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Chapter 125

After returning from Houshan, Jin Feng went to the textile factory.

Recently, all the energy has been put into the iron smelting workshop, and almost all the textile factory has been handed over to Tang Dongdong.

Liu Tie's robbery this time had the greatest impact on the textile factory. Jin Feng had to come and take a look.

As soon as I entered the door, I met Tang Dongdong.

"Brother Feng, where have you been? I searched for you for several times and couldn't find you."

"I just went to the back mountain."

"I heard that Brother Tiezi encountered bandits, how about it?"

Tang Dongdong asked anxiously.

"Huzi's legs were broken by bandits and he stayed in the county for medical treatment. The others are fine."

Jin Feng said: "However, our trolley and the twine have been robbed by bandits. It is estimated that we will not be able to go to the county government for the time being. How long can the supplies you have here be used?"

"In normal production, the kudzu in the warehouse is only enough for three days." Tang Dongdong replied.

The textile factory has been constantly adding new spinning wheels, and now the number has reached more than 200. The total number of weavers, logistics workers, and handymen has reached more than 500.

Women who can work in Xihewan and Guanjiawan basically work in textile factories.

There is a small road between the two villages. Few people used to walk on it, and the grass can cover your feet.

But now it is clearly trampled by Guanjiawan workers who commute to and from get off work every day.

Every morning and evening, you can see groups of workers passing by this path, talking and laughing.

With so many workers, several trucks of textile raw materials are needed every day.

"What about food? How much is left in reserve?"

"With normal consumption, there will be enough food for two months."

"Do you include the construction site and the brick kiln?"

"It's all taken into account."

"That's good."

Jin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

After learning that the Iron Can Mountain bandits had set up a checkpoint in Tongshan, Jin Feng asked the delivery team to bring as much food as possible every time they came back.

This is also the reason why Kama can only last six days.

When you have food in your hands, you won't panic in your heart.

Two months was enough time for him to deal with the bandits.

Jin Feng thought for a moment and said, "Go back and tell everyone. Don't rush home after dinner. I have something to say."

"What's going on?" Tang Dongdong had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Starting from tomorrow, we will temporarily suspend work."

Jin Feng sighed and said.

Tang Dongdong is now in charge of the textile factory. The decision to stop work should indeed be discussed with her first.

"Stop work?" Tang Dongdong was surprised: "Brother Feng, what did the bandits say? Did they impose any conditions?"

"Yes, I'll pay one hundred taels of toll every month."

"One hundred taels..." Tang Dongdong said: "Although it's a lot, it won't stop work, right? And the bandits can find a way to talk about it."

With the current profit of the textile factory, one hundred taels per month can still be spent.

"It's impossible to negotiate." Jin Feng shook his head.

"Why?" Tang Dongdong asked: "My father's business used to go to Xichuan Prefecture, and he had to be stopped by bandits many times, but it was all negotiable."

"The bandits your father met were from the official robberies. There were many people coming and going, and they have formed fixed rules.

But the bandits of Tongshan Mountain are different. They only have their eyes on us and will not be easily satisfied. When they first occupied Tongshan Mountain, they only asked for one tael of silver at a time. Later, it gradually increased to two taels, three taels, and five taels.


They have been testing our bottom line, one hundred taels this month, and next month they will increase it to two hundred taels, three hundred taels, until we can no longer afford it."

"Brother Feng, what are you going to do?"

"I haven't thought of a solution for the time being. There isn't much kudzu in the warehouse anyway, so let's stop work first and take a look."

Although Zhang Captou was from Qinghuai and retired from the Tielin Army, Jin Feng still did not dare to completely believe what he said.

The person sent by Qing Mulan to find out the information hadn't come back yet, and Jin Feng didn't bother to tell Tang Dongdong about Master Zhou.

"Okay, I'll inform everyone."

Tang Dongdong said helplessly.

Breakfast and dinner are the busiest times in the textile factory canteen every day, because at this time, workers on the day shift and night shift will gather here to eat.

That evening, the people on the day shift did not go home from get off work after dinner, and the people on the night shift did not go to the workshop to work.

The men from the brick kilns and construction sites also stayed.

Because they all received notice that Jin Feng had something to announce.

"Last time we gathered, we were giving out soap, so we're going to give out something again this time, right?"

"I heard from Sister Yunfang that Xiaorou has been making soap at home recently, and she almost has a whole house full of soap. I guess she will give out soap."

"I'm running out of soap at home. I was thinking of buying another one from Xiaorou, but I don't need it now."

"Stop having sweet dreams. I asked Brother Feng. Brother Feng said that last time I distributed soap to everyone so that everyone could experience it. You will have to buy it if you use it in the future."

"How much is one piece?"

"Two cents a dollar, twice as big as the one issued last time."

"That's okay. It's not expensive. It's enough for my head's salary for one day."

"If we don't hand out anything, why did Brother Feng ask us to gather together?"

"Stop talking and stand up quickly. Brother Feng is here."

When the women saw Jin Feng and Tang Dongdong coming in from the gate, they all consciously lined up according to the workshop and team group.

The male workers were scolded by Jin Feng for standing in line last time, but this time they remembered better and moved faster than the female workers. By the time Jin Feng got to the bench, they were already standing neatly.

Unfortunately, what disappointed them was that Jin Feng didn't praise them, as if he didn't see their performance...

Jin Feng cleared his throat, and the cafeteria immediately became quiet.

Everyone looked at Jin Feng expectantly.

They thought the factory was going to distribute something again.

But the next second, what Jin Feng said made everyone feel cold.

"Unfortunately, I have bad news to share with you all,"

Jin Feng said slowly: "Starting from tomorrow, the textile factories, kilns, and construction sites will all be temporarily suspended. Please don't come here yet."

After all, they are a group of country men and women. Although they have changed a lot recently, it is still inevitable for a few people to whisper among themselves.

But as Jin Feng finished speaking, it became audible in the cafeteria.

Then right after, it was like pouring a bowl of water into a hot oil pan, and the pan fried.

"Brother Feng, isn't this a good job? Why do you have to stop work?"

"Our family has just had enough to eat, and now that work is suspended, we will be hungry again."

"That's right, brother Feng, just have mercy on us and don't drive us away!"

"Sangouzi, I told you this afternoon. Brother Feng and the village chief are at the construction site. They asked you not to be lazy and go poop after work. You have to go. It's okay now. It must be Brother Feng.

I'm angry and want to drive us all away!"

"I'm not lazy, I really can't wait to get off work...Brother Feng, I was wrong, just give me another chance!"

Even if the people in the village are illiterate and have never seen much of the world, they can see that Xihewan is changing day by day and that the future will get better and better.

Everyone feels that life has made progress.

But Jin Feng's words abruptly cut off their hopes.

This chapter has been completed!
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