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Chapter 1171 Boosting Morale

After learning of the great victory in Yuguan City, Chen Wenyuan and Zhao Yue led the printing factory workers to work overtime overnight, rushed out a new special issue, and then sent people to distribute it overnight.

In the study room of the courtyard, the Ninth Princess didn't rest either. She came back from dinner and stood in front of the map.

It wasn't until late at night that Pearl couldn't help but urge her to take a rest, and then the Ninth Princess left the map.

But she still didn't go to bed. Instead, she sat at her desk and wrote a letter to Jin Feng.

After all, it is an official document that will be recorded in the archives. The Ninth Princess did not talk about personal matters in the letter. Instead, she first expressed her affirmation and congratulations to Jin Feng for his victory in Yuguan City, and then told Jin Feng about the recent events in Xizhou City.


At the end of the letter, the Ninth Princess hoped that Jin Feng would come back as soon as possible after stabilizing the situation in Yuguan City.

Because Jin Feng is the backbone of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and the Zhenyuan Army, and he is not in Jinchuan, many frontline soldiers feel uneasy.

After writing the letter, the Ninth Princess sent someone to find Chen Wenyuan and personally approved the manuscripts for the next day's newspapers. She was busy until late at night before going to bed.

It was getting slightly brighter the next morning, and Guan Huaishu set out with the letter from the Ninth Princess.

At the same time, the latest issue of Jinchuan Daily was also sent to various counties in Guangyuan and the Xizhou front line.

Now Dangxiang has assembled more than 300,000 troops in the north of Xizhou, and even if the Ninth Princess tried to mobilize as many manpower as possible, they could only gather 50,000 troops, and more than half of them were recruits temporarily recruited from various places.

It is not that these recruits have never been on the battlefield. In fact, most of the recruits have served in other teams before.

But the more recruits are like this, the harder it is to manage them.

Because before, Dakang had too few troops like Tielin Army and Fan Family Army, and most of the troops were veteran soldiers led by dandy boys.

What Laoye soldiers are best at is threatening bandits to plunder the people, and the second best is escaping.

Soldiers who have served in such teams have developed bad habits and are more difficult to manage than complete recruits.

Facing a force that is six times more than our own, and with a lot of cavalry, it is impossible for the new recruits not to be nervous.

Not to mention new recruits, even many escorts feel unsure.

In order to appease the emotions on the front line, Zhang Liang personally rushed over to take charge. During the morning meeting every morning, the instructors of each company would also do ideological work for the recruits.

This morning, the recruits gathered in the company as usual and were ready to listen to the instructor's instructions.

Jin Feng also borrowed the position of instructor from his previous experience. In addition to being responsible for the ideological work of the company, once on the battlefield, the instructor also plays the role of supervising the troops and can deal with deserters on the spot.

Therefore, most of the instructors are more serious, but today the recruits found that the instructors came out of the tent after a meeting, all with excitement on their faces.

This made the recruits very curious about what the instructors said during the meeting that they were happy about.

"Brothers, I have some good news for you!"

The instructor of a company relatively close to Zhang Liang's tent strode to the front of the team, held up the newspaper in his hand and said: "Mr. Jin led two thousand women's troops and three thousand Wei Sheng troops to defeat a million enemy troops in Yuguan City.

Moreover, he killed the general Feng Shicai under the command of the King of Jin in battle, and captured the Eastern Barbarian Shan Yu Yeluxiong alive..."

The instructor stood in front and spoke with great joy, and all the recruits in the audience were excited to hear it.

In fact, the combined forces of the Jin-Barbarian coalition and the Eastern Barbarians were quite different from one million, but in order to boost morale, Chen Wenyuan deliberately wrote it as a million-strong army.

And this trick is particularly effective.

The recruits were originally most worried about the disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, but now with the comparison of Yuguan City, their mentality is different.

There are millions of enemies in Yuguan City. The Detachment of Women and the Weisheng Army only have 5,000 people. Even if you include the Northern Expeditionary Army that defended the city before and the Donghai Navy that arrived later, the total number is far less than 10,000.

, and it was thousands of miles away from Jinchuan, and supplies were extremely scarce, but they still defeated almost a hundred times the enemy!

Compared with them, the situation in Xizhou City is much better.

Yuguan City can win, why can't I win?

In addition to analyzing from an overall perspective, Chen Wenyuan also spent a lot of space praising the Northern Expedition led by Liu Tie.

When Jin Feng heard that the Northern Expeditionary Army had demolished all the houses that could be demolished in Yuguan City, when Jin Feng rushed over, Yuguan City had become an empty city. The corpses outside the city were piled up like mountains, which were higher than the city walls. Many recruits were

Showing a shocked look.

When I heard that at the end of the battle, there were only 800 wounded female soldiers left in the Northern Expedition. They had no ammunition supplies, and they didn't know if there were reinforcements, but they still stood firm and held their positions. Many recruits lowered their heads in shame.

Some female soldiers cried at that time.

It was from this day on that the story of eight hundred female soldiers fighting against the Eastern Barbarians began to circulate in Sichuan and Shu.

The Ninth Princess was very concerned about the front line. When she learned that the front line was as she expected, the morale of the escorts and recruits was greatly boosted, and the stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

I heard that the soldiers were most interested in the deeds of the 800 female soldiers, so I immediately sent someone to pull Chen Wenyuan out of bed and asked him to quickly write a script focusing on promoting the stories of female soldiers.

Chen Wenyuan also understood that the escort agency now needed new heroic deeds to boost morale, so he started writing that day.

When Qingyuan learned about this, he immediately summoned the song and dance troupe and made preparations for rehearsals.

Not only did Jin Feng know the truth of knowing yourself and the enemy, but the Dangxiang people outside Xizhou had also been sending people to keep an eye on the escort camp. The victory in Yuguan City was publicized by the entire army. The entire camp's escorts and recruits were very excited about it. Dangxiang

People quickly learned the news.

In fact, the Dangxiang people are also very concerned about the war in Yuguan City, but unlike the Ninth Princess, they do not want Jin Feng to win, and they are even less willing to believe that Jin Feng will win so soon. As for capturing the Eastern Barbarian Chanyu alive, in the Dangxiang people's view

It's even more ridiculous.

However, Li Lingrui, the commander-in-chief of the Party's Southern Expedition, immediately summoned the senior generals for a small meeting and told them about the incident.

"Impossible, Jin Feng has only left Jinchuan a few days ago? Even if they have a big ship that can run on its own, they have just arrived at Yuguan City. How can they defeat Yeluxiong?"

After hearing this, a bearded general refused to believe it at all: "It must be false news!"


Other party generals also agreed.

"Of course I know it's fake news. I came here to analyze why Zhang Liang did what he did?"

"Why else? Are you feeling guilty?"

The bearded general said: "I heard that many new recruits have escaped recently. Zhang Liang must have done this to appease the new recruits!"

"That makes sense!"

Many generals nodded in agreement.

Only an older general stroked his beard and said: "Your Majesty, this matter is of great importance. Otherwise, why don't we send someone back to the royal city to confirm it to His Majesty?"

This chapter has been completed!
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