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Chapter 1203 Is it you?

"A person favored by God?" Zuo Feifei asked, "What do you mean?"

"The birds don't poop here. You can't see a soul even if you walk for several days. Dangxiang Xizuo must have been very careful when transporting food, but he was still discovered by hunters. Isn't this a blessing from God?" Qing Mulan explained.

"No, I don't think this is God's blessing, but inevitable."

Zuo Feifei said: "If the Dangxiang people want to hide thousands of people here, they must prepare a large amount of food and water in advance. Although there are few people here, they are not alone. It is impossible for the Dangxiang people to hide from everyone!

The teacher has said that the power of the people is endless. If we think about the people, the people will naturally help us. What’s more, the teacher is so generous in taking action?"

"It makes sense!" Qing Mulan nodded slightly.

Jin Feng has always attached great importance to publicity work. Every time the bodyguards occupy a place, the song and dance troupe will follow closely to carry out publicity. After the place stabilizes, the postman will come with the Jinchuan Daily.

In an era when entertainment was scarce, song and dance troupes and postmen were too attractive to the common people.

Every morning, the newspaper reading stations in every place are the busiest. There are people who care about policies, people who want to hear the news, and there are also people who are just joining in the fun.

Some wealthy people disliked the crowds around the newspaper reading station, so they simply bought a house near the newspaper reading station at a high price.

Over time, the housing prices around the newspaper reading desks in many places have increased a lot.

In this case, the propaganda effect of Jinchuan Daily is self-evident.

Counterintelligence work is one of the important publicity projects of Jinchuan Daily. Almost every few days, the postman will popularize the basic characteristics of spies and then talk about the rewards for spies.

Nowadays, any child in Sichuan and Sichuan probably knows that if he catches a spy, he can exchange it with an escort for a hundred taels of silver.

Of course, whether he is really a spy needs to be investigated and verified by the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

But even so, it still cannot resist the enthusiasm of the people.

It has even spawned some bounty hunters who make a living by catching spies.

The spies in Sichuan and Shu have recently restrained themselves a lot because of this.

Although Xizhou is desolate and has few people, it is not a no-man's land. Thousands of people from the Heiyun tribe ran all the way here from the border, and it was impossible not to be discovered.

In fact, Zhang Liang has received at least a dozen reports from people in Xizhou recently, but Monkey had already brought people here at that time and didn't know about it.

So Zuo Feifei said that Jin Feng was not lucky, but destined to discover the party members.

What Zuo Feifei admired was Jin Feng's keenness and decisiveness.

Guessing that the enemy was ambushing here, he immediately sent the monkeys.

"What happened to the loud arrow just now?" Qing Mulan asked.

"Oh, you're talking about this." Monkey explained: "After you passed, the Dangxiang people planned to come out of the cave, and then they were discovered by the scouts from Tiehu Camp, and the scouts quickly fired loud arrows."

"So that's it," Qing Mulan nodded and asked, "How are the Dangxiang people doing?"

"What else can I do? Of course I will blow them all to death!"

The monkey said excitedly: "I deliberately waited until they started to come out of the cave and detonated the explosive package. This explosive package is really powerful. Wait and see. Half of the mountain has been blown down and all the party members have been buried."

Get in!"

There is such a big cave at the bottom of the mountain. The bottom is almost empty and cannot be exploded at all.

Qing Mulan suddenly remembered something and turned to look at the monkey: "Have you arranged someone on the top of the cliff ahead?"

"Of course!" The monkey nodded proudly: "The party members are hiding here, and they will definitely ambush in Luolinggou. I will definitely send people to guard the top of the mountain in advance. I just heard the sound of a grenade. How about it? I guessed it right.


"Why did your people kill the scouts from Tiehu Camp?" Qing Mulan asked with a frown.

"What do you mean?" Monkey was stunned: "Okay, why are you killing the scouts from Tiehu Camp?"

"Go ask Chen Fengzhi!"

Qing Mulan said to Zuo Feifei: "Feifei, look behind you, I will take him to find Chen Fengzhi!"

"Okay!" Zuo Feifei nodded quickly.

Although the monkey said that all the party members behind him were buried in the cave, Zuo Feifei still did not dare to be careless and still asked the female workers to be on guard.

Qing Mulan took Amei and Houhou to find Chen Fengzhi.

At this time, the team supporting the scouts had not yet reached the top of the mountain. Chen Fengzhi discovered that Qing Mulan was back. Although he was unhappy, he still took a few steps to greet him: "Miss, why are you here again?"

Qing Mulan ignored him, but turned around and said, "Monkey, tell me!"

After lurking for so many days and experiencing an explosion, the monkey looked really embarrassed, with its head and face covered in dust.

Chen Fengzhi just saw a person following Qing Mulan, but he didn't recognize it as a monkey.

Hearing Qing Mulan say this, he looked carefully, who is it if it's not a monkey?

The two had a good relationship at Damang Slope. When they saw the monkey here, Chen Fengzhi was both happy and surprised. He stepped forward and patted the monkey on the shoulder and asked: "Monkey, why are you here and looking like this?"


Seeing Chen Fengzhi, the monkey started squawking again and told his glorious deeds with spitting foam. At the same time, he also laughed at Chen Fengzhi because so many people didn't notice him.

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that Chen Fengzhi's face was getting more and more ugly.

Monkey then remembered why Qing Mulan brought him here, and asked in a low voice: "I heard from Miss Qing that something happened to two of your scouts on the top of the mountain? What happened?"

"Isn't it your people on the top of the mountain? You ask me what's going on?"

Chen Fengzhi grabbed the monkey.

"I don't know either!" Monkey was also a little worried about his men on the mountain: "You guys wait for me here, I'll go up and have a look!"

After saying that, without waiting for Chen Fengzhi's reply, he jumped off his horse and rushed towards the cliff on the left.

The monkey's body was extremely flexible and he jumped and pranced on the steep cliffs. He quickly caught up with the support team, and then followed the team to meet up with the scouts from the Iron Tiger Camp who were hiding behind the rocks.

While a group of people were debating whether to use flash bombs or smoke bombs first, they suddenly heard footsteps coming from the top of the cliff from far to near.

The Tiehu Camp scouts and members of the support team became nervous, holding their weapons and staring at the edge of the cliff.

There were also a few people holding grenades with the safety removed, ready to throw them at any time.

But at this moment, the footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Brothers from Tiehu Camp, don't be nervous, I'm from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau's reconnaissance camp!"

A voice came from above the head. Bayi Chinese website

The Tiehu Camp scouts and members of the support team turned to look at the monkey.

The monkey moved a few steps to the side, then raised his head and asked, "Sanwazi, is that you?"

"It's me!" Footsteps came again from above.

Immediately afterwards, the monkey saw a big head sticking out from the edge of the cliff: "Batalion Commander, aren't you in the south?"

This chapter has been completed!
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