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Chapter 1104 Zhenyuan No. 1 is here!

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the cold wind blew past the city walls, making a sharp whistling sound.

The bodyguards were so tired that after writing letters home, many bodyguards and female soldiers fell asleep leaning against the city wall, and frost quickly formed on the iron armor.

"General, it's too cold on the city wall. You'll get frozen if you sleep here."

Mr. Tian said: "Why don't we let everyone go down and have a rest."

"But what if the enemy suddenly attacks the city?"

Liu Tie naturally knew that sleeping on the city wall was not possible, but he did not dare to order the bodyguards to remove the city wall.

In this situation before, Liu Tie would have his catapult throw the kerosene jar, so that even if the enemy wanted to sneak attack, he would be able to see it hundreds of meters in advance.

But now there is not much kerosene left in the city, and it is not enough to defend the city. Liu Tie is reluctant to throw it out anymore.

It's been cloudy these two days, and it can be said that you can't see anything at night.

Not to mention the moon, not even a single star can be seen.

If the enemy came over at night, they might not be discovered until the escort went under the city wall.

By then it will be too late to gather people to take over the city wall.

Naturally, Mr. Tian also understood this truth, and sighed and said: "How about using hanging baskets to send a few scouts out. There are corpses everywhere now, and they can hide among the corpses to keep a lookout."

"Let the scouts go?" Liu Tie frowned slightly.

It's not a big problem for the scouts to hide in the pile of corpses, but once the enemy really comes over, the scouts in charge must send a signal to remind them, right?

Wouldn't it be exposed as soon as the signal is sent?

This scout will definitely die by then!

But Liu Tie knew that this was already the best way at the moment.

He nodded and waved to the guard captain, asking him to go to the scout team to recruit death squads.

Soon, the guard captain came over with five scouts.

All five of them were veterans, and Liu Tiequan knew them.

"Niu Wazi, Tiezhu, Lao Qing, Hanwa, Brother Shui!"

Liu Tie greeted the five people one by one, and then asked, "Do you know what I'm looking for you for?"

Brother Shui was the oldest among the five and the captain of the team. He nodded and said, "I know. Let's go to the outside of the city to keep a watch so that the brothers can go down and have some sleep."

"Have you all thought about it?" Liu Tie asked.

"I've thought about it," Brother Shui nodded again.

Liu Tie looked at the other four people again.

The other four people also nodded heavily.

Under normal circumstances, a qualified general will encourage the death squads and ask for credit when they come back.

But Liu Tie didn't say anything, he just patted Brother Shui on the shoulder and said, "Be careful!".

Brother Shui nodded, led the remaining four people to a dark part of the city wall, and slid down along the rope that had been prepared.

The bodies of several people were very flexible, and after they dispersed, they quickly disappeared into the darkness.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Liu Tie ordered the bodyguards to go to the city to rest.

In addition to leaving one company to guard the city wall, another company was left to sleep in the urn.

Once the scouts notice that the enemy is approaching, the two companies can hold out for a while until the bodyguards at the bottom of the city catch up.

However, the enemy did not launch an attack that night, and before dawn, all five scouts returned to the city wall safely.

For the first time since the Eastern Barbarians launched their siege, the bodyguards had a quiet breakfast.

But this calmness did not last long. Only half an hour after breakfast, the enemy launched a new round of siege. The offensive was as fierce as yesterday!

After a night of repairs, the bodyguards and female soldiers were in much better condition than yesterday, but the reserves of kerosene and grenades were almost all used up.

No matter how frugal the escorts were, they would still run out of grenades and kerosene by noon.

In fact, not all of them were used up. There were still two boxes of grenades and several barrels of kerosene in the corner of Wengcheng.

This is reserved for emergencies.

What's more, just a few grenades and kerosene are of little use to the current offensive.

The enemy soon discovered that the escort had no grenades and kerosene, and suddenly became excited, and the already fierce offensive suddenly escalated to another level.

Especially on the north city wall, the Eastern Barbarian Shanyu ordered the supervisors to beat the cannon fodder wildly with whips and drive them towards the city wall.

The piles of corpses in many places under the city wall were almost as high as the city wall. The enemy could climb up directly without using a ladder.

The pressure on the bodyguards and female soldiers doubled instantly.

But they also knew that they had to either fight to the death now or wait for the enemy to rush in and be killed. They had no way out!

So the bodyguards and female soldiers almost went crazy.

Even the logistics battalion and cooking team leaders rushed to the city wall with weapons.

Without grenades and kerosene, the catapult became the most important defensive weapon. But to the despair of the escorts, all the houses that could be demolished near the city wall had already been demolished.

There is a brick house in the center of the city, but it is too far to reach the north and south city walls.

The soldiers of the logistics battalion have tried their best to transport the goods, but they still cannot meet the consumption on the city wall.

This resulted in less and less bricks and stones on the city wall. By mid-afternoon, the catapults on the north city wall stopped one after another.

The masonry beside them has been thrown away, and the new masonry has not yet been sent.

A catapult without masonry is just decoration.

When the enemy saw that the catapult had stopped, they became even more excited.

More and more enemies climbed up the mountain of corpses and rushed towards the city wall.

The bodyguards and female soldiers could only take out their spears and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

Even if the armor of the escorts is indestructible, and even if the female soldiers' hand crossbows are fast and accurate, there are too many enemies.

The bodyguards and female soldiers can still hold on temporarily, but fighting in armor consumes a lot of physical strength. How long can the bodyguards hold on?

Female soldiers also have limited arrows. What should they do if they run out of arrows?

"Mr. Tian, ​​please hold this knife."

Liu Tie took out his dagger and handed it to Mr. Tian.

If things continue like this, I'm afraid Yuguan City will definitely be lost before it gets dark.

The enemy will not be able to let Mr. Tian go by then.

Rather than fall into the hands of the enemy and suffer humiliation and torture, it is better to end oneself happily.

"Tie Zi, who do you look down on? I am a scholar, but I am also a man from Sichuan and Sichuan, and I am a well-organized bodyguard!"

Mr. Tian threw the dagger to the ground, and then took out a black knife from the weapon rack next to him: "Mr. Jin said that no matter how powerful the enemy is, you must have the spirit to dare to use your sword!

We at the Zhenyuan Escort Agency don’t have any wimps who show off their clothes, so even if I die, I’ll have to hack one or two to death!”

Liu Tie was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed: "I didn't expect that one day I would be able to fight side by side with Mr. Tian. It's so fun!"

"It is also an honor for Tian to fight alongside General Liu!"

Mr. Tian bowed his hands to Liu Tie, and the two walked out of the barbican side by side, ready to fight to the death.

But just when he went out, he saw the guard captain covered in blood pointing to the sea to the east and shouting: "General, look, it's Zhenyuan No. 1! Zhenyuan No. 1 is coming!"

This chapter has been completed!
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