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Chapter 116 Soap

There are now more than 200 female workers in the textile factory, and it would be too late for Runniang to cook alone.

Jin Feng then recruited several village women in Guanjiawan to cook for the canteen of the textile factory. Jin Feng kept Runniang in the small courtyard and became the family's special cook.

He made this decision simply because Jin Feng felt that Runniang's cooking was quite tasty, and she was very attentive and clean. She washed the dishes very carefully every time.

When Jin Feng announced this decision, Guan Xiaorou and Tang Dongdong looked at him with condescending expressions. Runniang also turned red, but Xiao'e continued to eat.

Jin Feng could tell by looking at the expressions of the three of them that they were thinking too much, but Jin Feng didn't bother to explain. They could just think whatever they wanted.

After lunch, Jin Feng took the time to take a look at the soap again.

After more than ten days of solidification, the soap has been completely saponified.

Jin Feng divided the large pieces of soap into cubes the size of matchboxes and packed them in baskets.

Coming out of the blacksmith shop, I happened to meet Tang Dongdong who was getting ready to go to work.

"After dinner today, tell the people on the day shift not to go back in a hurry and gather in the cafeteria."

"What's up?"

Tang Dongdong asked.

"The soap has been made and will be distributed to everyone tonight."

Jin Feng kicked the basket with his foot.

Not only are men unhygienic and crawling with lice on their heads, but many children and some elderly women are also the same.

When Jin Feng went to the textile workshop, he often saw some female workers scratching their itches while working.

Fortunately, there is no sunlight in the textile workshop, the ventilation is pretty good, the women basically don’t sweat, and the smell is not too strong.

"Do you charge money?"

Tang Dongdong asked.

"I won't charge you this time."

Jin Feng shook his head.

Everyone is afraid of poverty, and if he charges money, he is worried that none of the female workers will buy it.

These soaps add up to nothing more than two cans of oil and some caustic soda, and are not worth much, so I will give them to you for free this time.

No one is born to be sloppy. In the past, there were no strict conditions. Once they get used to the cleaning effect of soap, Jin Feng believes that female workers will take the initiative to buy it.

"Okay, I get it."

Tang Dongdong nodded and went to work.

The textile factory was built in a hurry and was not very complete. There were no tables, just long benches placed in the open space.

But for the people in the mountains who have suffered so much, having enough to eat is a huge benefit. Who cares about whether there is a table?

Many times, workers don't even sit on stools, but squat on the ground with bowls in hand and still eat deliciously.

This canteen is not big. Usually, the female workers in the textile factory and the men at the construction site eat in separate places, otherwise they won't be able to fit in enough.

But today everyone is gathered together, including the female workers on the night shift.

The cafeteria was full of people, huddled together in twos and threes, discussing why Jin Feng had left them here.

Jin Feng didn't keep them waiting long, and walked in from outside with Mancang carrying a large basket.

"What are Brother Feng and Mancang carrying?"

"I don't know either."

"It's soap. I've seen Xiaorou use it before. She washed her face and hair very cleanly."

"It seems so. Why did Brother Feng bring so much here? He won't give us one piece each, right?"

"You haven't even gone back to sleep yet, and you're already having sweet dreams?"

The female workers were chattering together, guessing what Jin Feng was doing with the soap.

Although the men did not discuss it, they all stretched their necks and looked at it curiously.

"Everyone, be quiet."

Jin Feng jumped onto the bench, reached down and made a pressing motion, and the cafeteria immediately became quiet.

"I believe some people have already figured out that this is soap."

Jin Feng took out a piece of soap from the basket and said, "I will give everyone a piece of soap later..."

At this point, the canteen, which had just calmed down, suddenly exploded.

Who wouldn’t take advantage of the free gain?

The women swarmed around Jin Feng, fearing that they would not be able to separate if they rushed too slowly.

Some men are also ready to make a move.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Liang immediately rushed in with a group of veterans, blocking Jin Feng and Luo Kuang behind him.

Jin Feng shouted with a dark face: "Everyone line up for me. If anyone dares to push forward, he will be thrown out directly by me!"


The veterans shouted in agreement and directly suppressed the women's voices.

The village women saw that Jin Feng had really lost his temper, and the veterans all looked fierce and retreated with their necks shrunken.

"Everyone has something, so why squeeze?"

Jin Feng said coldly: "Get in line for me."

After all, the textile factory had more than 200 workers. At Jin Feng's suggestion, Tang Dongdong set up a workshop director and team leader, dividing the female workers into groups of ten.

Under the command of Tang Dongdong and the workshop director, the female workers quickly formed small teams in groups.

But the men were still huddled together in a mess.

The two village chiefs kicked and kicked them with great effort, and the men managed to stand upright.

"You all usually look down on women and think women can't do anything well, but now? A group of gentlemen can't even form a line!"

Jin Feng glared at the men: "There is no organization and no discipline. If the next meeting is still in such a mess, you might as well just take care of your children at home."

Dakang's culture of favoring boys over girls is very serious. Jin Feng's words made many men blush, but they couldn't find the words to refute.

Because they are indeed not as fast as the female workers in queuing.

Many female workers looked at the men's team jokingly and couldn't help but want to cheer for Jin Feng.

After being suppressed by men for so many years, someone finally spoke up for them.

"Don't be complacent," Jin Feng glanced sideways at the female workers: "When you heard that soap was being distributed, you didn't even ask why, but just grabbed it. Are you bandits?"

Many female workers blushed and lowered their heads when Jin Feng said this.

This question finally came to mind.

Yes, that's fine. Why did Jin Feng give them soap?

"I believe many of you know that soap is very clean and useful for washing hair and clothes."

Jin Feng said: "I will give each of you a piece of soap now. Wash them well after you go back today. I will send someone to check tomorrow. If anyone still has lice on his head, he will still smell sour when he comes.

I won’t come here again!”

"Brother Feng, if we have lice on our heads, we won't delay our work. Are you being too lenient?"

The third aunt asked unconvinced.

"I'm just being lenient. Third Aunt, if you don't want to wash your hair, that's fine. Just don't come here in the future."

None of these village women could read or see much of the world. It was difficult for Jin Feng to explain to them the importance of hygiene, so he simply took coercive measures.

If you don’t want to wash it, get out!

This trick is very simple, but it is surprisingly effective against village women.

None of them are willing to give up this job.

Isn't it just taking a shower and washing your hair? It's not beheading, so washing isn't enough?

This chapter has been completed!
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