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Chapter 1141 We Win

"Quick, stop them!"

Feng Shicai shouted at the top of his lungs, but the surroundings were so noisy that no one except his personal guards could hear him.

Seeing Feng Shicai's anxiety, the guard captain stood up on his horse's stirrups, raised his arms high and waved the command flag, trying to convey Feng Shicai's order.

"You idiot, get down here!"

When Feng Shicai saw this, he reached out anxiously to pull the guard captain.

But he was still a step too late.

Before Feng Shicai could pull him down, a heavy crossbow arrow roared out and hit the guard captain in the chest!

Although the captain of the personal guard was wearing armor, he was unable to block the heavy crossbow arrows and was directly carried away by the arrows!

Feng Shicai cursed secretly and immediately turned his horse's head to escape.

But the surroundings were so chaotic that Feng Shicai was blocked by the chaotic crowd as soon as he took a few steps!

Behind the phalanx of the Musketeers, Iron Hammer sneered: "Finally found you!"

On the battlefield, the flag bearer carrying the handsome flag may not always be with the commander, but ninety-nine times the flag bearer carrying the command is with the commander, otherwise he would not be able to convey the commander's order immediately.

Iron Hammer had been looking for Feng Shicai's location before, but never found it.

Now that we have found the opponent's flag bearer, we have found Feng Shicai!

Without giving orders with a hammer, a portable catapult next to it immediately adjusted its angle and fired!

A few seconds later, more than a dozen grenades landed on the flag bearer's position.

One also fell next to Feng Shicai.

The next second, Feng Shicai flew up from his horse.

Although he was not killed on the spot, his face and neck were hit by the iron sand from the grenade. When he fell to the ground, he had more air in and less air out.

Most of the personal guards and other generals who followed Feng Shicai were also killed or injured!

The morale of the Jin-Barbarian coalition was already low. Seeing that their own commander was beaten to death again, people's hearts suddenly dispersed, so some people kept throwing their weapons to the ground and kneeling down to surrender.

Surrender is contagious, and once someone takes the lead, more will follow.

More and more Jin-Barbarian coalition troops knelt down and buried their heads on the ground.

Of course, there were also some remnants of the Eastern Barbarians and Dingbian troops who were unwilling to surrender. They did not kneel down and stood upright in the crowd, which looked particularly eye-catching.

Will Jin Feng pamper them? Of course not!

The next second, heavy crossbow arrows flew out, and those enemies who were still standing turned into clouds of blood mist!

Now no one dares to act like a hero anymore, so get down quickly!

"Win! We won!"

"Mr. Jin is mighty!"

On the south wall of Yuguan City, the bodyguards and female soldiers raised their weapons and cheered loudly!

"Chen Fengzhi, Zuo Feifei, you lead the Tiehu Camp and the Musketeers and go to Yuguan City immediately. Follow Liu Tie's instructions and help guard the north city wall!"

Jin Feng issued an order loudly: "Meng Tianhai, you lead the Weisheng Army and lock up these prisoners! Qing Mulan, you lead the remaining women's army to be responsible for guarding. Anyone who has evil intentions will be executed immediately without asking for instructions!"


Chen Fengzhi, Zuo Feifei, Meng Tianhai and Qing Mulan responded to the order at the same time.

Afterwards, Chen Fengzhi and Zuo Feifei led the Iron Tiger Battalion and the Female Workers' Musketeers, bypassing the kneeling enemies, and quickly rushed towards Yuguan City.

At this time, the south gate of Yuguan City had been blocked by enemy corpses. They had no choice but to let the civilians and government soldiers on the corpse mountain come down and kneel aside, and then they climbed up the city wall from the corpse mountain.

"Brother Tiezi, I'm here to save you!"

Chen Fengzhi was the first to jump onto the city wall and grinned at Liu Tie.

Back in Damangpo, Chen Fengzhi met a lot of escorts, and he had the best relationship with Houhou Dazhuang, followed by Liu Tie.www.八一zw.????m

Liu Tie was also very happy to meet again and patted Chen Fengzhi hard on the shoulder: "I will remember this favor from Tiehu Camp. If you are in trouble in the future, I will lead the Northern Expeditionary Army to rescue you!"

"Bah, I won't be in trouble!"

Chen Fengzhi smiled and kicked Liu Tie.

More and more soldiers and female workers from Tiehu Camp subsequently climbed onto the city wall.

"Sister, it's great that you are still alive!"

"Aixia, have you seen my younger sister?"

When female workers saw the female soldiers they knew, they all came forward to ask if their relatives were still alive.

Some people hugged each other and cried loudly.

"What are you doing?"

Zuo Feifei climbed up the city wall relatively late and found female workers and soldiers huddled together. She frowned and shouted coldly: "Now is not the time to recognize relatives. Don't forget what sir asked us to come up here for!"

"Array up!"

Chen Fengzhi touched his nose and shouted at the top of his lungs.

The Musketeers and the Iron Tiger Battalion immediately rearranged themselves on the city wall.

"General Liu, we are here to reinforce you on the orders of the Imperial Master!"

Zuo Feifei strode up to Liu Tie: "Your Majesty the Imperial Counselor asked us to obey General Liu's orders, please give me the general's orders!"

"Please come with me to support the North City Wall!"

Liu Tie also came to his senses, turned around and ran towards the stairs.

Zuo Feifei and Chen Fengzhi immediately followed behind with the Tiehuying of the Musketeers.

The Eastern Barbarian Chanyu didn't know what was going on in the south, and was still driving the cannon fodder forward like crazy.

The ammunition reserves on the northern city wall have been completely used up, and they have fallen into hand-to-hand combat.

Although the cannon fodder did not even have serious weapons, there were too many people. Seeing that the soldiers of the Northern Expedition could no longer hold back, the female soldiers suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind.

They thought the enemy was coming from the south city wall, but when they turned around, they saw that the attacker was carrying the black flag of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

"Oh, they are sisters from Tin Can Mountain!"

"I saw the youngest sister of the Liu family!"

"Who are those male soldiers? Why aren't they wearing the clothes of our bodyguards?"

"Third sister, why did you forget, that is the uniform of Wei Sheng Army's Iron Tiger Camp!"

The female soldiers of the Northern Expedition, who were already desperate, became excited at this moment.

Without saying a word, Chen Fengzhi led Tiehuying and rushed directly to the front of the battlefield!

Although Tiehuying only has a few hundred people, it is the most elite force under Qingxinyao's command.

They pushed to the front, and the female soldiers in the Northern Expedition suddenly felt that the pressure was greatly reduced.

The Musketeers also quickly formed their formation and joined the battle.

The musket is filled with iron sand, and every shot fired is a fan-shaped rain of bullets. The denser the enemies, the greater the lethality of the musket.

With the sound of gunshots, the enemies were knocked down in rows and rows!

The raging offensive was finally contained!

The Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians, who was standing at the back of the position and supervising the battle, also heard the gunfire and was about to send someone to find out what was going on. A tribal leader ran over on horseback.

"If you're not supervising the battle from the front, why are you coming back?"

The Chanyu glared at the tribal leader and shouted angrily.

It was this leader's tribe who was at the forefront at this time. According to requirements, he must be responsible for commanding and supervising operations on the front line.

"Your Majesty, please spare our tribe!"

The tribal leader dismounted and knelt on the ground, kowtowing: "The enemy's reinforcements have arrived, and we really can't attack them!"

This chapter has been completed!
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