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Chapter 1134 Brother Avenges You

"Someone found a hot air balloon in the warehouse. General Liu Tie ordered the two of us to bomb the enemy's grain and grass depot at night..."

An Hong gave an overview of the original bombing process, and then continued: "Because Haidongqing has been hovering near Yuguan City, after we bombed the food and grass of the Shanxi-Barbarian coalition, we had no way to return to the city, so we simply took advantage of the situation in the north to

The wind blows all the way south.

At that time, a hole was caught in the hot air balloon by Hai Dongqing. We only floated a few miles before landing. At that time, we were afraid that the Shanxi-Barbarian coalition forces would send people to hunt us down. After landing, we ran southwest with first aid supplies.

Who knew that we didn’t encounter the pursuers, but we encountered a pack of wolves..."


The escorts around him all took a deep breath.

As the saying goes, it is better to fight a tiger than a pack of wolves.

Almost all hunters know that if you encounter a tiger in the wild, you can still touch it, but if you encounter a pack of wolves, you should run as far as possible.

Even though they knew that both of them were standing here safely, the escorts around them were still sweating for them.

"How did you get rid of the wolves?" one of the guards couldn't help but ask.

"The emergency kit of the hot air balloon contains three flash bombs and three grenades. We also carry a hand crossbow and a quiver. When we are surrounded by wolves, we will throw a flash bomb to blind the wolves and then attack them quickly.

Just run."

An Hong said: "We originally planned to circle back to Yuguan City from the west, but we were driven here by the wolves. We have run out of flash grenades and arrows. If we hadn't met you, we two brothers would probably have died here.


"You don't know how happy we both are to see the big ship of our escort agency."

Zhao Shuai followed up and said: "We threw away everything and ran this way, but before we even reached the beach, we were caught by the scout brothers. They thought we were just doing it..."

"Those scout brothers are from the Tiehu Camp of the Xichuan Weisheng Army and came to reinforce Yuguan City, so they don't know you."

Jin Feng was worried about conflicts between Wei Shengjun and the bodyguards, so he explained smoothly.

"No trouble, no trouble, the scout brothers didn't make things difficult for us. We said we wanted to see sir, so they brought us here."

An Hong waved her hands and said, "Wouldn't you know if it's a careful work?"

"You have worked hard!"

Jin Feng put his right hand on his chest and gave a military salute to the two of them.

"I can't do it, I can't do it, how can you salute us, sir? You are the Imperial Preceptor, we can't afford it!"

Both of them were so frightened that they were at a loss. They both returned the gift and waved their hands.

"You deserve it!"

Jin Feng said emotionally: "You risked your lives and bombed the enemy's grain depot. You are an example for all our bodyguards! You are also the heroes of our bodyguards!"

One general's achievements are worth thousands of bones, and the reputation of a famous general is built up by the lives of ordinary soldiers.

But are it the generals who give orders who really fight on the battlefield?


They are countless ordinary soldiers!

They may not have left their names until they died. For example, the battle report Hong An brought back this time mainly talked about the overall situation of Yuguan City, and did not mention the two people in front of him at all.

But aren’t they heroes?

Jin Feng thinks they are.

Because they risked their lives in order to win, to protect Yuguan City, to protect their comrades, and to protect the people behind them. Such people are not considered heroes. Who can be considered a hero?

Of course, Jin Feng couldn't blame Hong An.

Because the length of the battle report is limited, it is impossible to record all the situations in Yuguan City in detail. The battle report can only be written from a sufficiently macro level.

Jin Feng believed that Liu Tie must have recorded the two people's contributions, and would also commend them when he returned.

But with the current situation in Yuguan City, what if Liu Tie and the others fail to defend Yuguan City and the whole army is wiped out?

So will anyone still remember the two of them?

There are also those bodyguards who have died. What they did may not be as tragic as the two pilots in front of them. They may have been shot to death by enemy arrows while defending the city, or an enemy may not have had time to kill them.

He died inexplicably.

Aren't such people heroes?

Jin Feng doesn't think so.

All compatriots who dared to stand up when foreign invaders were invaded are heroes and should be remembered and respected!

Relatively speaking, the unknown heroes are more worthy of respect!

Jin Feng felt uncomfortable thinking that his comrades might be dying at any time in Yuguan City.

But war is a meat grinder, and sacrifices are inevitable. The only thing Jin Feng can do is to maximize his own advantages and reduce his own casualties.

After the war, try to compensate the fallen bodyguards as much as possible, take good care of their families and descendants, and arrange for the wounded.

While Jin Feng was talking to the two pilots, the scouts returned one after another and confirmed that no enemies were found around the mouth of the Luanhe River. They only found a group of wolves gathered outside the water plants, numbering more than a hundred.

"It was this pack of wolves that chased us for more than a hundred miles!"

An Hong said angrily.

His expression and tone were like those of a child who had been bullied outside and finally found someone to support him, which made Jin Feng even laugh.

"Let's go, brothers, to avenge you!"

Tie Zhui smiled and put his arm around An Hong's shoulders: "I heard that Dongman's wolf skins are very warm, so I just happened to get some to make some big cloaks for my husband to wear."

Wolves are a fatal danger to one or two escorts. It can be said to be a miracle that two people can escape until now.

But for thousands of regular soldiers, wolves are meat on the plate. Bayi Chinese website

In fact, there was no need to dispatch many people. During the process of Zhenyuan No. 2 docking and disembarking, Chen Fengzhi had already led dozens of Iron Tiger Camp soldiers out.

They did not attack the wolves directly, but divided into several teams, walked around the grass behind the wolves, first blocked the wolves' retreat, and then used portable catapults to throw a wave of flash bombs directly into the wolves.

Ninety-nine percent of the wild wolves were blinded on the spot, running around like headless flies.

Chen Fengzhi and the others rushed over with swords in hand.

"Be careful, don't cut too many holes, otherwise the sewn cloak will not look good!"

Chen Fengzhi reminded him while running.

Tiehuying can be considered a veteran, and it would be too easy for dozens of people to take down a group of wild wolves that were blinded by a flash.

Before the blinding effect of the flash bomb faded away, hundreds of wild wolves were all killed, almost all with one blow, without any unnecessary wounds.

When Chen Fengzhi and others returned with the wild wolf on their backs, the Zhenyuan No. 2, the female workers on the grain transport ship, and the soldiers of Weisheng also got off the ship and formed an array on the shore.

The cooking company is already digging holes to bury stoves and preparing to cook.

After sitting on the ship for so many days, many of the female workers and Weisheng soldiers were a little unaccustomed. Although Jin Feng was worried about Yuguan City, he was not in a hurry to leave. He planned to let everyone have a full meal first and get used to it before starting.

On the way.

"Let's eat stewed wolf meat later!"

Chen Fengzhi ordered his men to send the wild wolf to the cooking company, and he hurried to the front of the formation at Tiehu Camp.

This chapter has been completed!
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