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Chapter 1143 What did you say?

Hearing what Jin Feng said, the female soldiers around them all looked moved.

During the period when they were surrounded in Yuguan City, although the female soldiers resisted very resolutely, many people still murmured in their hearts.

Part of the reason for their resolute resistance was that they had experienced the Damangpo Refugee Camp and knew how miserable the fate of being captured was, so they would rather die fighting than be captured again.

Trapped in the ice and snow of Yuguan City, many female soldiers did not say anything, but in their hearts they felt that they had been abandoned by Jin Feng.

But when she saw the golden fireworks, the handsome flag embroidered with gold characters, and the personal arrival of Jin Feng, all the worries and grievances in the female soldier's heart disappeared!

It turns out that Mr. Jin did not abandon them!

Jinchuan is so far from Yuguan City, and Mr. Jin brought people here not many days after Zhenyuan No. 1 sent the letter. He must have brought people here as soon as he received the letter, otherwise he would not have come so quickly.⑧①ZW


After his rebirth, this was Jin Feng's first visit to Yuguan City.

After comforting the female soldiers, Jin Feng glanced down, only to see that the huge Yuguan City was empty, with only a row of houses and the rest was empty land.

"Could it be that there were no houses before Yuguan City?"

This thought flashed through Jin Feng's mind, and then he shook his head.

How can a city only have one house?

"Sir, we don't have enough ammunition, and all the stones prepared for the catapult have been smashed. General Liu asked everyone to demolish the houses in the city for the catapult."

Mr. Tian saw the confusion in Jin Feng's eyes and took the initiative to explain.

Only then did Jin Feng discover that there were many traces of foundations on the vacant land, indicating that there had been houses on it before.

It's just that when the escort demolished the house, everything that could be moved was moved away. The foundation was not obvious and Jin Feng didn't see it just now.

When he came up just now, Jin Feng noticed that there was no urn tower on the city wall, and there were no handrails on the stairs leading up. Jin Feng thought that the city wall of Yuguan City was just like this. But now after listening to what Mr. Tian said, Jin Feng understood that it turned out that the urn tower

The handrails and handrails were also removed and thrown out by catapults!

When he saw the mountain of corpses, Jin Feng knew that the battle must be very fierce, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce.

At this time, there were not many escorts standing in front of him. There were slightly more female soldiers, but almost all of them were injured, and their faces were pitch black. If it weren't for the different styles of uniforms, it would be difficult for Jin Feng to tell them apart.

Are they male soldiers or female soldiers?

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work!"

Jin Feng emotionally gave a military salute to the bodyguard and female soldiers!

The emotions that the female soldiers had finally managed to control could no longer be suppressed.

When returning the gift to Jin Feng, many female soldiers couldn't help but shed tears.

Although they have withstood the test of war and become qualified warriors, the vast majority of female soldiers are only in their teens. According to the standards of Jin Feng's previous life, they are still girls who have not yet fully grown up.

If the mother has the ability, she might even hold a grand coming-of-age ceremony for them.

But now, they have no coming-of-age ceremony, only war, life and death, and ferocious enemies!

Thinking of this, Jin Feng felt very uncomfortable.

"Lao Meng, send 300 people to change the defense and let the girls have a rest!"

Jin Feng turned around and ordered: "Iron Hammer, send a message asking all military doctors to enter the city as soon as possible to treat the wounded!"

Although the Jin-Barbarian coalition had surrendered, Jin Feng did not dare to be careless.


Meng Tianhai and Tie Zhui bowed to their orders and arranged for people to convey Jin Feng's orders.

"Old Tian, ​​where are the brothers who died in the battle?" Jin Feng turned to look at Mr. Tian and asked in a deep voice.

"Placed in the Wounded Barracks!"

Lao Tian pointed to the only row of houses in the city: "I'll take Mr. there!"

Following Lao Tian into the wounded barracks, the first thing Jin Feng saw was Qin Fei sitting on the straw leaning against the wall, holding an explosive pack in his arms.

Beside him, there is a lit torch.

"Old Qin, are you crazy? What are you doing holding an explosive bag and being so close to a torch?"

Iron Hammer ran over quickly, snatched the explosive bag from Qin Fei's arms, and then asked someone to throw the torch out: "You still light a torch in broad daylight! If you want to die, you can die by yourself, don't hurt sir!"

If the explosive bag was accidentally ignited, no one in the house would be able to escape.

Qin Fei ignored the hammer, but struggled to get up, wanting to salute Jin Feng.

But I had an injury on my waist. After struggling several times, I couldn't stand up. Instead, I was sweating from the pain.

"Qin Fei, slow down, don't open the wound on your waist!"

Mr. Tian quickly went up and held Qin Fei down, his tone full of blame, but everyone could hear that he was explaining to Jin Feng for Qin Fei.

"Okay, Lao Qin, this isn't the first day you've met Mr. He. He's not someone who likes to be offended. Stop fussing and lie down quickly. Don't really open the wound. Military doctors are extremely busy right now, so don't

Adding to the chaos!"

Iron Hammer also followed suit and cursed.

"Tie Hammer, don't scold Qin Fei. The explosive pack was given to him by Liu Tie. If the enemy breaks in, they will die together with the enemy!"

Mr. Tian said: "There are two explosive packs in total, one for Qin Fei and one for the military doctor girls."

Jin Feng turned to look inside, and sure enough he saw two military doctors walking out of the room inside. One of them was holding an explosive pack like Qin Fei, and the other girl was holding a torch.

"Auntie, stay away from the torch!"

Upon seeing this, Iron Hammer quickly ran over and took away the explosive bag.

"Sir, I'm sorry, we didn't know it was you who came!"

The military doctor girl holding the explosive pack blushed and apologized to Jin Feng.

Liu Tie was just busy going to support the northern city wall and didn't have time to send someone to notify the wounded camp.

They heard someone cheering "win" on the south wall, but they were not sure whether the cheering came from their own side or the enemy, so they kept holding the explosive pack and did not dare to put it down.

"Don't say you're sorry, you are all good!"

Jin Feng solemnly gave a military salute to the wounded and the military doctor girl present.

Except for the one whose arms were injured, the other wounded soldiers and the military doctor girl quickly returned the favor.

"Sir, the brothers who died in battle are arranged inside."

Mr. Tian pointed inside and walked over with Jin Feng.

The inner room was an open room of about forty square meters, and the floor was also covered with straw. On the straw, one after another, were the bodies of bodyguards and female soldiers.

Fortunately, it is winter now, so the body is not rotting and there is no peculiar smell.

Jin Feng sighed, took off his hat, and slowly bowed three times to the room.

Then he asked in a deep voice: "Have all the corpses of all brothers been recovered?"

"When several scout brothers went to the north to inquire about information, they were discovered by the Eastern Barbarians. Their bodies were not recovered...the Eastern Barbarians... skinned them and hung them outside..."

Mr. Tian replied with trembling lips.

Jin Feng turned his head suddenly when he heard this, and the anger in his eyes almost burst out!

"What did you say?"

This chapter has been completed!
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