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Chapter 1222 Pre-battle Drill

"Sir, how about letting him try?"

Zhang Liang pulled Jin Feng aside and whispered: "Li Didi is more suitable than Lao Niu and the others."

"Let me think about it again."

Jin Feng did not agree directly, nor did he refuse to agree, but frowned slightly.

After questioning and comparison, Jin Feng had to admit that Li Didi was indeed the most suitable candidate for negotiation.

Not only did he work as a slave in the Dangxiang Prime Minister's Office, he was also a war correspondent for the military section. He had a clear understanding of the strength of both the enemy and ourselves, much better than the other escorts!

The other escorts didn't know anything, they were just brave and courageous, so they probably could only serve as a messenger if they went to Dangxiang.

However, messengers are not just as simple as passing a microphone, they also need strong adaptability and language expression skills.

With just a few clues, Li Didi was able to guess which cavalry team was escorting the transport team, and he was able to persuade Jin Feng and Zhang Liang, who originally didn't want him to go, to change their minds, which is enough to illustrate his ability.

If he were an adult escort, Jin Feng would definitely let him go without hesitation, but in Jin Feng's view, he was still a child, and he had an autistic sister to take care of!

Jin Feng still hesitated.

Li Didi, who was standing aside, saw that Jin Feng was still unable to make a decision, so he spoke again: "Sir, I know what you are worried about. Even for my sister, I will not seek death. Since I dare to go, I am sure to convince Li Lingrui."

, and I am sure that I will escape unscathed!"

"Are you really sure?" Jin Feng turned and stared at Li Didi.

"I don't dare to say that I am 100% sure, but it is still 60% to 70% certain!" Li Didi said: "In the years when I was in Dangxiang, Li Lingrui often visited the Prime Minister's Mansion in order to win over the Prime Minister to support his brother. Although I have not spoken to him directly.

, but the few times he chatted with Xu Lian, I stood by and waited on him, so I got to know him a little bit!"

In fact, many slaves are better at observing words and expressions than officials.

Because in the feudal era, officials didn't know how to watch their actions, and at most they wouldn't be reused. Being dismissed from office was already a very severe punishment.

Such officials may also be praised for their upright character.

But slaves are different. They don't have any human rights. Sometimes if they say a wrong word or even cough too much, they may be beaten to death by their master who is in a bad mood.

Although Li Didi is young, he has more experience than most adults. During the years when he was a slave in the Prime Minister's Mansion, he was chosen by the son of Party Prime Minister Xu Lian.

The sister I met is a master of observing people's emotions and guessing people's hearts.

"If sir, you are still not at ease, you can first find the powerful children in Zuo Langwei. This way I will be more confident!" Li Didi said.

"This is already being done. It is estimated that in an hour or two, there should be results!"

Jin Feng signaled Zhang Liang to let the other escorts go out, leaving Li Didi alone.

"It seems that my husband and I want to go together!"

Li Didi couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

"Didi, have you really thought about it?" Jin Feng stared at Li Didi and asked.

"Think about it!" Li Didi nodded without hesitation.

"Then you go back and prepare. If you regret it, come back to me!"

Jin Feng really can't find a more suitable candidate than Li Didi, so he can only temporarily agree to Li Didi's proposal.

"Then I'll get ready first!"

Li Didi gave Jin Feng a military salute and turned to leave.

Jin Feng stared at Li Didi's back and said in a deep voice: "Brother Liang, tell the Musket Company to go to the front of the formation for target practice!"

"Now?" Zhang Liang was slightly stunned.

The situation between the two sides is already tense. Now, if they let the muskets shoot in front of the formation, isn't it a deliberate provocation?

What if the opponent directly launches a general attack?

Moreover, Jin Feng has always treated the musket as a secret weapon. Seeing that the decisive battle was about to begin, why did he take the initiative to expose the musket?

Zhang Liang really didn't understand.

But Jin Feng nodded and said, "Yes, right now!"

"Yes!" Seeing Jin Feng's insistence, Zhang Liang strode out of the tent and called Da Zhuang.

Xiaoyu sent someone to send the muskets over and secretly established the musket battalion. Da Zhuang was the first battalion commander of the musket battalion.

In order to keep it secret, Da Zhuang and the others had been training in a deserted ravine dozens of miles away. It wasn't until recently that a decisive battle could break out at any time and the Musketeers Battalion was almost done training, so Zhang Liang transferred them back.

Therefore, Da Zhuang, like Zhang Liang, did not understand Jin Feng's order, but like Zhang Liang, he chose to carry it out.

In order to prevent the enemy from launching a general offensive in advance, Zhang Liang immediately summoned officers above the company commander level and held an emergency meeting.

During the middle and second half of Dangxiang's southern expedition to the camp, he was making tactical adjustments in accordance with Li Lingrui's orders. In order to prevent the Shu army from taking the opportunity to make a sneak attack, the soldiers in the south of the camp were watching the south with full vigilance.

What reassured them was that the Shu army camp opposite had been quiet and there was no abnormality. However, just when some party soldiers were about to take a short rest, they found a Shu army running out from behind the bunker.

There was also a commotion among the main force of the Shu army behind the bunker.

The heavy crossbow arrows that were originally aimed at the sky lowered their heads and aimed at the open space in front of them.

The huge catapult base also slowly rotated.

"Quickly, go report to the king that there is something strange happening in Dakang!"

A small party leader shouted to his subordinates.

The subordinate agreed, jumped on the horse next to him, and went straight to Li Lingrui's tent.

After receiving the news, Li Lingrui did not dare to take it lightly. He quickly put down what he was doing and rushed to the high platform with his lieutenants and staff.

"Your Majesty, the telescope has been found!"

The intelligence chief came later, holding a small box in both hands.

As the glass technology continues to mature, the production of telescopes has also increased, and more and more escorts are equipped with telescopes.

Pilots need to observe the ground at high altitudes, so telescopes are standard equipment for airships and hot air balloons.

When Dang Xiang captured the escort in the territory, when the airship was attacked by Hai Dongqing, the pilot only thought about destroying the steam engine and forgot to destroy the telescope.

Afterwards, when the party members were cleaning the battlefield, they found an unbroken telescope.

The party soldiers who cleaned the battlefield did not dare to be greedy, and immediately paid tribute to the emperor.

The new emperor felt like he had found a treasure and couldn't put it down. This time it was also because Li Lingrui said it and the battlefield ahead really needed it, so he reluctantly gave up and asked the transport team to bring the telescope to Li Lingrui.

As a result, the transport team was ambushed by the bodyguard again.

Fortunately, the main targets of the musketry company were the heavy crossbows and catapults, and they did not pay attention to other things. After burning the catapults and heavy crossbows, they did not have time to take away the cattle and horses that were carrying them. The men in charge of the intelligence found this telescope again.

"The telescope was not lost?" Li Lingrui was overjoyed and quickly opened the small box.

This chapter has been completed!
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