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Chapter 1090 Enemies in the South

After Yuguan City was occupied by the Eastern Barbarians, they brutally burned, killed, and looted the people of Dakang in the south.

The local people were either killed, taken as slaves by the Eastern Barbarians, or fled south.

As a result, there is almost no human habitation from Yuguan City southward to the Yellow River.

According to the original plan of Jin Feng and Ninth Princess, after the Northern Expeditionary Army occupied Yuguan City, they would arrange for the people to migrate to the north of the Yellow River. However, before they could start, the fourth prince killed his father and usurped the throne, and the entire Dakang was plunged into chaos.

, the migration plan of Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess also came to nothing.

Until now, in this vast and fertile area, there is still no human habitation, only wild grass all over the sky.

After the Northern Expeditionary Army occupied Yuguan City, the focus of defense has been the grasslands to the north.

After Zhang Liang left, Liu Tie still made the same arrangement.

After all, there are no people in the south, so what is there to defend?

So Liu Tie's first thought when he saw the sounding arrow was that the guard's hand slipped and he shot the sounding arrow into the sky.

Although this situation is relatively rare, it has occurred before.

"Go and check what's going on in the south. Isn't it causing trouble by firing arrows randomly at this time?"

Liu Tie looked back to the south, frowned and said.

The guard captain behind him agreed and was about to arrange for someone to ask what was going on when he saw another cloud of black smoke appear in the sky to the south.

Now everyone's expressions changed.

A loud arrow may have been caused by a slip of the hand, but two arrows in a row meant that something was really going on in the south!

Liu Tie had no time to arrange the defense in the north. He turned around and ran down the tower, taking out his telescope from his arms and looking south.

"Third brother, hurry up and prepare your horse. Fifth brother, go call Mr. Tian!"

The guard captain put his arm around Liu Tie's shoulders to prevent him from falling while quickly making arrangements.

Two guards ran out of the team and jumped down the tower.

When Liu Tie walked to the bottom of the tower, one of the guards had already brought the horseman to the stairs.

Liu Tie jumped on the front horse and led the bodyguards towards the south of the city.

A few hundred meters away from the south city wall, they heard loud shouts of killing coming from outside the city, and saw the female soldiers on guard at the city wall throwing grenades down.

There were also two female soldiers on guard firing arrows.

The Zhenyuan Army's sounding arrows were not fired randomly. Different colors and different numbers of sounding arrow combinations represented different situations.

But at this time, the two female soldiers seemed to be crazy and couldn't care less about the color. They shot the loud arrows into the sky one after another.

Although Liu Tie didn't know what happened in the south, he knew that the female soldier must have seen a very terrible situation, otherwise she wouldn't be so rude.

While spanking the horse's butt hard, he turned around and shouted: "Go and notify Qin Fei and ask him to bring people to the South City Wall immediately!"

"Yes!" One of the guards agreed, turned his horse's head and ran towards the north of the city.

In order to allow the escorts who take turns to rest to have a good sleep, the new dormitory was chosen not far from the south city wall.

At this time, the first batch of escorts on duty had already come down from the north city wall and were preparing to go back to rest.

Now the only ones who can rush to the southern city wall for reinforcements are them.

Before the guards could arrive at the north city wall, Liu Tie had already rushed to the bottom of the south city wall on horseback.

Before the horse could stop, he jumped off the horse and rushed towards the stairs.

The moment he climbed onto the city wall, Liu Tie's eyes suddenly widened, with a look of disbelief on his face!

I saw that the wasteland to the south of the city was densely packed with people, and the nearest ones had already rushed under the city wall.

The female soldier on guard was running back and forth. When she saw someone setting up a ladder on the city wall, she quickly lit a grenade and threw it down.

There were also female soldiers holding crossbows and shooting rapidly.

In a daze, Liu Tie felt like he was at the North City Wall.

But he knew that this was not the North City Wall.

He couldn't figure out where these people came from, and he didn't have time to think about it.

When Yuguan City was first built, it was to defend against nomadic tribes in the north. Therefore, the city wall in the north was built tall and solid, while the wall in the south was built much lower.

After all, the south is our own territory, so what’s the point of building the southern city wall? Is it to defend against our own people?

Even Zhang Liang and Liu Tie did not expect that someone would attack them from behind, so they only arranged a company on the south city wall. Bayi Chinese website

After the siege started from the north two days ago, Liu Tie also transferred this company, leaving only a platoon of female soldiers to guard the city.

Who knew that enemies suddenly appeared in the south?

Although the southern wall is low, its length is the same as that of the northern wall.

It is extremely difficult to defend the northern border with thousands of people. How can a platoon of female soldiers be expected to defend it?

No wonder those two female soldiers shot the loud arrows into the sky like they were free of charge.

Fortunately, they discovered the enemy earlier, and fortunately the enemy did not rush up all at once. Otherwise, before Liu Tie and the others arrived, the south city wall would have been lost in an instant.

Although the enemy is completely dark, there are always some running fast and some running slow.

At first, the female soldiers could temporarily suppress them with grenades and hand crossbows, but as more and more enemies came to the city wall, more and more ladders were erected.

The female soldiers are not quick-footed, so even if there are grenades, they will not care about them.

Fortunately, Liu Tie arrived with his personal guards.

Without his order, the bodyguards of the Guards immediately joined the battle.

Liu Tie is now also an important general under Jin Feng, and those who can serve as his personal guards are all the elite bodyguards.

But there are too many enemies. Even if they try their best, they will lose sight of one thing!

Liu Tie swung his sword to chop down an enemy who climbed up the ladder, and then reached out to push the ladder on the city wall.

Suddenly an arrow was shot from below the city and went straight to Liu Tie's head.

But Liu Tie was lowering his head to push the ladder and didn't see the arrow at all.

Although Liu Tie was wearing a helmet, he did not put down his visor. It would be dangerous if he was hit by an arrow!

The guard captain was not far away, but by the time he saw the arrow, it was already too late to save Liu Tie.

Soon enough, the captain of the guard shouted and directly hit Liu Tie with the crossbow in his hand.


The crossbow hit Liu Tie's helmet hard, knocking his head off.

The next second, the arrow hit the right side of Liu Tie's helmet!

The guard captain arrived just now, grabbed Liu Tie's clothes, and quickly retreated!

The next second, two more arrows flew towards me!

If the guard captain hadn't pulled him away, these two arrows would have hit Liu Tie's face!

"General, you are a sharp archer. You should be targeted and can't go to the front anymore!"

The guard captain pointed at Liu Tie's helmet, with a look of fear on his face.

"His grandma's!"

Liu Tie shook his head and spit.

The arrow that hit his helmet just now made his head buzz.

When I took off the helmet, I saw a dent in the right ear.

This kind of strength and accuracy is definitely not something ordinary archers can achieve!

This chapter has been completed!
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