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Chapter 1154 Decided to Withdraw

Jin Feng was eating slowly in the tent, but the sea was busy.

The Dongman raft group had been defeated by the navy led by Zheng Chiyuan. Those who were lucky enough to survive were chased hundreds of miles to the south and would not be able to come back for a while.

However, in order to prevent a sneak attack by fish that slipped through the net, Zheng Chiyuan arranged for more than a dozen ships to patrol the nearby waters, and then arranged for several light ships with relatively shallow drafts to sail to the place where Zhenyuan No. 1 sank to conduct clean-up operations.

The main structure of Zhenyuan No. 1 is made of wood, which is almost suspended in the water. It is not too difficult to just drag it away.

But Zheng Chiyuan and the others were not in a hurry. On the surface, it looked like there were people coming and going on the deck, but in fact the work was progressing very slowly.

Zheng Chiyuan was not in a hurry, but the Shanyu of the Eastern Barbarians was extremely anxious.

Now that the raft group has fled, control of the sea is in the hands of the navy, which means that Jin Feng can receive reinforcements at any time.

It was no longer possible for them to use the siege method to exhaust the supplies in Yuguan City, so they could only attack by force.

Now that the corpses under the city wall have been emptied again, if we attack by force, we must fill the city wall with people again. Bayi Chinese website

So far, too many people in the Eastern Barbarians have died, and the resentment accumulated by many tribes is almost reaching its limit. Shan Yu cannot guarantee what the consequences will be if the war continues.

When the captain of the personal guard came in, he saw Shan Yu's face full of exhaustion and persuaded him: "Your Majesty, go and take a nap. If you continue to endure it, your body will not be able to bear it."

Ever since he learned that Jin Feng had appeared in Yuguan City, Shanyu had not slept a wink since his eyes were red.

Shan Yu did not appreciate the kindness of the guard captain, but raised his head and asked: "Have they fished out the ship?"

This is the issue that the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu is most concerned about right now.

"Not yet," the guard captain was about to continue speaking when a burst of noise came from outside.

Chanyu was feeling agitated, so he stood up with a loud sound, opened the curtain and walked out of the tent.

When I went out, I saw that the heavy snow had collapsed a tent, and the stove inside had ignited the tent, causing panic.

It has snowed intermittently in the past two days, and tents have collapsed several times due to the snow.

The collapse of the tents was not the worst thing. The worst thing was the cannon fodder who didn't even have a tent. They could only huddle together with the cows and horses, hide under their bellies, and use the cows and horses to protect themselves from the wind and rain.

Shanyu lost his temper and didn't bother to go back to his tent. He just stood in the snow and asked, "Tell me, what's the situation at sea now?"

"They haven't fished out the sunken ship yet, but they have sent many small boats to transport supplies and soldiers to the dock." The guard captain replied: "There are obviously more guards on their city walls than before!"

"Transporting supplies and soldiers?"

Shan Yu frowned slightly and jumped onto the horse tied at the door.

When I ran to the beach, I saw boats everywhere on the sea, pulling soldiers and wooden boxes to the Yuguan City pier.

Turning around to look at the Yuguan City Wall, it turned out that just as the guard captain said, there were many more soldiers guarding the city.

These discoveries chilled Shan Yu's heart, and he couldn't help but think about whether he should withdraw his troops.

When this idea came up, Shanyu's heart suddenly tugged.

When he came, he led hundreds of thousands of troops and was full of confidence to look down on the world. He could destroy Yuguan City in one fell swoop and wreak havoc on the Central Plains.

But reality slapped him in the face.

Although there was no airship, Liu Tie still stopped him for so long, and even though so many people died, he still failed to capture Yuguan City.

Now that Yuguan City has reinforcements and Jin Feng is personally in charge, can it still be defeated?

Shan Yu had no confidence at all, and his thoughts of withdrawing his troops became stronger and stronger.

Although he was very unwilling, as the commander-in-chief, Shanyu knew very well that he could not be angry and must learn to stop losses in time.

Although the withdrawal is a bit disgraceful now, the current losses are still within the acceptable range of Shanyu. If the stalemate continues, more and more people will die, and it may even cause a backlash from various tribes.

It is better to withdraw the troops first and wait until next year when we are more fully prepared.

Shanyu believed that after this cold winter, all tribes would realize that if they did not go south to plunder the Central Plains, they would all starve to death.

When the time comes, there will no longer be any need to force others, each tribe will take the initiative to move forward.

Shan Yu was also a decisive person. After thinking about this, he immediately asked the captain of the personal guard to find his staff.

In fact, many aides also realized that continuing to attack Yuguan City would only increase casualties. After hearing Shanyu's ideas, all aides immediately expressed support and began to offer advice and strategies and formulate a retreat plan.

That night, Chanyu summoned the tribal leaders and formally announced the withdrawal of troops.

All the tribes were suffering terribly at this time, and naturally they would not object. So early the next morning, preparations for the retreat began in the Eastern Barbarian camp.

Retreating hundreds of thousands of troops with countless cattle, sheep and supplies is not an easy task. If you are not prepared and the enemy pursues you from behind, it can easily cause a rout and a stampede.

Therefore, before withdrawing the troops, enough elite manpower must be arranged to carry out the rearguard action.

Liu Tie had been arranging people to keep an eye on the Dongman camp. He immediately discovered the opponent's unusual movements and reported them to Liu Tie.

"Sir, you really guessed it right, the Eastern Barbarians are really ready to withdraw their troops!"

Liu Tie immediately ran over to notify Jin Feng.

Upon hearing this, Jin Feng quickly ran up the city wall and looked north with a telescope. As expected, the Dongman camp was crowded with people. The cattle, sheep and cannon fodder located in the south of the camp were moving north, while the cavalry team originally located in the northern half of the camp was moving north.

, it is moving southward.

All this confirms that the Eastern Barbarians are ready to withdraw their troops!

Jin Feng put down his telescope and couldn't help but hammer the city wall.

In his plan, the first step was to force the Eastern Barbarians to withdraw.

To this end, Jin Feng ordered the East China Sea Fleet to move frequently, and also removed 70% of the navy soldiers on board, and went into the city to scale the city wall to build momentum.

These actions are all putting pressure on the Eastern Barbarians, telling them that Yuguan City has received sufficient reinforcements, which undermines the enemy's confidence.

Jin Feng thought that the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu would have to hold on for a few more days before he decided to withdraw his troops. Who knew that it was only one day and he would not be able to hold on anymore.

As long as the enemy begins to withdraw, Jin Feng's plan will be more than half successful!

"Have Zuo Feifei and the others arrived?" Jin Feng turned around and asked.

"We're here!" Zheng Chiyuan replied: "The Tiger has returned!"

The actions of the East China Sea Fleet yesterday not only put pressure on the East Barbarians, but also secretly sent out the Iron Tiger Camp and half of the Musketeers.

But there were too many ships on the sea at that time, and it was snowing, so the Eastern Barbarians didn't notice it at all.

"Very good!" Jin Feng nodded slightly: "Send the speedboat to make another trip and send a message to Zuo Feifei and Chen Fengzhi!"

The Eastern Barbarians withdrew their troops a few days earlier than Jin Feng and others predicted. Zuo Feifei and Chen Fengzhi may not be ready, so Jin Feng must send someone to remind them.

This chapter has been completed!
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