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Chapter 1201 Sudden Explosion

"The party members also have grenades? And are they impact grenades?"

Qing Mulan felt goosebumps rising all over her body.

War is the most effective way to promote technological development. From the time Jin Feng made the first grenade to now, grenades have developed into the third generation.

The first-generation product still required a torch to ignite the fuse. Later, Jin Feng found a flint mine, and the grenade entered the second generation.

The second-generation grenade is not only filled with gunpowder, but also filled with flint, slow-burning substances and flammable substances. After pulling the wire, the flint will ignite the flammable substance, and then the flammable substance will ignite the slow-burning substance. After a few seconds, the slow-burning substance will

Ignite the gunpowder to complete the final explosion.

The second-generation grenade is also the one with the most equipment among Zhenyuan Escort Bureaus, and is the standard equipment for almost all escorts.

The third-generation grenade has no essential breakthrough in technology. It just produces more types for different battlefield situations. The impact grenade Qing Mulan mentioned is one of them.

The so-called impact grenades are specially prepared by the explosives laboratory for catapults.

This kind of grenade is not filled with retardant material inside, and there is no fuse on the outside, only a safety bolt.

When using it, the escort only needs to remove the safety bolt, then put it in the catapult and smash it out.

After landing, the flint will directly ignite the flammable material and detonate the grenade.

Because of this characteristic, bodyguards call this type of grenade an impact grenade.

It sounds simple, but impact grenades represent the highest grenade technology of Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

Qing Mulan knew very well what it would mean if the party members had grenades and could also make impact grenades.

Qing Mulan felt cold sweat break out on her back when she thought of the consequences!

With her last glimmer of hope, she stared at Chen Fengzhi and asked, "Did your people hear wrongly?"

"Miss, I also think we heard it wrong, but both the lynx and the mouse said so, so they are definitely not wrong," Chen Fengzhi replied.

There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

Bobcat and Mouse are Chen Fengzhi's two subordinates. They have one thing in common, that is, they can hear clearly and see far, and they are also very sensitive to various sounds. They can distinguish the sounds of different animals in the mountains.

During the march, the two of them also carried a small drum as big as a palm with them. Every time the team stopped to rest, or when they encountered unexpected situations and were unsure, they would lie on the ground and put the small drum under their ears.


If a large group of people is approaching, they can usually hear it.

When guarding Yuguan City, Tiehuying and the female workers all used grenades casually. The explosion sounds of impact grenades and ordinary anti-personnel grenades were very different, and they could easily tell them apart.

"Miss, I don't think you need to worry too much, grenades are not that easy to make."

Amei, who had been standing behind silently, saw Qing Mulan's worried face and said, "I think the party members probably grabbed some grenades from other places. There won't be many."

Qing Mulan and Chen Fengzhi were both stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then their expressions became visibly relaxed.

Yes, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has previously established many stations in Dangxiang, and each station has some grenade reserves.

Later, Emperor Dangxiang ordered an attack on the escort station, and it was not surprising that they got some grenades.

Just don't know how much they got.

But no matter how much they get, they will always use it up. Compared with mastering the grenade technology, this result is more acceptable to Qing Mulan and Chen Fengzhi!

"That must be the case!" www.81zw.????m

Chen Fengzhi cheered himself up, then turned around and called one of his subordinates: "Run quickly and tell A Niu and the others that the Party members have grenades, and tell them to be careful when they get to the top of the mountain. Don't get together and spread out!"

Before climbing to the top, throw a wave of flash bombs and smoke bombs first, and then go up. Don’t rush straight up stupidly, you know?”

Smoke grenades are also a type of third-generation grenade, but they are not used very frequently on the battlefield, and most escorts do not have the equipment.

But in an emergency, the scout can use smoke bombs to cover his escape, so smoke bombs are standard equipment for scouts.

Throwing a smoke bomb before climbing to the top can interfere with the enemy's sight, at least he will not be hit by the heavy crossbow again. It is indeed a very wise decision.

The men ran away quickly to chase the team climbing the mountain to reinforce the scouts.

"Amei, find someone to go to the back and tell Feifei to be careful too!"

Qing Mulan also turned to give instructions to Amei.

In fact, she had just planned to return to the female workers' team by herself, but the situation was unclear now, and she was worried about Chen Fengzhi, fearing that something would happen to him later, and he would rush forward and fall into the enemy's trap.

Amei agreed and arranged for a female escort to go to the back to inform Zuo Feifei.

Chen Fengzhi looked up at the hillside and found that his men could not catch up with the team for a while, so he asked Qing Mulan: "Miss, what's going on behind you? Why did you fire the ringing arrow?"

"I don't know either," Qing Mulan shook his head: "I just heard the explosion and came over quickly."

Speaking of this, Qing Mulan glared at Chen Fengzhi again.

In fact, she mainly came to see Jin Feng, but Jin Feng left long ago, but Chen Fengzhi did not tell her.

This made Qing Mulan a little angry and a little empty.

Although Jin Feng could not be said to be strong and might not even be able to defeat himself, as long as Jin Feng was here, Qing Mulan felt at ease and safe.

Knowing that Jin Feng was not here, she always felt unsure.

When Chen Fengzhi saw that the eldest lady looked strange, he quickly turned his head and looked towards the mountainside.

At this time, the men sent to deliver the message had already caught up with the team, and then continued to climb up with the team.

Seeing that the team was about to meet up with the scouts hiding behind the rocks, everyone's hearts twitched.

Just when everyone was staring at the top of the mountain, waiting for a battle to break out on the top of the mountain, the ground suddenly shook!

The gravel on the mountain was shaken and rolled, and some rolled down the mountain.

"No, the earth dragon has turned over!" Chen Fengzhi's expression changed, and then he roared: "Stay away from the cliff!"

In fact, he didn't need to say anything. The soldiers and female workers who were closer to the cliff all ran towards the middle of the valley.

Fortunately, there were not a lot of debris on the cliffs on both sides, so no casualties were caused.

Just when everyone thought there was an earthquake, a violent explosion came from behind the team!

Along with the explosion, there was also a hurricane blowing down the valley!

Everyone turned to look in the direction of the explosion.

I saw a mushroom cloud rising into the sky where the ringing arrow appeared before!

Vibrations, explosions, hurricanes formed by shock waves, mushroom clouds...these are the hallmarks of explosive packs!

The soldiers and female workers of Tiehu camp are no strangers to hand mines, and they are no strangers to explosive packs either.

Everyone immediately understood that there was an explosive pack exploding behind them, and this explosive pack was very powerful, otherwise it would not have caused such a big shock and hurricane even though it was so far away!

This chapter has been completed!
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