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Chapter 111 Taking the Initiative

Jin Feng could endure it not only for psychological reasons, but also because he had other choices.

If Guanjiawan is not an option, he can still go to Tianjiawan and Chenjiawan.

My mother-in-law has already gone to cook, and I won't be able to leave for a while, so I'll just spend it slowly.

So Jin Feng picked up the thick bowl and took another sip.

Contrary to Jin Feng's calmness, Guanjiawan had no choice. If they didn't say good things to Jin Feng, they would not be able to earn wages and would have to continue living in poverty.

Therefore, the stalemate did not last long. The village chief soon became unable to bear it any longer and frequently winked at Guan Zhuzhu.

The ancients generally had a strong sense of clan. With Xiaorou's help, Guan Zhuzhu's family now had no worries about food and clothing, but when he saw the village chief's signal, Guan Zhuzhu still spoke: "Brother-in-law, you are back now, what are your plans?"


"No plans for the time being?"

Jin Feng smiled and shook his head.

"I heard from Xiaorou that textile workshops are quite profitable. Have you ever thought about making more spinning wheels and setting up a workshop?"

Guan Zhuzhu said: "If you are willing, just send the spinning wheel over and don't worry about anything else. I will find the people for you and build the workshop for you. You just have to wait and collect the money."

"It seems that the workshop will still have to rely on Dongdong in the future."

Jin Feng sighed silently in his heart.

Guan Xiaorou is diligent, kind, considerate and gentle, but her mind is too simple and she says everything to others.

As a wife, Guan Xiaorou is almost perfect, but she cannot be a business partner.

It's nothing if it's just a small workshop now. If the business becomes bigger in the future, Guan Xiaorou's personality will easily leak business secrets.

But now is not the time to consider this. Jin Feng smiled and shook his head, rejecting Guan Zhuzhu’s proposal:

"No need, I've already finished building the workshop in Xihewan, so don't bother me."

The structure of the new spinning wheel is not particularly complicated. If it were leaked out, it would be easily copied, and Jin Feng's workshop would lose its advantage.

This is also the reason why Tang Dongdong strictly defends himself.

Although Jin Feng only said one sentence, the clan leader had lived for most of his life and immediately understood the implication of Jin Feng's words.

"Zhuzi, let me do the talking."

The clan leader sighed and said, "My uncle, you are a smart man. Old man, I won't beat around the bush with you. If I have something to say, I will say it directly. If what you say is wrong, please don't take offense."

"Third Grandpa, please tell me."

Jin Feng sat upright.

"My uncle, you have also seen that life is difficult for everyone. Every winter, many people in the village starve to death and freeze to death. As the clan leader, I would like to ask my uncle to find a way for everyone to survive for Xiaorou's sake."

The patriarch said: "As long as you open a workshop in Guanjiawan so that everyone can have enough to eat every day like the people in Xihewan, we only need half of the wages. What do you think?"


Jin Feng didn't expect that the clan leader would make such a big concession as soon as he came up.

It can be said to be very sincere.

"Since Third Grandpa has said so, I will also say it directly."

Jin Feng said: "My brick and tile workshop in Xihewan has been built, and I will not build another workshop in Guanjiawan for the time being."

The patriarch's face couldn't help but show disappointment, but he did not give up, but continued:

"It doesn't matter if we don't build a workshop in Guanjiawan. I can arrange for the girls in the village to go to Xihewan to work."

"There are still many women in Xihewan who are idle at home. I promised Uncle Liu that I would recruit them first after the workshop is built."

Jin Feng shook his head again.

This is not Jin Feng's excuse. There are only thirty spinning wheels in total in the textile workshop. Even if it works in two shifts, only sixty workers are enough.

Even including handymen and the like, seventy people are enough.

There are still many women in Xihewan village who have not found jobs and are idle at home.

"In that case, it's just over there..."

The clan leader sighed and prepared to get up and leave.

"Third Grandpa, don't leave in a hurry, just listen to what I have to say."

Jin Feng stopped the clan leader with a smile and said: "Although the workshop cannot recruit female workers from our village for the time being, I can find work for my brothers and uncles in the village."

"What work?"

The patriarch quickly stopped.

"I'm building a house over there. Originally, the men in our village were enough, but the third grandfather has already spoken, so let's let the brothers and uncles go over and help."

Jin Feng said: "The wages are the same as those in our village, two coppers a day and two meals of wheat porridge."

"Thank you, uncle. Thank you, uncle."

The patriarch excitedly raised his hands to bow to Jin Feng.


Jin Feng hurriedly supported the old patriarch: "But I have to say something ugly first. After my brothers and uncles pass, they must work hard and not conflict with the people in our village."

This was also the reason why Jin Feng had to hold back and not take the initiative to speak.

Guanjiawan and Xihewan are adjacent to each other, and there are fights over water and land almost every year. The accumulated historical conflicts are deep, and many people dislike each other.

Guanjiawan is a clan village and is inherently united. If you invite them there, it will easily breed their arrogance.

"Don't worry, uncle, if anyone dares to cause trouble, I will break his legs."

The clan leader quickly promised.

"Grandpa Third said that and I feel relieved."

Now that the warning is over, let’s give you some hope.

Jin Feng continued: "Please also ask Third Grandpa to tell everyone that if they perform well this time, I will consider building a few more brick houses so that the aunts, sisters-in-law and sisters in our village can also have work."

When the clan leader heard what Jin Feng said, he almost shed tears of excitement, and repeatedly promised to perform well.

People are like this, they don't cherish things that are easy to get.

Just like when you go shopping, the boss says 100 yuan, Xiao Ming bargains for 50 yuan, and the boss agrees immediately, Xiao Ming will definitely feel that he is at a disadvantage.

But if the boss haggles for a long time and finally sells the item to Xiao Ming for 60 yuan, Xiao Ming will feel that he has taken advantage of it.

When the patriarch told the men in Guanjiawan that he and Guan Zhuzhu had been begging for a long time, Jin Feng let them go to work and let the men perform well. The men immediately began to cherish this job and expressed their opinions that they would never do it.

stir up trouble.

Early the next morning, the clan leader rushed to Xihewan with Guan Zhuzhu and forty or fifty men.

Afraid that Jin Feng would be angry, he did not bring anyone who was not diligent or in poor health, but only the best young men from Guanjiawan came.

There is strength in numbers, and with dozens of people from Guanjiawan joining the project, the progress of the project immediately accelerated a lot.

People are transporting bricks, people are digging foundations, people are cutting down trees, and the whole Xihewan Village is in full swing.

Under the personal supervision of the old patriarch, no one in Guanjiawan dared to be lazy or cause trouble. They all worked hard to leave a good impression on Jin Feng.

With the hard work of dozens of men, it took only ten days to complete the 30 dormitories prepared for the families of veterans.

Jin Feng contacted the carpenter in advance to make a batch of wooden beds, tables and stools, and sent a set to each room.

The veterans happily set off to pick up their families.

This chapter has been completed!
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