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Chapter 1212 Time to Work!

"The people at Zhenyuan Escort Agency are too shady!"

The cavalry captain gritted his teeth and cursed.

It was already annoying enough that the scouts from the escort agency were lurking on the roadside and firing hidden arrows. Unexpectedly, they came up with an even more annoying grenade!

Who can see this kind of thing buried in the sand?

Do we need to clear out all the sand?

The land ahead was full of sand for several miles, and they couldn't clear it all in one night!

However, Li Lingrui ordered them to pick up the transport team today, otherwise they would delay the military order.

This made the cavalry captain very embarrassed.

Before I could think of a countermeasure, another explosion suddenly came from ahead.

Turning around to look, there was another tumbling figure in the sky.

After confirming that the previous explosion was not caused by the lurking scouts, the cavalry captain felt relieved and drove his horse forward.

At the front of the team, three or four people were lying on the ground, and five or six horses were lying on the ground and moaning.

Among the three or four people, two were still alive, but their legs were bleeding everywhere. Even if they survived in the end, they would probably be disabled.

Survival on the grasslands is inherently difficult, and being disabled is often worse than being killed by a bomb.81Zw.????m

The original intention of designing grenades in the laboratory was actually not to kill the enemy, but to increase the number of wounded on the other side.

While on the road, a grenade explodes and a wounded person needs at least one soldier to take care of him. If the wounded person is left alone, morale will be seriously damaged.

If someone else is injured by a bomb and no one cares about it, what about next time he is bombed? Is there anyone who cares about himself?

The cavalry captain was domineering, and his horse was also domineering. He always kicked other people's horses.

Seeing the cavalry captain approaching, several war horses subconsciously hid aside.

After the cavalry stopped their horses, they turned their attention to the mines and the wounded. In addition to the horse they rode, each of them also brought one or two other horses to carry supplies.

A few cavalrymen had no time to control it, and one of their horses stepped into the sand again.

Just hearing a loud "bang", the war horse and the cavalry flew up together!

What's even more unfortunate is that after the cavalry landed, they suppressed another landmine!

When he landed for the second time, half of his waist was blown away. After a few struggles, he died!

The war horse that was closer to the unlucky guy was also unlucky. The horse's legs and belly were hit by iron sand!

The cavalry captain and his precious war horse were not spared either. The horse's neck was bleeding profusely, and the cavalry captain's right leg was also broken by iron sand.

The importance of the war horse to the cavalry is self-evident. The cavalry captain did not even bother to look at the injury on his leg. He jumped off the horse and limped to cover the war horse's neck.

However, the war horse's neck was not hit by iron sand, but by debris from the mine explosion, leaving a gash more than ten centimeters long that could not be covered at all!

However, the war horse noticed the pain and shook its neck involuntarily, causing the wound to tear even wider!

Horse blood sprayed all over the cavalry captain's face like a fountain!

The war horse fell to the ground with a thud!

"Chasing the wind!"

The cavalry captain then knelt on the ground and touched the horse's head helplessly.

In the minds of many cavalrymen, the importance of war horses is irreplaceable.

When this war horse was still a foal, it lived and ate with the cavalry captain. Now it was finally raised, but it died here!

And he died so inexplicably!

The cavalry captain knelt in front of the horse for five or six minutes, until the horse's blood on his body began to freeze, and then he slowly stood up.

The surrounding cavalrymen noticed that their captain was angry, so they quickly jumped off their horses, tightened their reins and stood on the roadside.

"Big Heizi, arrange for someone to shovel the sand and shovel a way out!"

The cavalry captain shouted coldly.

The little leader next to him had a bitter look on his face, but he did not dare to disobey the captain. He could only bow down and agree, then called his cavalry from his own team and divided the tasks among them.

The cavalry also knew that the captain was angry and did not dare to say anything. They quickly found shovels and shoveled the sand in front.

After just a few shovels, a cavalryman noticed something strange and shoveled a landmine out of the sand with a shovel!

The mine did not explode this time, but this was too inefficient.

Several people shoveled for five or six minutes before they could shovel a few meters away.

If they shovel at this speed, they may not be able to finish shoveling the sand in the first few miles until dawn tomorrow.

The cavalry captain frowned and looked at the hills on the left and right, trying to find another way out.

Although the peaks on both sides are not high, they are smooth and slippery, making it difficult for people to walk on them, let alone war horses.

With no other option, the cavalry captain could only order the people shoveling the sand to speed up.

However, the width of the mountain road is limited, and there are also landmines that may explode at any time. Even if the cavalry fights tooth and nail, the speed of shoveling sand will not increase significantly.

There was only one way to get through. No matter how anxious the cavalry captain was, he could only shovel the sand patiently. At the same time, he sent a few cavalrymen back with mines to explain the situation to Li Lingrui, hoping that when Li Lingrui turned around to punish him, he would be lenient!

In fact, when the scouts buried mines, there were more mines buried in that area at first, with one being buried every few steps. Later, the number became smaller and smaller, but became more and more irregular.

After receiving the transport team, they would have to pass through here on their way back. The cavalry captain did not dare to take risks and could only patiently clean up bit by bit.

The party cavalry were shoveling the sand in full swing, completely unaware that an escort scout was observing them with binoculars on the sand dunes more than two miles away!

This scout is completely hidden in the sand. Even if he is more than two miles away, most people may not be able to spot him even if he walks right in front of him.

After confirming the situation of the party's cavalry, the scouts slowly retreated.

After retreating to the back of the sand dune, he stood up and ran towards the north.

A war horse was tied up in a sandy depression a few miles to the north. The scouts mounted the war horse and ran north for another three or four miles, then turned and ran towards the east.

He ran eastward for more than ten miles in one breath, until the horse was so tired that it foamed at the white hair. The scout stopped the horse and ran into a valley.

Hearing the sound of war horses, a group of men hiding in the valley hurriedly came forward to greet them.

Not only did Li Lingrui think of an ambush, Jin Feng and Zhang Liang also thought of it.

This group of men are all dressed as party members, but they are all bodyguards.

It's just that the Heiyun tribe sent by Li Lingrui is too high-profile, with tens of thousands of people traveling long distances, and they can't escape the detection of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

The scouts of the escort agency were much more low-key. They were divided into teams of two or three people and dressed up as party members. It took several days to get through.

Even if I see people occasionally on the road, I won't pay attention to them.

Even if he cared, he would not think of their target. At most, he would think that they were spies looking for information.

In this way, the escorts completed their gathering in Dangxiang territory.

The mines in the sand were planted by them.

The purpose is also very simple - kill the enemy's transport team!

"How is it?" the leading man looked at the scout and asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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