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Chapter 1206 Battlefield Master

"hot air balloon?"

"It's the hot air balloon from Zhenyuan Escort Agency!"

Whenever the soldiers and female workers of Tiehu Camp saw the hot air balloon, they became extremely excited.

Ever since the Dongman people released Hai Dongqing, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau almost no longer uses hot air balloons.

Not to mention the excitement of the female workers, even Qing Mulan looked surprised: "Monkey, sir, have you found a way to deal with Haidongqing?"

Since the emergence of hot air balloons, Qing Mulan has truly understood what air superiority is!

Whoever has control of the air has the initiative and control on the battlefield. He can fight if he wants, and leave if he wants. The enemy is helpless!

If Jin Feng finds a way to restrain Hai Dongqing, the party members will not be worth mentioning!

The airship combined with grenade explosive packs can definitely defeat the party members!

Seeing the hot air balloon again gave Qing Mulan hope of victory.

Unfortunately, the monkey shook his head, shattering Qing Mulan's expectations: "Not yet."

"Then how dare you use a hot air balloon?" Qing Mulan asked anxiously.

"Because their falcons have been killed by us!" Monkey explained: "This is still far from Xizhou. If the party members send falcons over again, we have already finished the fight!"

Before formulating an action plan, Jin Feng speculated that the enemy was planning a deliberate ambush and would most likely bring falcons.

To this end, the monkeys arranged a total of three groups of scouts around the col.

The one who started just now was the first group. Although there was only one person, he was the one who made the best use of the mini catapult under Monkey.

According to the plan, his first task was not only to kill the leader of Heiyun, but also to find the falcons raised by the opponent and kill them together.

If the first group succeeds, the second and third groups will continue to lurk. If the first group misses, the second and third groups will immediately perform follow-up attacks.

After several days of observation, the scouts had already figured out the situation in the col.

Who is the leader, who is in charge of logistics, who is in charge of war horses...the scouts all remember it clearly.

To the surprise of the scouts, the leader of Heiyun attached great importance to the falcon and kept him with him. The first group of scouts completed the two tasks at the same time.

The scouts lurking on the top of the mountain immediately followed the agreement and used flags to send a message to the flying team lurking further away.

The flight team had been sending people to keep an eye on the direction of the mountain col. After discovering the signal, the hot air balloon that had been prepared immediately took off and floated southward with the north wind.

The terrain of the mountain col is similar to that of a funnel, surrounded by mountains, with only a two-foot-wide gap near the official road.

When the hot air balloon floated to the hill to the north of the mountain pass, the pilot threw down a rope. The scout lurking nearby ran over, picked up the rope, and tied it to a boulder.

When the hot air balloon floated directly above the mountain col, the pilot fastened the other end of the rope to secure the hot air balloon to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

In the gondola, several bodyguards each opened a box of grenades and threw them down as if they were free, directly blocking the exit of the mountain col.

"Where's our eagle? Release the eagle quickly!"

One of the leaders shouted anxiously.

The leader died, and the Black Cloud tribe was instantly leaderless, and each leader could only do his own thing.

This leader is the most prestigious around,

"Third brother, our eagle was killed just now. There is no more eagle!"

A party soldier next to him answered with a sad face.

Although Dangxiang has always had a tradition of taming falcons, their main purpose of taming falcons was for hunting. Now that the falcons are used to attack hot air balloons and airships, they need to retrain.

This process takes time, so although the party has many falcons, there are not many that can be used to attack the hot air balloon.

Part of the trained falcons stayed in the royal city to prevent the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau from sneaking into the royal city by airship like before. The other part was sent to Xizhou by the new emperor and handed over to Li Lingrui for distribution.

Li Lingrui secretly sent some of these falcons to a part of Sichuan and Sichuan to attack Jin Feng's flying brigade. The others were also broken into pieces and scattered to various battlefields.

Just as Jin Feng predicted, Li Lingrui attached great importance to this ambush. When he sent people to deliver grenades to the Black Cloud tribe, he also asked the eagle trainer to bring two falcons with him.

As a result, the two falcons were locked in a cage and were never released, so they were killed along with the falconer.

Without the falcon, the party members could only watch helplessly as the hot air balloon dropped grenades above their heads.

Seeing more hot air balloons coming from the north, the party soldiers trapped in the mountain became anxious and scattered towards the surrounding hillsides.

However, most of the mountain peaks formed by the Danxia landform have steep slopes. Almost all of the mountain cols are surrounded by steep slopes, and there are only a few slightly gentle mountain roads.

Nowadays, the Heiyun tribe is leaderless. Driven by the survival instinct, countless party soldiers are flocking to these mountain roads.

Upon seeing this, the pilot in the sky immediately controlled the hot air balloon and flew over, throwing a wave of kerosene jars onto these small mountain roads.

The path up the mountain was completely turned into a sea of ​​flames and became impassable.

Thousands of party soldiers were completely surrounded in this mountain col.

Of course, there were also some who were relatively close to the mountain pass and reacted quickly, escaping before the hot air balloon blocked the mountain pass.

They all know that there is Tiehu Camp and female workers in the south, and there are only less than 300 party soldiers who have escaped, so they are definitely no match.

The leader thought for a moment and fled north quickly with these people.

But not far away, a hot air balloon flew over from the north.

The party members chose to ambush in Luolinggou. The main reason was that there were steep cliffs on both sides of the valley. There was nowhere to escape except this road, which was suitable for them to ambush.

But now it’s them who have nowhere to escape!

Seeing the hot air balloon getting closer and closer, the little boss could only grit his teeth and take the lead in rushing north!

The escort on the hot air balloon was not polite, he picked up the grenade and started throwing it down.

Unfortunately, the hot air balloon had no tether and kept drifting southward. Dozens of people were rushed past by the party members.

In a battle involving thousands of people, the escape of dozens of people was not worth mentioning. The pilot glanced down, ignored it, and controlled the hot air balloon to continue flying towards the mountain col.

That’s the main battlefield!

A few miles away, Qing Mulan and Chen Fengzhi also finished listening to the monkey's explanation.

"Sir, you are so powerful. The enemy even wanted to ambush us, but before we could take action, most of them were killed by you!"

Chen Fengzhi did not care about Qing Mulan's presence and praised Jin Feng without hesitation.

"That's right, my husband has long said that the best way to fight a war is to eliminate the enemy on the way to attack. Don't sacrifice your own people if you can, and sacrifice as little as you can!" Monkey said proudly.

"It's more fun to fight with your husband!"

No matter when he was in Damangpo or when he went to Yuguan City last time, Jin Feng never treated anyone as cannon fodder in a battle. Even if it was a non-direct force like Tiehuying, Jin Feng would do his best to ensure their safety.

This is also the reason why Chen Fengzhi is willing to join the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and obey Jin Feng's command.

This chapter has been completed!
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