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Chapter 1083 Soldiers Surround Yuguan City (2)

During the first siege, many of the Eastern Barbarian cavalry were killed by catapults. During the second siege, the Eastern Barbarians learned their lesson and the cavalry became very scattered.

During the first siege, the catapult could kill at least three or four cavalry once, but during the second siege, it could only kill one or two at a time.

Sometimes if the opponent reacts faster, they may not be able to kill anyone.

Liu Tie saw the opponent's plan at a glance, but did not dare to stop attacking.

Because the catapults set up on the city wall had a blind spot, once the Eastern Barbarian cavalry rushed near the city wall, the catapults would not be able to hit them.

In the age of cold weapons, siege warfare was one of the most brutal forms of fighting.

Especially when the attacking party approaches the city wall, the brutality of the battle will immediately increase!

The Eastern Barbarians held up their shields and climbed up the ladders to the city wall one by one. The bodyguards threw grenades or jars of kerosene down from above to stop the enemies.

For a time, explosions and screams could be heard outside Yuguan City.

Outside the city wall, soldiers covered in flames could be seen everywhere, screaming and falling, desperately beating the flames on their bodies as they fell.

But they were covered in fire oil and the flames couldn't be extinguished.

The siege ladders were blown apart by grenades, and the Eastern Barbarian soldiers climbing on the ladders were pushed by the shock wave and slammed to the ground.

Even if he didn't fall to death on the spot, he would be trampled to death by the horses that came after him.

Escorts in a defensive position have great advantages in siege warfare, but they are not absolutely safe.

Riding and archery is a training that every East Barbarian man must receive since childhood, so the archery skills of most East Barbarians are above the standard.

After rushing under the city wall, the Eastern Barbarians were finally able to fight back.

Many escorts were shot by the Eastern Barbarians when they leaned out to throw grenades and jars of kerosene down.

Although most people are only shot in the arm, the Eastern Barbarians put poison on the arrows. Once they are shot, the arm will be extremely painful. If not treated in time, even the arm hit by the arrow may not be able to save.

Therefore, once an escort is hit by an arrow, he must be sent to a military doctor to treat the wound as soon as possible.

Including the escorting bodyguards, every time one of the bodyguards is hit by an arrow, it is equivalent to temporarily losing two people.

This will undoubtedly make things worse for the already small number of escorts.

Fortunately, the Eastern Barbarians suffered more casualties.

The second wave of siege lasted for half an hour. Under the city wall, the corpses of the Eastern Barbarians completely covered the ground.

Under several major siege points, there were several layers of corpses.

A little further away, there are also corpses of Eastern barbarians who were killed by catapults everywhere!

War horses that had lost their owners could be seen everywhere on the battlefield, and they were frightened by the explosions and were running around in all directions.

Everywhere was the scream of the wounded and the whine of the injured horse.

But the Eastern Barbarians had already retreated, and they had no intention of coming to treat the wounded.

The miserable howling continued from mid-afternoon until late at night before gradually stopping.

The night on the grassland was so cold that the bodyguards, wearing thick coats and hiding behind the city wall, had their lips purple from the cold. What about the wounded lying on the grass?

In the second half of the night, the bodyguard on patrol lay on the city wall and looked down. All the corpses on the ground had turned into popsicles, shining brightly in the moonlight.

However, the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu did not give up and launched another more violent attack at dawn.

At this time, the moon has set and the sun has not yet risen. It is the darkest time of the day.

The Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians had his horses' hooves wrapped in cotton cloth and sneaked towards Yuguan City.

Fortunately, Liu Tie had already taken precautions. After the moon set, every few minutes, he would arrange for someone to randomly pick a spot on the city wall and throw a flash bomb down.

From a distance of more than a hundred feet, the flash bomb can no longer blind, but the escort can see clearly the moment the flash bomb explodes.

So when the Eastern Barbarian cavalry reached a hundred feet away from Yuguan City, they were discovered by the escort.

The escort immediately started the catapult to attack!

But it was too dark, so the catapult could only be thrown blindly, and the hit rate was lower than during the day.

And the distance of a hundred feet was too close. The catapult only had time to throw one round, and thousands of Eastern Barbarian soldiers had already rushed to the bottom of the city wall.

The third round of siege broke out immediately.

The Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians had great expectations for this night attack. He mobilized more manpower than the previous two combined, and the offensive was more fierce.

When Liu Tie rushed to the city wall, he happened to see a flash bomb exploding in the air. Bayi Chinese website

At the moment when the flash bomb exploded, Liu Tie saw densely packed figures everywhere under the city wall, and he could not see the edge at a glance!

The most terrible thing is that the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu not only sent out a large number of soldiers, but also sent out large siege vehicles.

The so-called siege vehicle is similar to the boarding vehicle Jin Feng saw at the airport in his previous life.

Below are two rows of huge wheels, carrying an equally huge ladder.

In order to prevent the siege vehicles from being burned by the kerosene jars, the Eastern Barbarians wrapped the ladders with a layer of fireproof iron.

Hundreds of Eastern Barbarian soldiers were hiding under the ladders, pushing siege engines and quickly approaching Yuguan City.

The Chanyu of the Eastern Barbarians was very cunning and deliberately placed the siege vehicle in an inconspicuous corner. When the escort discovered it, the siege vehicle was already less than twenty feet away from the city wall.

"Quick, blow it up for me!"

Liu Tie rushed to the city wall and roared at the bodyguards guarding the city wall.

The siege vehicle is more than three feet wide. If it is allowed to lean against the city wall, countless Eastern Barbarian soldiers can continuously rush up the city wall.

At that time, the escort will completely lose the terrain advantage and will be drowned by the vast number of Eastern Barbarians!

Under Liu Tie's command, the escorts threw grenades at the siege vehicles as if they were free of charge!

But the Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians knew that the bodyguards had grenades before they built the siege engines. How could he not be prepared?

The wood used to make the siege vehicles is all century-old wood transported from the virgin forest. Each piece of wood is at least as thick as the waist, and the grenade cannot explode it at all.

And at every key stress point, there is more than one piece of wood.

Even if one or two trees are blown to pieces, the siege engines can continue to work.

Seeing the siege vehicle getting closer and closer to the city wall, Liu Tie jumped to his feet in anxiety: "Where are the explosive packs? When can they be sent over?!"

For this plan, the only weapon that could destroy the siege vehicle was explosive charges.

However, explosive packs are not conventional combat equipment. They are not prepared on the city walls, but are stored in warehouses inside the city.

Just when the siege vehicle was still about three feet away from the city wall, the escort who went to get the explosive pack finally came back.

Liu Tie quickly ordered his best thrower to throw the lit explosive bag.

The thrower did not disappoint Liu Tie, and just threw the explosive bag right under the siege vehicle!


With a loud noise, the huge siege vehicle was overturned, killing a large number of Eastern Barbarian soldiers!

After taking care of the siege engines, dawn passed.

A hint of fish belly white appeared in the east, and Liu Tie could barely see the ground clearly even while standing on the city wall.

It was then that he discovered that the Eastern Barbarians had prepared not just one siege vehicle, but three!

The other two vehicles are almost pushed under the city wall!

This chapter has been completed!
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