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Chapter 1102

Feng Shicai fell silent after listening to Yeluyuan's words.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew that Yeluyuan was right.

The distance between Jin and Land was too far, and although there was almost a wasteland that was easy to walk in the middle, the food they grabbed was too little to support so many people from walking back.

Moreover, the task given to them by King Jin was to assist the Eastern Barbarians in conquering Yuguan City. If they went back in disgrace like this, King Jin could not spare them!

So now there is only the last way left to go, which is to continue to attack Yuguan City.

After thinking about this, Feng Shicai nodded helplessly and turned to look at the civilians in the camp who were still rescuing food.

I don’t know how many of these people will be left after this battle is over.

"Look at what they are doing. They are just a bunch of two-legged sheep. If they die, they will die. This will save them a waste of food!"

When Yeluyuan saw this, he said nonchalantly.

"If you continue to say that they are two-legged sheep, I will fall out with you!"

Feng Shicai suddenly turned his head and stared at Yeluyuan with red eyes.

When the Eastern Barbarians first occupied Yuguan City, there were still many people north of the Yellow River. However, the Eastern Barbarians did not regard the people of Dakang as human beings at all. Instead, they called them two-legged sheep, slaughtered them at will, and even cooked them.

Anyone who lives in Dakang will be very angry when they hear this title.

Jin is adjacent to the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun. Feng Shicai almost grew up hearing about the evil deeds of the Eastern Barbarians, and he was even more disgusted by this title.

Yeluyuan narrowed his eyes, but didn't say anything else.

After all, we still have to rely on Feng Shicai to command the civilians and government soldiers to attack the city.

Feng Shicai was just about to leave when a dull horn sound suddenly came from the north.

"This is Chanyu's assembly call!" Yeluyuan reminded: "After the assembly call is the siege. General Feng, we should also prepare!"

"I will know!"

Feng Shicai snorted coldly and called the deputy general to gather the soldiers and civilians.

In Yuguan City, the handover between the night shift and day shift escorts has been completed. At this time, the enemy is not attacking the city, so the day shift escorts are temporarily resting on the city wall.

Hearing the sound of the horn, the bodyguards and female soldiers turned their heads to look north.

I saw dense crowds of people and horses appearing on the horizon of the northern grassland, pressing towards Yuguan City like dark clouds.

"Brothers, the pilot brothers burned the food and grass of Dongman and King Jin last night. They can't hold on for a few more days! As long as we can survive, victory will belong to us!"

Liu Tie held up a tin trumpet and shouted loudly: "But the enemy is cornered now, so the next battle will be very difficult. Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!"

Under the leadership of their respective squad leaders, the bodyguards and female soldiers raised their arms and answered in unison.

"Fight!" Liu Tie pulled out his black knife and pointed it to the north.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The bodyguards and female soldiers also pulled out their weapons and pointed to the north!

After a while, a straight plume of smoke appeared in the northern sky.

Later, the same plume of smoke appeared in the south.

The siege only stopped in the middle of the night, and then broke out again.

Moreover, both Shanyu and Feng Shicai of the Eastern Barbarians wanted to solve the problem of their own food and grass being burned by occupying Yuguan City and confiscating the food and grass of the escorts, so this time the enemy's offensive was more fierce than ever before!

Driven by the supervisory troops, the enemies on both sides of the north and south launched a pincer attack on Yuguan City at the same time, like mountains and seas!

Don't let anyone try to escape. If you run slower, the supervisor's long sword will cut him down.

Although the catapult is fierce, it still needs to be wound and refilled, and its attack range is limited.

Once out of the attack range, the enemy can rush directly to the city wall.

Although the female soldiers were trying their best to increase the frequency of catapult throwing, after one group was killed, two groups immediately came up behind them!

There are more and more enemies under the city wall.

If Jin Feng were here, he would definitely think of the zombie movies he watched in his previous life.

At this time, the civilians attacking the city were like zombies in the movie, stepping on the corpses under their feet and attacking the city wall crazily!

"Are they crazy?"

On the city wall, the expressions of Liu Tie and Mr. Tian changed.

They didn't expect that the enemy's offensive would be so fierce!

"Notify the brothers on the night shift to cancel their rest and immediately cooperate with the logistics camp to deliver bricks to the city wall!"

Liu Tie ordered with a serious look on his face.

The enemy's offensive is so fierce that the day shift's escorts and female soldiers alone may not be able to defend it.

Bricks and stones are consumed too quickly, and it may not be possible to replenish them in time just by relying on the logistics camp.

The night shift had already gone back to rest, but was called back again to deliver bricks and stones to the escorts on the north and south walls.

Liu Tie originally thought that the enemy would not be able to last long in such a fierce battle, but the facts proved that he was wrong.

The fighting started in the morning and continued until the afternoon without ending, and there was no sign of an end in sight.

Under the city walls that had been heavily attacked by the enemy at several locations, corpses were piled nearly three feet high!

This was the result of the bodyguards constantly blasting away corpses with grenades. Without grenades, the enemy's corpses would have been piled as high as the city wall.

Even if there were grenades, the surrounding corpses were still one or two feet thick, and the grenades couldn't blast them.

In Yuguan City, all the masonry houses within thirty feet of the city wall have been demolished.

The dismantled bricks and stones were sent to the city wall and smashed out.

After all, Yuguan City was a remote city. There were not many people at the beginning, the city was not very big, and there were not many brick houses in the city.

If we fight like this for another day or two, I'm afraid all the masonry houses in the city will be demolished.

This siege lasted until nightfall.⑧①ZW.????m

It's not that the Eastern Barbarian Shanyu has softened his heart, but the corpses under the city wall are so thick that the attackers can't see them at night, so it's very easy for them to trip over and be trampled to death by those behind them.

Although in Chan Yu's eyes, the attackers were just cannon fodder, he was not willing to let the cannon fodder be trampled to death by his own people for no reason, so he had to order the attack to be suspended.

The Jin-Barbarian coalition was far less numerous than the Eastern Barbarians. Now that the attacks from the north had stopped, Feng Shicai naturally would not let his men die.

Yuguan City, which had been shouting for killing for a whole day, finally became quiet.

Worried that the enemy would fight back with carbine, Liu Tie did not dare to let the bodyguards and female soldiers withdraw from the city wall, but let them rest on the spot.

High-intensity fighting consumes too much physical energy. I didn't feel it during the previous battle. Now that the fighting has stopped and I can rest, many bodyguards and female soldiers feel their legs are weak and they lean against the city wall weakly.

"Go and count the battle losses!"

Liu Tie turned around and ordered.

In such a fierce siege, it is inevitable that enemies will rush onto the city wall.

Although the people who rushed up were killed in the end, the casualties of the bodyguards and female soldiers were inevitable.

It's just that the scene during the day was so chaotic that Liu Tie didn't know the exact number of casualties.

It is not difficult to count battle losses, and the guard captain came back quickly with the results.

Although he didn't say anything, the expression on his face said a lot!

This chapter has been completed!
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