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Chapter 1165

In the feudal era, when two countries were at war, the defeated country would send one or several protons to the victorious country in order to show its surrender.

Generally speaking, the hostages sent there were either princes or important nobles. For example, in Jin Feng's previous life, Qin Shihuang, his father had been a hostage for many years.

But since ancient times, there have only been princesses who have been married to foreign countries in the past, but there have never been female hostages.

Moreover, Jin Feng captured Ye Luxiong to cause chaos in the grassland, so how could he let him go again?

"Princess Lu Jie, let me tell you for the last time, there is no way I will let Yeluxion go. If you are here just for this matter, then you can leave now!"

Jin Feng said, picking up the booklet directly from the table and not planning to pay attention to Princess Lujie anymore.

Tie Hammer made an inviting gesture directly towards the outside.

But Princess Lu Jie did not leave, but looked at Jin Feng and said: "Sir, I have one last question!"

"Go ahead." Jin Feng raised his head again.

"I want to take back the corpses of people outside the city. Is that okay?"

Princess Lu Jie looked pleading: "They have already died in the battle and are of no use to you. You still have to spend manpower to bury them, so why not leave them to us?"

The herdsmen have no fixed place to live, and the main funeral method is cremation.

Princess Lu Jie was not as cruel as Shan Yu. She was really sad when she saw the piles of corpses under the city just now, so she wanted to give these people a rest.

Jin Feng did not refuse in a hurry this time, but looked deeply at Princess Lu Jie again.

Jin Feng did not expect that she could take the initiative to ask for the body.

This move at least shows that Princess Lu Jie cares about the people of the Eastern Barbarians and does not regard them as cannon fodder that can be discarded at will.

"Should I give it to her?" Jin Feng was a little unsure for a moment.

Indeed, as Princess Lu Jie said, it was useless for him to get those corpses, and he would have to spend manpower and material resources to bury them.

Moreover, there are too many corpses. Even if they are buried, if the collective burial pit is too big and too shallow, there is still the possibility of a plague outbreak in the coming year. It is better to give it to Princess Lu Jie and let them burn it to save worry.

The time saved by the prisoners of the Jin-Barbarian coalition can also be used to rebuild Yuguan City.

But the enemy wanted something from him, so naturally Jin Feng would not agree immediately. He thought for a moment and said, "I have a condition. If you are willing to agree, I can agree to take the body away!"

"Sir, please speak!"

"Take back your Haidongqing!" Jin Feng said.

Without Hai Dongqing, the airship can continue to take off, and Jin Feng's current predicament will be easily solved.

Unfortunately, Princess Lu Jie did not agree, but asked: "Sir, do you think it is possible for me to agree?"

"If you don't agree, don't leave today!" Liu Tie said with narrowed eyes.

"My strong man, you don't need to scare me. Since I dare to come today, I don't want to go back alive!"

Princess Lu Jie turned to look at Liu Tie: "But I also remind you that if you want to keep me, you have to pay the price!"

"Oh, you still dare to threaten us?" Liu Tie sneered: "Tell me, what price do we have to pay?"

Princess Lu Jie glanced at Liu Tie as if he were a fool and stopped talking to him. Instead, she turned to look at Jin Feng: "Sir, I cannot agree to this condition. If possible, please change it to a condition that is acceptable to both of us.


In fact, Jin Feng also knew that just as he could not let go of Ye Luxiong, Princess Lu Jie could not give up Hai Dongqing.

So Jin Feng was not too disappointed after being rejected, but continued to press forward: "If I don't ask you for war compensation this time, and still do business with you, can you consider it?"

"Business?" Princess Lu Jie was stunned: "What business?"

She thought Jin Feng would ask some harsh questions, but in the end Jin Feng said he wanted to do business with her?

This made Princess Lu Jie confused.

"It's the simplest business," Jin Feng said: "You should know that I have a trading company. You can exchange beef and mutton, cattle and sheep skins, and even wool with me for iron tools, cloth, salt, medicinal materials, and grain!"

"Exchange wool for medicinal cloth?" Princess Lu Jie's eyes suddenly widened.

In his previous life, Jin Feng always thought that nomads raised so many cattle and sheep that they must eat beef and mutton every day. However, after coming to this world and gaining a deeper understanding of nomads, he realized that he was completely wrong.

The vast majority of herdsmen are actually reluctant to eat meat.

Because herdsmen have to travel frequently, in order to maintain physical strength, if they eat meat, they need at least one kilogram of mutton a day to ensure consumption.

Based on one pound per day, a herdsman would eat more than 20 sheep a year.

If you have a family of four, you will eat about a hundred of them a year.

It sounds simple, but if you want to guarantee the consumption of one hundred sheep a year, you need a very large flock.

This again involves the issue of pasture and grazing.

In fact, it is impossible for ordinary herders to raise so many cattle and sheep.

Coupled with the attacks of wild beasts and the exploitation of nobles, the life of most herdsmen is very difficult, and they are reluctant to eat meat at all. They will only eat meat unless their cattle or sheep are killed by wild beasts or die of illness.

Most of the time, herdsmen's main food is cow's milk or goat's milk, and they dare not drink more for fear of starving their calves and lambs.

In fact, the nomads not only lack meat, they also lack almost everything.

First is the salt.

Although the eastern part of Dongman is close to the sea and can produce salt, there are no salt merchants.

Because the nomads are always on the move, it is difficult for salt merchants to find them.

There are actually several small cities and some fixed markets on the grassland, but salt is large and heavy, and there is no river transportation on the grassland. It is transported by horse-drawn carriages, which is very costly. Therefore, in the grassland areas outside the east, the price of salt is very high.

Very expensive.

Even more scarce than salt are cloth, grain, ironware and medicinal materials.

The grassland area is cold and unsuitable for the growth of crops, and the farming methods are backward, so their food output is very, very low. They cannot grow kudzu plants that can be used for weaving, and they have no medicinal materials.

This resulted in a shortage of everything on the grassland except horses, cattle and sheep.

In the past, Dakang's annual tribute to the Eastern Barbarians was mainly cloth, grain and medicinal herbs, with gold and silver accounting for a small proportion.

Food and cloth are not so bad. The herdsmen can barely make a living relying on milk, sheep, cow skins and sheepskins.

But having no medicine is very troublesome.

The weather has been cold in the past two years, and many herdsmen have been unable to bear it and have fallen ill. However, Dakang has not paid annual tribute this year, which has led to a shortage of medicine on the grassland. Many herdsmen have no choice but to bear the disease, and they die of illness if they cannot bear it.

If you can do business with Jin Feng and exchange mutton, sheepskin or even wool for medicines, it will definitely be good news for the grassland.

Princess Lu Jie looked thoughtful, obviously weighing in her mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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