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Chapter 1086 Soldiers Surround Yuguan City (5)

Liu Tie watched the huge siege vehicle crash to the ground, breathed a long sigh of relief, and then looked elsewhere.

The attacks of the Eastern Barbarians were not limited to this area, but spread across all the city walls on the north side.

Liu Tie pays attention to this place mainly because there are siege engines here.

Now that the siege vehicles had been killed, Liu Tie turned his attention to other places.

The Eastern Barbarian Chanyu seemed determined to attack Yuguan City today. Even though the siege vehicles were killed, there was still no sign of withdrawing his troops.

The densely packed Eastern Barbarian soldiers were still like a tide, pouring from the grassland towards Yuguan City.

The sun has already risen above the horizon, and the battle has continued from dawn until now.

The corpses of the Eastern Barbarians under the city wall are getting taller and taller. At several major siege points and near the city wall, the corpses have piled up into hills five or six meters high!

The climate of the Eastern Barbarians is harsh, and the living conditions are also extremely harsh. As a result, the folk customs of the Eastern Barbarians are more robust than those of Party members.

When the siege of the city first began, the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu controlled the old, weak, women and children of certain tribes and forced the men of the tribe to attack the city.

These people are cannon fodder and have to rush forward for the sake of their families.

But by this time, the Eastern Barbarians gradually became jealous.

Each one of them carried the ladder and rushed towards the city wall as if they were risking their lives. When they rushed to the pile of corpses, they put the ladder on the pile of corpses and continued to rush upward.

The Northern Expeditionary Army composed of the bodyguards and the Zhenyuan Army all knew what would happen if the Eastern Barbarians were to charge forward, so they all defended the city with all their might and did not dare to take a step back.

Instead of weakening as time goes by, the battle becomes more and more intense!

Although the Northern Expedition has the advantage of the city wall, there are too many enemies and too many archers.

Even though the bodyguards and female soldiers guarding the city had armor, someone would still be hit by arrows from time to time.

It's not that the armor isn't good, it's that the armor produced by Xihewan is divided into two types: heavy armor and light armor.

The heavy armor can tightly wrap the escort from top to bottom. After pulling up the mask, even the enemy's sharp archer will have a hard time finding the shooting position.www.81zw.????m

The disadvantage is that this kind of armor is very heavy. If worn for a long time, even a strong male escort cannot bear it.

Therefore, each company will only select twenty strong men to wear heavy armor. If there is an encounter, they will go to the front to act as shields.

Except for these bodyguards, everyone else wore light armor.

Light armor includes a helmet, breastplate, skirt, arm armor, leg armor and combat boots.

The helmet protects the head and neck, the breastplate protects the chest and back, the skirt protects the hips and crotch, the arm armor and leg armor protect the limbs, and the combat boots protect the feet.

However, in order to facilitate movement, the material of light armor is relatively thin. When the bodyguards and female soldiers throw grenades, kerosene jars, and shoot down from the city wall, their armpits and ribs will be exposed.

Although these positions are not fatal, they will make the person hit by the arrow lose their combat effectiveness.

The battle lasted until mid-morning, and the number of wounded escorts and female soldiers exceeded 100!

In addition to the two companies that were injured while resisting the siege vehicles, the number of casualties of the Northern Expedition has exceeded 200!

Compared to the densely packed corpses of the Eastern Barbarians under the city, the two hundred casualties were not that many, and could even be said to be a very proud record.

But Liu Tie was not happy at all.

He knew very well that achieving the current situation mainly relied on the advantage of the city wall and the equipment advantage of the Northern Expeditionary Army.

The catapults erected on the city wall are all heavy-duty catapults specially designed by Jin Feng to defend the city. Although they are difficult to move, their power and range are unmatched by portable catapults. They can throw rocks and kerosene jars to dozens of

Ten feet away!

And the loading capacity is large, if you hit it, it will be a big piece!

Even if the enemy survives the bombardment of the catapults, grenades will still be waiting for them after they get close to the city wall.

The new generation of grenades are mixed with a large amount of iron sand, and enemies within ten meters of the explosion will almost certainly die!

What worries Liu Tie is that as time goes by, the consumption is too great!

What if the grenades are used up, the kerosene is used up, and the stones prepared for the catapult are used up?

At that time, they can only engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy!

Their combatants only numbered 4,000, and now they have suffered 200 casualties. Although so many enemies have died, they are still densely covered with grasslands, as if they are endless.

Once the grenades are used up, why should they engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy?

Liu Tie knew that if Jin Feng learned about the situation in Yuguan City, he would definitely send people to reinforce him.

But yesterday the pigeon breeders reported to him that Hai Dongqing appeared outside the city, and if one of their carrier pigeons was released, one of them would be caught by Hai Dongqing.

Now that airships and homing pigeons are no longer available, Yuguan City has completely lost contact with Xihewan and has become an isolated city.

Liu Tie now had no way of confirming whether Jin Feng knew what was going on here.

What if Jin Feng doesn’t know?

Or maybe Jin Feng knew about it, but was temporarily unable to free his hands to rescue them?

Before Jin Feng established the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, Liu Tie and Zhang Liang helped Jin Feng deliver goods to the county town.

Later, Jin Feng established the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, and Zhang Liang became the general leader. He no longer went out on the field and stayed in the village to take command most of the time. However, Liu Tie was always active at the forefront.

When transporting goods, he was the captain of the escort team, and when suppressing bandits, he was the captain of the bandit suppression team.

Although his military talent is not as good as Zhang Liang's, Liu Tie has participated in too many battles in the past two years and has accumulated rich experience.

So the moment he saw Hai Dongqing tearing up the airship ball bag, Liu Tie knew that the matter was serious!

If he were an Eastern Barbarian Chanyu and had a way to target airships, he would definitely not only target Yuguan City, but all the forces under Jin Feng's command.

Liu Tie knew very well that he, a rough guy in the mountains, could think of this, and it was impossible for the Eastern Barbarian Shanyu to think of it.

So Liu Tie didn't dare to bet that Jin Feng would be able to send material reinforcements!

What he can do is order supplies to be controlled, so that the bodyguards and female soldiers guarding the city can save supplies as much as possible, and kill as many enemies as possible with the least consumption!

The escorts and female soldiers had already been working very hard to defend the place. After the supplies were controlled, the casualties immediately began to increase sharply.

The fighting lasted from dawn to midnight, resulting in two hundred casualties, half of which were caused by siege engines.

However, in just one hour from the time of material control to noon, the number of injured escorts and female soldiers reached more than 100!

If the fight continues like this, casualties will probably continue to increase.

But Liu Tie did not dare to let go of the supplies, so he could only grit his teeth and order the bodyguards and female soldiers to hold on.

Facts have proved that Liu Tie's decision was correct!

The Dongman offensive lasted until evening!

After the war, Liu Tie asked people to count the supplies. Forty percent of the grenades had been consumed, 55% of the kerosene had been consumed, and 90% of the stones prepared for the catapult had been consumed!

If we follow the previous strategy and let the bodyguards and female soldiers throw grenades, I am afraid that all the grenades and kerosene will be used up today!

This chapter has been completed!
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