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Chapter 1188 - Feet Warming Maid

"Didn't I tell you earlier? I like them all, boys and girls!" Jin Feng touched Guan Xiaorou's face and replied helplessly.

Before getting pregnant, Guan Xiaorou asked this question more than once, and she is still asking it now that she is about to give birth.

"I like boys!" Guan Xiaorou leaned into Jin Feng's arms, her face full of happiness.

In the feudal era, order was emphasized between elders and younger ones. She was Jin Feng's original wife. If she gave birth to Jin Feng's first son as his legitimate son, then her mission as Jin Feng's wife would basically be completed.

So Guan Xiaorou attaches great importance to this child.

Guan Xiaorou's attention was previously focused on Jin Feng, but since becoming pregnant, a large part of Guan Xiaorou's attention has shifted to this unborn child.

This is most evident in diet.

Guan Xiaorou is used to being thrifty. Even if Jin Feng is now capable, she is still reluctant to eat this or that. But since she heard Wei Wuya say that eating better will make the child stronger after birth, Guan Xiaorou seems to have changed.

Now that I have a man, I have become more particular about eating.

Perhaps due to her physical condition, after Guan Xiaorou passed the initial gluttony period, she didn't like eating meat very much and felt tired of it. However, for the sake of the child, she forced herself to eat meat every day. Within half a year of pregnancy, she felt more pregnant than before.

I gained some weight in front of me.

She was too thin before, but after gaining weight, she didn't look fat, but looked more voluptuous. Jin Feng was actually very happy.

However, considering that doing so could easily lead to an oversized fetus, Jin Feng persuaded Guan Xiaorou several times to ask her to eat less.

After all, the medical conditions in this era are too backward. If the fetus is really too big, delivery will be very troublesome and it is easy to have dystocia.

When it came to the child, Guan Xiaorou, who had always been obedient, did not take Jin Feng's words to heart. She should eat or eat. Jin Feng had no choice but to go to Wei Wuya and ask Wei Wuya to warn Guan Xiaorou.

This trick really worked. Guan Xiaorou trusted Wei Wuya very much. From that day on, she gradually reduced her meat consumption and had a balanced diet.

That night, the couple talked about their family affairs and hugged each other to sleep.

Jin Feng was the most relaxed when he was with Guan Xiaorou, and he slept very soundly. It wasn't until Run Niang came knocking on the door that Jin Feng woke up from his dream.

He looked up at the window and found that it was still dark, but Jin Feng still sat up.

Guan Xiaorou also sat up and tried to get up to help Jin Feng get dressed, but was held down by Jin Feng.

"Don't make any fuss. I'm not a child. I don't even know how to wear clothes."

When he first came to this world, Jin Feng was a little unaccustomed to wearing clothes, but now he is very proficient. Before Guan Xiaorou got out of bed, Jin Feng was fully dressed and opened the door.

Runniang was still waiting at the door. When she saw Jin Feng, she hurriedly said: "Master, the female workers from Tiegunshan have arrived. Tiehu camp has also gathered. Tiehui asked me to call you."

"I know! I'll go there now."

"Then I'll go back and pack my things too." Runniang nodded and prepared to go back and pack her things.

"Run Niang, please don't go this time." Jin Feng stopped and said, "Xiaorou is about to give birth and I'm not at home. You are her most caring person, so stay and take care of her."

When he went to Yuguan City last time, Jin Feng was confident that he could defend the city, so Runniang wanted to go with him. She had no objection.

But this time when he went to Xizhou, the enemy's number was several times that of his own. They also occupied a favorable terrain and had heavy crossbows and catapults. Jin Feng was not sure at all. ⑧①ZW.????m

When the time comes, there will most likely be a decisive battle involving hundreds of thousands of people, and Jin Feng cannot say that he can protect Runniang well.

If Runniang is a female soldier, she can go if she wants to, but she is just a cook, so there is no need to take her on adventures.

Runniang was stunned for a moment, her face a little disappointed, but in the end she nodded obediently and replied: "Okay!"

In fact, Runniang had been worried about Guan Xiaorou when she was in Yuguan City. This morning she was still struggling with whether to go to Xizhou with Jin Feng or stay to take care of Guan Xiaorou.

Finally, she thought that Guan Xiaorou was taken care of by many people in the village, while Jin Feng was surrounded by a group of rough people when he went to Xizhou. Runniang finally decided to follow Jin Feng to Xizhou.

Unfortunately, Jin Feng disagreed.

This made Runniang a little disappointed, but then she thought about it.

Guan Xiaorou really needs someone to take care of her, so she might as well stay.

"Then, head, you have to take care of yourself outside. When you are hungry, ask Tie Hammer to go to the cafeteria to find you something to eat. I heard it is very cold in the north. If you can't do that, ask two maids to warm the bed. Don't freeze yourself!" Run!

Mother reminded.

In the feudal era, not to mention the powerful, many landowners would find two maids to warm the bed before going to bed at night, and then the landlord went to bed.

When the landlord got into bed, the maid would put his feet into her arms to warm them.

When the landlord gets warm and feels that the bed is too crowded, the maid can get out of bed and go back to sleep.

This is also the origin of the foot-warming maid.

I don’t know how many female workers on Tin Can Mountain are thinking about Jin Feng. If Jin Feng opens his mouth, someone will naturally be willing to work as a foot warmer.

"Don't worry, I'm not a child, I know how to take care of myself!"

Jin Feng smiled, pinched Runniang's cheeks, turned and left.

This time, in addition to the female workers who returned from Yuguan City and Tiehuying, Zuo Feifei summoned another two thousand female workers from Tieguan Mountain.

There was not enough open space in the village for thousands of people to stand, so the team gathered at the escort camp in the back mountain.

This is where Zhenyuan Escort Agency started. It was originally a hillside covered with trees, but now it has been smoothed out.

The annual sports meeting is held in this open space.

Recently, there are enemies on all sides, and almost all the bodyguards have gone out to fight. The huge bodyguard camp has become empty. There are only two companies of bodyguards here, which looks empty.

Today, the open space became crowded again.

There were not only the female workers from Tiegunshan and Tiehu Camp who were about to go on an expedition, but also ordinary people who came to watch the fun and see off their relatives and friends.

Especially the female textile factory workers, almost all came.

And unlike other people who were watching the excitement, the female textile factory workers were arranged in a neat square array, standing on one side of the Iron Can Mountain female workers' square, with Tang Dongdong standing at the front of the square.

Jin Feng instinctively sensed that the female worker in the textile factory was going to cause trouble today, and was about to go over to ask Tang Dongdong when the sound of neat footsteps came from the entrance to the village.

Turning his head to look, he saw Qin Ming leading the convoy to clear the way, followed by a carriage behind the convoy.

There was a golden dragon flag flying on the carriage. Pearl stood straight under the dragon flag.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Although Jin Feng canceled the kneeling ceremony, many people could not help but kneel down and worship the Ninth Princess on such an occasion.

If someone kneels, other people who don't want to kneel can only follow suit, otherwise it will be too conspicuous.

Soon, the back mountain was full of people.

Jin Feng looked back at Tang Dongdong and the female textile factory worker, and then at the Ninth Princess who was getting closer and closer, so he had to stand at the intersection, preparing to meet the Ninth Princess first, and then call Tang Dongdong to ask.

This chapter has been completed!
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