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Chapter 1210

Human nature is the least able to withstand temptation.

In a year of calamity, many people would dare to kill everyone just for a bite to eat, not to mention the temptation of the throne?

In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, in all dynasties, the struggle for imperial power has always been extremely cruel.

Li Jishan was still in his prime, and he was quite prestigious among the tribes in Dangxiang. There were many veterans who followed him before.

After the new emperor came to power, he has been cleaning up the old officials left by Li Jishan, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of many old officials, and some people are also doing evil things secretly.

The new emperor's throne is not yet secure. If Li Lingrui rescues Li Jishan again, there will be chaos in the Dangxiang court.

Jin Feng understood this accurately and asked Zhang Liang to take Li Jishan out for a walk every day, just because he wanted Li Lingrui to save people.

This will not only eliminate a wave of party members first, but also cause chaos within the party.

It's a pity that Li Lingrui was not fooled. Since arriving at the Southern Expedition Camp, he has never gone to the outskirts. It seems that he is completely unaware of this matter. The staff and officers have also tacitly agreed not to mention this matter. Only the deputy general, this idiot, is thinking about the war.

We were about to start, and we were afraid of hurting the old emperor.

In fact, Li Lingrui wanted Li Jishan to die more than Jin Feng and Zhang Liang.

In this way, not only did they have no worries, but they also had an excuse to send troops.

Naturally, Zhang Liang would not let him get his wish. He never cut off Li Jishan's cotton-padded clothes, food and drink, and always sent people to keep an eye on him to prevent him from committing suicide.

The deputy general broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the explanation from the intelligence chief. He took the intelligence chief's hand and said gratefully: "Thank you for reminding me, otherwise I would have gotten into trouble just now!"

"It's good to know. Never mention the Supreme Emperor in front of the King in the future!"

The person in charge of intelligence gave another explanation and left in a hurry.

Li Lingrui has made it clear that the general offensive will begin in the next few days. As the head of intelligence, he has too many things to do.

After the staff returned, they also began to arrange their troops and prepare for the general attack.

Although Monkey is not here, there are enough scouts left to keep an eye on Dangxiang's camp at all times. Such a large-scale mobilization of Dangxiang's army cannot be hidden from them at all.

Soon, Zhang Liang took Da Zhuang to the observation deck.

"Brother Liang, are the party members about to launch a general attack?"

Da Zhuang said with a worried look.

If there are tens of thousands of people, it will be a huge crowd, let alone hundreds of thousands of people?

Standing on the observation deck and looking north, there were densely packed tents and party soldiers moving back and forth.

Even with a telescope, you can't see the end of the camp.

Although Da Zhuang had fought several battles with Jin Feng in which a small number defeated a large number, this was the first time he faced an army of hundreds of thousands, and he was inevitably a little frightened.

In fact, not only was Da Zhuang strong, Zhang Liang also felt a little unsure.

However, after these two years of experience, Zhang Liang became more calm and calm than before. Even if he was worried, he did not show it on his face. Instead, he looked confident and confident, snorting coldly: "Sir, you only need three days in Qingshui Valley."

Qian Tielin's army beat them to the point where tens of thousands of them knelt down and begged for mercy. Tieniu's hundreds of people attacked their royal city and captured their emperor alive. They were just a group of defeated generals, so what about a general attack? The chickens and dogs will be shattered in one blow.


Hearing what Zhang Liang said, the expressions of the escorts around him suddenly relaxed a lot.

Yes, Dangxiang has an army of 300,000, and they also have 50,000!

Jin Feng is in Qingshui Valley, Iron Bull is crossing the entire Dangxiang territory, one is worth ten, or even one is worth a hundred!

Their number is one-sixth that of the enemy, so why should they be afraid?

Seeing Zhang Liang being so confident, the surrounding bodyguards and generals also became confident.

After they return, they will also affect their respective subordinates.

Although the Shu army is not as numerous as Dang Xiang, its overall morale is obviously higher than that of Dang Xiang's southern expedition!

Although Zhang Liang said that Party Xiang Nan Zhengjun was a local chicken and a dog, he did not dare to underestimate his opponent.

After coming down from the observation tower, Zhang Liang immediately mobilized his troops and prepared to fight against the party members at any time!

The atmosphere between the two armies was already tense, and now it has become even more tense. The heavy crossbows and catapults at the front of both sides' battle formations are already in a cocked state, and they can be fired by removing the safety bolts!

The soldiers at the front of both sides of the battle formation are staring at the opposite side. As long as the enemy makes any change, they will immediately enter the battle state!

At the same time, Tiehuying and the female workers also began to travel with all their strength.

Before, they had one war horse per person, but after wiping out the Black Cloud tribe, they suddenly ran out of war horses.

They can kill the prisoners of the Black Cloud tribe, but they can't throw away the war horses, right?

So now Tiehuying and the female workers each rode three horses and rushed to Xizhou as quickly as possible.

Even so, there were still thousands of war horses that could not be taken away, so Chen Fengzhi left dozens of soldiers from Tiehuying to guard the mountain col, waiting for people from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau to take them away.

Fortunately, there is a logistics supply point of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau dozens of miles away. It can be reached in a day or two at most, and then the soldiers of Tiehu Camp who are left behind can catch up.

On the other side, a group of troops sent by the deputy general of the Southern Expedition Army were also running northward.

Fifty miles north of them, a huge transport team was walking with difficulty in the biting cold wind.

This transport team is mainly carried by cattle and horses, and it winds for five or six miles.

What they transported was not food and grass, but catapults and accessories for heavy crossbows!

The people the lieutenant sent out were to reinforce them!

Dangxiang's catapults and heavy crossbows were imitated based on Jin Feng's lost drawings and the samples snatched from the bodyguards.81Zw.????m

In order to increase the power and range, the catapults and heavy crossbows designed by Jin Feng have many steel parts.

These parts have very high requirements for the steel smelting process. Dangxiang is a nomad, and the iron smelting process is inherently backward. When he first started to imitate, there were no craftsmen who could make qualified steel substitutes.

Either it is too soft and cannot achieve the toughness, or it is too hard and it breaks when exerted.

Later, spies reported that the Xihewan iron smelting workshop always used a large amount of coal, so craftsmen began to try to use coal to refine iron ore, and then made a barely usable substitute.

At that time, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau's airships and hot air balloons were unmatched. Li Jishan did not dare to publicly manufacture heavy crossbows and catapults, nor did he dare to mine coal on a large scale. He could only secretly find a cave and secretly produce them.

Making catapults and heavy crossbows requires not only steel and coal, but also a large amount of wood.

There are many deserts in Dangxiang territory and not many mountains and forests. Li Jishan sent people to search for a long time before he found a place in the northwest with both iron mines, coal mines and mountains and forests.

That place is indeed remote. If the Dangxiang people hadn't exposed it on their own initiative, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau would still not know where the Dangxiang people's secret production base was.

But the shortcoming of this base is also obvious, that is, it is too far away from Dakang.

Before the people of the Eastern Barbarians supported the King of Jin, they found the new emperor Dangxiang and told him about Hai Dongqing. They hoped that Dangxiang, the King of Jin, and the Eastern Barbarians would work together to kill Jin Feng in one fell swoop.

Although the new emperor did not directly agree to the Eastern Barbarians at that time, after the Eastern Barbarians left, he began to plan a southern expedition.

The first step in the southern expedition is to transport heavy crossbow catapults to the south.

But until now, it has not been delivered!

This chapter has been completed!
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