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Chapter 1139 Sworn to the Death

"Brothers and sisters, I believe you have guessed that today's battle will definitely be fierce!"

Liu Tie raised a tin trumpet and asked loudly: "What should we do?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The bodyguards and female soldiers roared in unison.

There were always people on guard on the city wall, and there was no possibility of a sneak attack by the Jin-Barbarian coalition forces and the Eastern Barbarians. Therefore, when they decided to launch a general attack, they did not hide it and deliberately made a lot of noise in order to dampen the morale of the Northern Expeditionary Army.

Liu Tie heard the drum beat and the killing cry, and the bodyguard and female soldiers also heard it.

Although they didn't know that the enemy had decided to launch a general attack today, they could guess from the noise made by the opponent that today's battle would not be simple.

And they also know that it may be difficult to survive today.

Because they are almost out of flash grenades and have demolished all the things in the city that can be demolished. With their current material reserves, they may not be able to survive even half an hour before the enemy will rush up.

Given the size of the enemy, even if they don't have weapons, they can be piled up to death!

So at this moment, no matter the bodyguards, female soldiers, logistics battalion and cooking company, they were all ready to fight to the death.

Liu Tie continued: "You are from Jinchuan, and you come from the command of Wang Jinfeng. I hope you all remember that even if we fight to the last moment, we must never give in! We must not embarrass Mr. Jin!"

Please rest assured that Mr. Jin will definitely take good care of our relatives and avenge us!"

"Til death do us part!"

The escorts and female soldiers shouted in unison again! 81Zw.????m

In fact, they themselves knew what would happen if they became prisoners without Liu Tie explaining.

So no one wants to surrender, and no one wants to retreat.

Liu Tie nodded with satisfaction, and saw the guard on the city wall waving flags downwards, and gave a military salute: "It is my honor, Liu Tie, to live and die with you all! See you all in the next life!"

"General! See you in the next life!"

The bodyguards and female soldiers returned a military salute to Liu Tie and lined up to rush to their respective positions!

Liu Tie watched them climb the city wall, and then led Mr. Tian and his guards towards the only intact house in the city - the injured barracks.

The battle continues until now. Many escorts have been injured and have withdrawn from the battle and have moved into the wounded barracks, including the second-in-command Qin Fei.

During the battle seven days ago, Qin Fei was targeted by the opponent's archer. While commanding on the city wall, the opponent seized the opportunity and shot three arrows in a row.

Especially the arrow in his waist almost killed him. Three female military doctors worked all morning to take out the arrow.

Liu Tie entered the ward, and before he could speak, Qin Fei spoke first.

"Tiezi, I know what you are going to say. Don't worry, although we are injured, we are not cowards. No one will surrender!"

Qin Fei did not call Liu Tie a general, but called him Tiezi as he did when they first met him: "Leave me an explosive pack, and when the enemy comes, I will send them to meet the King of Hell! ... It's a pity for a few military doctors.

You girl, I learned a lot from Mr. Jin and Mr. Wei, but you are going to die in this bitter cold place!"

"Brother Qin, don't underestimate us. Mr. Jin said that we are military doctors!"

The female military medical captain glared at Qin Fei angrily: "Do you know why we are called military doctors? Because we are not only doctors, but also soldiers!"

Although several other female military doctors were scared, and one even couldn't help but tremble all over, they stood firmly behind the captain.

Because they also know that after being captured, life will definitely be worse than death, and it would be better to die happily.

"Stop glaring at me. Can't I admit my mistake to you?"

Qin Fei apologized, then quickly changed the subject, looked at Liu Tie and said, "Hurry up and get the explosive pack for me!"

Liu Tie nodded to the guard captain, and one of the guards turned and ran away. After a while, he returned with an explosive bag.

"Hey, it's so big, can't you leave a whole body for me?"

Qin Fei gritted his teeth and scolded his guards.

The other wounded also started to curse.

"There are grenades, do you want them?"

The personal guards were not to be outdone.

"Forget it, this place is too big, and the power of the grenade is too weak. Let's just use the explosive pack. At least it can give us a good time!"

Qin Fei signaled his bodyguard to put the explosive pack next to him, then looked up at Liu Tie: "Tiezi, kill a few more enemies for us!"

"I will!"

Liu Tie nodded, turned around and strode away.

Yesterday, the enemy almost broke his leg without even frowning. After walking out of the ward, two lines of clear tears flowed down his face.

Tears quickly froze on his face. Liu Tie felt the chill, sniffed and asked, "Have the arrangements been made at the grain and grass depot?"

There was a lot of grain and grass stored in Yuguan City, and Liu Tie didn't want to give it to the enemy at a cheap price.

"It's been arranged," the guard captain replied: "Once the enemy breaks the city, they will immediately set fire to the grain storehouse to ensure that not a single grain of food is left to the enemy!"

Liu Tie nodded and walked towards the south city wall without looking back.

Compared to the Eastern Barbarians, Liu Tie hated the traitor King Jin even more!

By the time Liu Tie climbed onto the city wall, the enemy was already in sight.

As he expected, the scale of the enemy's attack this time was larger than any previous one.

There were not only many more soldiers in the attacking crowd, but also many more soldiers wearing armor.

Liu Tie recognized their armor and knew that they came from a team called the Dingbian Army under the King of Jin, which was also one of the most elite teams under the King of Jin.

In addition to the Dingbian army, there were also some Eastern barbarians with disheveled hair in the crowd.

Only then did Liu Tie realize that the other party was going to launch a general attack today!

Even though he was ready to die in battle, Liu Tie couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw the overwhelming number of enemies coming out of the morning mist, seemingly endless!

If Liu Tieshang is like this, what about other bodyguards and female soldiers?

But no one retreated, and everyone clenched their weapons.

When the enemy climbed over the mountain of corpses, the catapults on the city wall were fired at the same time, throwing out the already filled stones!

But there are too many enemies. If you kill a group, a new group will come up behind you.

After just one stick of incense, the enemy climbed up the mountain of corpses under the city wall and began to attack the city wall!

However, at this moment, a dense explosion suddenly came from behind the enemy!

Then I saw the flag flying at the rear of the enemy falling down.

"what happened?"

Liu Tie, who was originally ready to fight to the death, quickly took out the telescope from his arms.

At this time, most of the morning fog had dispersed. Through the telescope, Liu Tie vaguely saw a group of men and horses appearing in the south.

I couldn't see exactly who it was, but I could see two large black flags looming in the morning mist.

One of the black flags also has a large word "gold" embroidered on it.

"Brothers! Sisters! Our reinforcements are coming! Mr. Jin is here to support us!"

Liu Tie's veins popped out on his forehead in excitement, and he roared at the top of his lungs!

This chapter has been completed!
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