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Chapter 1100 The final blow

In the camp of the Jin-Barbarian coalition, Feng Shicai, a general under the King of Jin, stood on a high platform, looking north with his hands behind his back.

Next to him stood Yeluyuan, the leader of the remaining Eastern Barbarian army.

Yeluyuan's face looked very ugly.

The firelight from the north lit up half of the sky, clearly illuminating the huge Yuguan City. You could even use your toes to figure out what was happening on the other side.

Although Feng Shicai also frowned, he felt a little gloating in his heart.

The King of Jin and the Eastern Barbarians have been fighting for so many years. When the remnants of the Eastern Barbarians had just defected to the King of Jin, they were often made trouble by the people under the King of Jin.

The remnants of the Eastern Barbarians also knew the principle of people living under the roof, so they could only swallow their anger.

But since the slaughter of Fan's army, the remnant Eastern Barbarians have become dishonest. Especially after the Eastern Barbarian envoys began to negotiate with the King of Jin, the remnant Eastern Barbarians became even more arrogant and began to constantly provoke the King of Jin's men.

However, the King of Jin was forced by the flying team to have no choice but to rely on the Eastern Barbarians' Hai Dongqing to deal with the airship. He could only order his own people to give way to the remaining Eastern Barbarian troops.

The Dakang people who came to the Jin barbarian remnant army accounted for 80% this time, so the ostensible commander was Feng Shicai, the general under the King of Jin, and Yeluyuan, the deputy commander of the Eastern barbarian remnant army, served as deputy commander.

But along the way, Yeluyuan often caused trouble for Feng Shicai, and his various treatment standards were higher than those required by Feng Shicai, the commander-in-chief.

This made Feng Shicai very unhappy, but he had no choice.

Now looking at the sky full of fire in the north, and looking at Yeluyuan's face, Feng Shicai felt relieved.

If Yeluyuan wasn't still standing next to him, he would definitely have high-fived him.

Poor Feng Shicai had no idea that the hot air balloon had flown over his head.

On the hot air balloon, the deputy opened a gap in the curtain and confirmed that they were about to fly to the grain and grass depot of the Shanxi-Barbarian coalition. He turned his face and nodded at the main controller.

The master controller smiled, opened the curtain, lit a jar of kerosene and threw it down!

Feng Shicai was standing on the high platform watching the excitement, and he was enjoying himself when he suddenly heard an exclamation from behind.

He turned around and looked over, just in time to see a ray of fire falling from the sky and landing on the pile of grain and hay.

Feng Shicai's face suddenly turned pale and he subconsciously looked up.

I saw a bright light hundreds of feet in the air.

Feng Shicai was still curious before, how Liu Tie's airship and hot air balloon were destroyed, how could he ignite the fodder in the Dongman camp.

Now he finally knows the reason.

It turns out that Liu Tie sent out a hot air balloon!

"Didn't you say that the hot air balloons and airships in Yuguan City were all killed?"

Feng Shicai turned around and glared at Yeluyuan: "What's going on now?"

Before arriving at Yuguan City, Shanyu sent spies to bypass Yuguan City from the sea and meet Yeluyuan in the wilderness. He made it clear that all airships and hot air balloons in Yuguan City had been killed.

Shanyu made this judgment based on the fact that in the previous few days of siege, the bodyguards were beaten so badly that even the house was demolished.

If they still have hot air balloons or airships, they will definitely use them at night.

Feng Shicai and Yelu Yuan also agreed with Shan Yu's judgment at that time, so when arranging the camp, they did not spread out the food and grass, but gathered them together as they did during the previous march and war, which was more convenient for management.

After all, who knew there were hot air balloons in Yuguan City?

"I also want to know what's going on!" Yeluyuan gritted his teeth and replied.

"Don't talk nonsense about things that are not confirmed in the future!"

Feng Shicai cursed, turned around and jumped off the high platform to direct the fire extinguishing.

But grain and herbs are flammable, and if they are stained with kerosene, how can they be extinguished so easily?

Soon, the grain and grass depot of the Jin-Barbarian coalition army also turned into a sea of ​​fire, just like the fodder yard of the Dongman camp.

Feng Shicai stood outside the sea of ​​fire, his face turning pale.

Seeing that the fire could not be extinguished, Feng Shicai could only order his men to do their best to seize the food and grass that had not been burned.

The forage fields of the Eastern Barbarians were burned down, and they still had a large number of cattle and sheep to temporarily satisfy their hunger, and then they could continue to transport grain and grass from the rear.

However, there are hundreds of miles between Yuguan City and the land of Jin. The amount of food and grass they rescued is not much. Even if the King of Jin receives the news and raises food for them, they will have long since starved to death after it is delivered.


High in the sky, the two pilots looked down at Yuguan City and lowered the curtain.

The hot air balloon was once again lost in the darkness, drifting towards the south.

Fortunately for them, they originally thought that when they attacked the camp of the Jin-Barbarian coalition, Haidong Qinghui would come and sabotage it, but it turned out not to be the case.

The two sea greens were still hovering over Yuguan City, with no intention of coming over.

This gave the hot air balloon a last chance to escape.

It's just that they only have the last half barrel of kerosene left, and they don't know how far they can fly.

But they can fly as far as they can. They have completed their mission and dealt the enemy a final blow. Now their first priority is to survive, so they fly as far away from the Jinman coalition camp as possible.

On the wall of Yuguan City, Liu Tie and Mr. Tian turned their heads and looked towards the south, their expressions were very solemn.

They know who did this.

We also know why they do this.

"Even if I light up the two grain and grass depots, I don't know how much kerosene they have left. I hope they can come back safely!" Mr. Tian sighed.

"Is it true that these two dead birds can't be beaten down?"

Liu Tie stared and asked.

"General, they are flying too high, we really can't hit them..."

The guard captain replied helplessly.

Liu Tie closed his eyes silently.

He had never believed in ghosts and gods, so he couldn't help but pray for the two pilots in his heart.

After so many battles, Liu Tie has become accustomed to life and death.

He was one of the earliest escorts. He started by pushing a trolley to help Jin Feng transport goods, and worked his way up to where he is now.

He could name more than half of the thousand escorts in the Northern Expedition. Among the corpses lying in the corner of the city wall that had not yet been collected, more than half had once delivered goods with him.

These two pilots are just two of them.

After a while, Liu Tie opened his eyes again, and his eyes had returned to their usual calmness.

"The order goes down, everyone must not slack off and prepare the masonry as soon as possible!"

The fire in our own camp was blazing into the sky, which had a great impact on morale. At this time, the offensives on both sides of the north and the south were temporarily suspended.

The bodyguards and female soldiers who had been fighting for most of the night finally had a chance to breathe and rested against the city wall.

But Liu Tie ordered them to prepare masonry as soon as possible.


The guard captain bowed and agreed, but his eyes were full of confusion.

The enemy's food and grass have obviously been burned, and the offensive below has stopped. Why not let everyone take a rest?

Mr. Tian noticed the guard captain's gaze and nodded to Liu Tie with a smile: "General, you are right to do this. Although the enemy's offensive has stopped, but the grain and grass depot has been burned, they are likely to jump over the wall and launch more attacks."

We have to guard against violent attacks!"

This chapter has been completed!
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