarian envoys to bring so many people to see the King of Jin, so the Eastern Barbarian envoys had to come alone.

The two sides were testing each other. The Eastern Barbarian envoy realized that King Jin really would not see him this time, so he stopped insisting and followed the prime minister to a mansion.

This mansion belonged to a local wealthy family, but it was expropriated by the prime minister.

He has been working here recently.

When he arrived at the study, the prime minister directly conveyed the four conditions proposed by the King of Jin to the Eastern Barbarian envoys.

After hearing this, the Dongman envoy became angry on the spot: "Chen Yongze actually wants to marry Princess Lu Jie. This is humiliating our Shanyu!"

The grandfather of the contemporary Chanyu, the previous Chanyu, lived until he was over eighty years old before he died.

Princess Lu Jie was the little princess he gave birth to when he was almost seventy years old.

Old Shanyu was very happy to have a son in his old age and kept holding it in his hands.

It is said that Princess Lu Jie is very beautiful and has always been called the pearl of the grassland by herdsmen.

Although she is not twenty years old this year, in terms of seniority, she is indeed the aunt of the contemporary Chanyu.

The King of Jin actually wants Princess Lu Jie to be a foot warmer maid. This is as humiliating as the Eastern Barbarian Shanyu who asked the mother of the King of Jin to be a concubine!

"It was you Shanyu who humiliated His Majesty first!" the prime minister sneered.

"Since we are negotiating, please show your sincerity!" the Eastern Barbarian envoy said coldly.

"Then please show your sincerity!" the prime minister said tit for tat.

Both sides had some trump cards and concerns at this time, and they both knew the other side's trump cards and concerns, so the negotiation fell into a tug of war.

After talking from dusk until dawn the next day, the two sides finally finalized the draft terms of the negotiations.

The prime minister was old. He didn't sleep for a day and a night, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes.⑧①ZW.????m

But he didn't have time to rest, so he took the negotiation draft and went to King Jin for instructions immediately.

The Eastern Barbarian envoy also hurriedly left the residence's study, found a war horse, and headed straight for the west city gate.

The master sent by the prime minister to follow him saw the Eastern Barbarian envoy riding out of the west city gate and stopped helplessly.

Because there was an open area after leaving the city and there was only one official road. It was obvious whether anyone was following him or not, so they could no longer follow him.

After getting rid of the master, the Eastern Barbarian envoy rode along the official road for several miles, and then ran along a fork in the road into a valley.

Deep in the valley, a group of Eastern Barbarians were sitting on the ground basking in the sun.

Seeing the Eastern Barbarian envoy coming back, this group of people rushed to greet him.

"Prepare the carrier pigeon, I want to send a message to the king right away!"

The messenger jumped off his horse and walked into the tent.

No one noticed that in the woods dozens of meters away, there was a person hiding in the bushes, staring at them coldly!

This chapter has been completed!
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