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Chapter 1120 The First Regiment of the Detachment of Women

Farewell to the Ninth Princess Guan Xiaorou and Bei Qianxun, Jin Feng mounted his war horse under the watch of the villagers, and led his guards and Runniang straight to Iron Can Mountain.

At the foot of Tin Can Mountain, female workers lined up in a neat square formation and stood in the open space.

There are now a total of several thousand female workers in Iron Can Mountain. Except for the old and infirm, the rest basically join the guard team and undergo training every day.

However, in order to prevent another sneak attack on the village, and the Zhenyuan 2's carrying capacity was limited, Zuo Feifei did not take away all the female workers, but only 2,000 people.

The remaining thousands of people continue to stay on the mountain, not only to ensure the normal operation of the soap factory, but also to provide support as quickly as possible if the village encounters danger again.

Seeing Jin Feng approaching, Zuo Feifei immediately turned her horse's head to meet him!

Putting his right hand on his chest, he gave a military salute to Jin Feng: "The first regiment of Iron Can Mountain has assembled, please give instructions!"

Female workers are usually divided into workshops and squads when going to work, but when training and going out to fight, in order to facilitate command, they will also be re-grouped according to the regiment, battalion and company squad arrangement like the Escort Bureau and the Zhenyuan Army, so as to facilitate command and combat.

This time, following Zuo Feifei to support Yuguan City, was the First Regiment of the Iron Can Mountain Detachment of Women, which was also the regiment with the strongest combat effectiveness and richest experience.

Although there are only two thousand people, their supplies have already been sent to the dock ahead of time, so the two thousand people do not include auxiliary arms such as logistics, and are almost all combat arms.

Even the cooking soldiers are selected. Not only can they cook, but they can also fight with a crossbow.

When Zuo Feifei reported to Jin Feng, other female workers also turned their heads to look over.

In fact, Jin Feng felt that Zuo Feifei was a bit too formal, and originally wanted to make a joke, but when he saw the looks in the female workers' eyes, Jin Feng immediately gave up the idea.

Maybe this is the function of rituals.

When one person is serious, it may not matter, but when two thousand people are serious at the same time, the atmosphere will become solemn and solemn.

Jin Feng looked at the female workers and felt like this.

It can be seen from the eyes of the female workers that they attach great importance to this expedition and may even be prepared to die on the battlefield.

Jin Feng was also affected, and his attitude became serious involuntarily.

Putting his right hand on his chest, he gave Zuo Feifei a military salute and said in a deep voice: "Let's go!"


Zuo Feifei turned her horse's head and raised her arms towards the phalanx of female workers: "Let's go!"

Most of the previously captured war horses were assigned to the battlefield, and there was no way to give each female worker one. Only female workers above the platoon leader were qualified to ride horses, while other female workers walked.

Following Zuo Feifei's order, the female workers, three in a row, trotted onto the official road.

Scouts rode war horses ahead, one to explore the road and the other to evacuate the people or caravans on the road.

Although Xihewan is just a village, due to the existence of various factories, it has become an important economic and trade center in northern Sichuan, and there are still many traders on the official road.

But when they found out that the scouts were using the black flag of the escort agency when they were clearing the way, both merchants and common people all got out of the way.

In the feudal era, the status of merchants was extremely low, but after Jin Feng and Ninth Princess came to power, they attached great importance to business. Instead of discriminating against merchants, they encouraged people to do business during their spare time.

Not only was he a businessman, Jin Feng also attached great importance to the common people. The Jinchuan Daily mentioned it more than once that Jin Feng often reminded the Ninth Princess to love the common people.

If there is no extremely important matter, the escort will not drive merchants and people on the road.

Sure enough, merchants and people soon heard the sound of neat footsteps coming from a distance.

After a while, I saw the queue of female workers.

"Hey, why are there so many female soldiers?"

"Do you know who that big flag belongs to?"

The common people know the black flag of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and the blue flag of the Zhenyuan Army.

However, the Iron Can Mountain Detachment of Women rarely goes down the mountain, and few people know their flag.

Just because there are few does not mean there are none. People will soon recognize them.

"That's the battle flag of the Iron Can Mountain Detachment of Women. I passed by Iron Can Mountain some time ago and saw them training, and it was this flag they were holding!"

"The Iron Can Mountain Detachment of Women? Are they the Jin family's Detachment of Women who fought against bandits in Yangjungling Ridge?"

"Yes, it's them!"

"I heard that the Jin family's women's army rarely goes out. What are they doing here?"

"Who knows... Oh, do you think that person is Mr. Jin?"

"Which one?" 81Zw.????m

"It's the knight in the middle who doesn't have a black sword and is wearing light armor!"

"Oh, it seems like it really is Mr. Jin!"

"Mr. Jin has already mobilized. It seems like something big is going on!"

"Mr. Kim!"

Jin Feng often walks around the village. There are many people from other villages working in Xihewan Village, so many people and businessmen know Jin Feng. Even though Jin Feng has tried his best to keep a low profile and wear black armor like other bodyguards, he still hides behind his back.

Among the guards, he was finally recognized by the sharp-eyed businessman.

The merchants and common people waved to greet Jin Feng, and Jin Feng could only nod in response.

After passing this group of people, Jin Feng immediately pulled up his mask and covered his face.

Upon seeing this, Iron Hammer quickly signaled the other guards to pull up their masks as well.

In fact, after pulling up the mask, the field of view will be very uncomfortable, but Jin Feng has pulled it up, and if others don't pull it up, Jin Feng will be more conspicuous.

After pulling on the mask, Jin Feng completely blended in with the other guards, not to mention the merchants and the common people. Zuo Feifei chased after him from behind, and they all searched around before finding Jin Feng.

There was no need to carry heavy supplies, so the female workers hurried along very quickly and arrived at Jinchuan Pier smoothly that evening.

Entering the dock office, Jin Feng could finally take off his mask.

"Uncle, as per your order, everything has been put on the ship."

A big man came over to report.

Before Jin Feng established the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, he had established a delivery team, which was mainly responsible for purchasing textile raw materials from the county, and then delivering the finished products processed by female workers in the textile factory to the county.

In the early days of the delivery team's establishment, the captains were Zhang Liang and Liu Tie. Later, after the two took on other positions, the captain was changed to the man in front of him.

This man is from Guanjiawan and is considered one of Guan Xiaorou's distant cousins. He is honest and honest, but a bit stubborn. When he meets Jin Feng, he doesn't call him "sir" like other people, but calls him uncle Jin Feng.

Because that’s what he called Jin Feng when we first met him, and he didn’t want to change his name later.

Jin Feng also liked this kind of honest and honest person, so he followed him.

The soldiers and horses went ahead with food and grass before Jin Feng set off. Before Jin Feng set off, the delivery team began to set off with supplies.

Moreover, they have carriages and can travel faster than the female workers. They arrived at the dock in the middle of the afternoon and have now loaded all the supplies onto the ship.

This chapter has been completed!
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