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Chapter 1078 Suspending Attack

In the dead of night, the Ninth Princess hugged Jin Feng more than once and lamented the magic of fate.

Two years ago, she was the emperor's favorite princess. At that time, even if she broke the Ninth Princess's head, she would never have imagined that she would marry a scholar from a remote mountain village who had not even passed the scholar examination.

But Princess Ninth did not regret it. Instead, she was very grateful for her initiative in the woods.

Because no one knows better than the Ninth Princess what kind of danger Dakang faced last year.

Before the Dangxiang people marched south last year, they had already sent Chen Ji a list of things they wanted.

The Ninth Princess was in charge of the Privy Council at the time. She was one of the first people in the capital to see the list and one of the people who knew the best about Dakang's situation at that time.

She knew that with Dakang's national strength at that time, if she wanted to meet the party's requirements, she would almost have to drain the national treasury.

But after satisfying the party requirements, the Eastern Barbarians and Tubo will definitely come to knock on the bamboo poles. What will happen then?

So when she learned that Jin Feng led the Tielin Army to repel the Party members, the Ninth Princess was so excited that she didn't sleep for two nights.

Later, she went to Tubo to get married. The original route did not pass through Jinchuan, but in order to meet Jin Feng, she changed the route.

Every time she thinks about this, Ninth Princess thinks that her original decision was too wise.

When I met Jin Feng, Jin Feng was not very powerful yet.

The Ninth Princess has witnessed Jin Feng's growth with her own eyes, and is also the biggest beneficiary of Jin Feng's strength.

Without Jin Feng, I'm afraid Dakang would have been in pieces!

Without Jin Feng, I’m afraid I don’t know how many people in Dakang would have died!

Without Jin Feng, she would have suffered humiliation and died in Tubo!

Jin Feng has accomplished so many things that the Ninth Princess thought were impossible, so in the eyes of the Ninth Princess, Jin Feng is almost omnipotent, and nothing in this world can be difficult for him.

This time is the same, the Ninth Princess hopes that Jin Feng can continue to create miracles.

It's a pity that Jin Feng disappointed her this time.

Jin Feng shook his head and said: "Haidongqing is fierce and flexible, and completely restrained the airship. Unless we make a hard balloon, there is no other way.

At least, I can't think of any other way at the moment."

"What is a rigid balloon?" Princess Ninth asked.

"A rigid balloon is a balloon made of iron or other hard materials." Jin Feng explained: "With our current technology, we simply cannot produce iron sheets that can be used to make airship balloons."

In fact, Jin Feng had considered this option when he first started making the airship, but it was eventually ruled out.

Because the current technology in the iron smelting workshop is still too backward.

In fact, in addition to iron sheets, hard plastic can also be used.

But plastic is a by-product of the refining of petroleum or other fossil energy, and is considered a part of the petroleum industry.

After Jin Feng came to this world, he had never seen a drop of oil, and wanting to make plastic products was just a pipe dream.

So after much deliberation, I could only use thick fireproof cloth and apply a thick layer of special grease to make a soft balloon.

Hearing Jin Feng's explanation, Ninth Princess Xiaoyu and others all looked disappointed.

"If this is the case, the attack on Qin must be slowed down." Ninth Princess said: "Weizhou, Yuguan and Pingjiang are also in danger."

In order to unify Dakang as soon as possible, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has been adopting a quick attack method to advance quickly during the attack on Qin.81Zw.????m

In the past, airships were used as a deterrent, and this method was not a big problem, but now that the airships' deterrent effect is gone, it is very dangerous to use this method again.

As for the three cities of Weizhou, Yuguan and Pingjiang, which are thousands of miles away, they are even more dangerous, and even the most basic supplies may not be guaranteed.

"Don't worry too much about Yuguan and Hepingjiang. The Northern Expeditionary Army is well prepared and there are still iron soldiers. There is no problem in holding on to Yuguan City for a year.

The grain stored by landlords previously captured by Pingjiang County is enough to feed our people for three years. Moreover, Fan Jiajun is very popular among the local people, and many people have taken the initiative to send food to Fan Jiajun.

Some time ago, Tang Fei sent someone to ask me if I needed him to transport some food back from Jiangnan."

Zhang Liang said: "These two places have strong troops and sufficient food and grass. We don't need to worry. What we should really worry about is Weizhou City."

After listening to Zhang Liang's analysis, Jin Feng and Ninth Princess both nodded in agreement.

Airships are afraid of Hai Dongqing, but steamships are not.

Now the area between Pingjiang County and the Yangtze River Wharf has been occupied by Tang Fei and the newly built Fan Jiajun. Yuguan City is located on the seaside, and steam ships can transport supplies there at any time, so there is no need to worry about food and grass problems.

Although the airship cannot be used, with the combat effectiveness of the bodyguards and the heavy catapult, it is not a big problem to defend these two places.

What is really difficult to deal with is Weizhou City.

There was only one armored battalion led by Tieniu, and one company was lost.

Moreover, when they captured the city from the Jin-Barbarian coalition, the Jin-Barbarian coalition could no longer guard the city. In order to attract the attention of the armored battalion, they set fire to the grain and grass warehouse.

Although the fire was eventually put out, a lot of food and grass were burned.

If it was only supplied to the armored battalion, it would last for a long time. However, the people in the city had been plundered by the Jin-Barbarian coalition forces before. Most of the people's homes could not sustain food for even a month. Should we just watch them starve to death?

In addition, the northwest corner of Weizhou City is Qingshui Valley, and beyond Qingshui Valley is the Southern Expedition Camp of the Party members.

In the past two years, Dangxiang was beaten so hard by Jin Feng that he could not even lift his head, the royal city was bombed, and the emperor was kicked and kicked by Tieniu and brought back to Jinchuan.

This is considered a shame by all party members.

Now that they have a chance to take revenge, you can imagine how crazy they will be!

In addition to the Dangxiang people in the northwest, the Eastern Barbarians and the King of Jin are in the northeast of Weizhou City, and the King of Qin is in the south.

Weizhou City is surrounded by enemies on all sides and is isolated and helpless.

The ruthless Tieniu is a nail in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh of the Dangxiang royal family and the King of Qin.

They will definitely attack Weizhou City and Qingshui Valley like crazy!

Thinking of this, Jin Feng couldn't help but raise his head and sigh.

But when he lowered his head again, his eyes had become firm.

Although the process of attacking Qin was very fast, the benefits brought to the people by conquering the local tyrants and dividing their land were real. The vast majority of the people in Qin supported the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

The most important thing is that Jin Feng's layout in Sichuan and Shu has been completed.

After last year's work-for-relief program, this year's campaign to allocate land to local tycoons, and recent newspaper publicity, Jin Feng's influence in Sichuan and Sichuan has once again reached a new peak.

As long as he raises his arms and calls out, countless people will be willing to respond.

"three things!"

Jin Feng knocked on the table and said: "First, send people to Qin to inform Da Zhuang to temporarily stop the attack. The escort will reorganize the government troops locally as soon as possible. Be sure to control the occupied areas!"

"Second, let Da Zhuang mobilize as many people as possible from Qin to advance toward Xizhou!"

"Third, notify Chen Wenyuan to write an article as soon as possible and recruit militiamen in Sichuan and Shu!"

This chapter has been completed!
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