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Chapter 1275

"Let it go back quickly!"

When Chen Anjie saw Hai Dongqing continuing to fly towards him, he almost jumped up in anxiety.

"I thought about it too, but it's no use!" The falcon tamer was also anxious.

"Your Highness, if you hear an explosion at close range, your ears will be unable to hear for a long time!"

Chen Anjie's personal guard captain reminded in a low voice: "Hai Dongqing may have been deafened by the explosion!"

"Deaf?" Chen Anjie was stunned.

As a prince, he had never experienced a grenade explosion at close range.

While the two were talking, Hai Dongqing had already flown back and landed precariously on the falconer's shoulder.

"Quick, let it kill the other hot air balloon now!"

Chen Anjie urged the falconer.

The falconer put Hai Dongqing on his arm, then raised his arm suddenly and pointed at the hot air balloon.

This is the signal to order Hai Dongqing to attack.

Hai Dongqing flapped its wings a few times and flew up, but instead of flying towards the hot air balloon, it flapped a few times and landed on the falconer's shoulder.

The falconer became anxious and put Hai Dongqing on his arm again and threw him away.

Worried that it would fall again, the falconer also took out a small whip from his arms.

When Hai Dongqing saw the little whip, he quickly flew up a few meters, but still did not attack the hot air balloon. Instead, it neighed and hovered above the falconer's head.

"It's over!"

Even if Chen Anjie doesn't know how to train falcons, he still knows that Hai Dongqing is afraid of being bombed.

Without Triton, the hot air balloon is invincible!

In order to maintain his image as a prince, Chen Anjie rarely walked in stride, but when he realized that the hot air balloon was coming, Chen Anjie turned around and ran away.

While running, he shouted: "Quick, everyone retreat immediately!"

Wutou Mountain is not very big, but tens of thousands of Qin's troops gathered there, and the population density is very high.

You don’t even need to aim when a hot air balloon flies over. Just throw bombs down with your eyes closed, and one bomb will blow up a large area!

Almost all of Qin Wang's army had seen the horror of hot air balloons. They found that the hot air balloon was getting closer and closer, but Hai Dongqing did not attack. Without Chen Anjie's order, Qin Wang's army immediately rushed to the road down the mountain!

At this moment, they remembered the fear of being dominated by hot air balloons and airships!

Wutou Mountain is easy to defend but difficult to attack. There is only one road up the mountain, and it is not very wide. It took King Qin's army several days to line up. How can it be so easy to retreat now?

The intersection going down the mountain was so crowded that even Chen Anjie was blocked behind the crowd.

"Make way! Make way for His Royal Highness to come out!"

Chen Anjie's personal guards punched and kicked the crowd.

But the scene was too chaotic. Don't say that the people in front didn't know that Chen Anjie was behind. Even if they knew, they might not give way.

The prince's life is life, aren't their lives also life?

If they stay here, they can only wait for death. If they escape, they still have a chance to survive!

When Chen Anjie's personal guard captain saw that the situation was not good, he drew his sword and was about to kill someone, but Chen Anjie stopped him!

At this time, the morale of the army has been lost. If the guard captain kills people, it is likely to trigger a mutiny among the soldiers.

The situation at the scene is so chaotic. If someone takes the risk and launches an attack, they only have a few people, and they are nothing compared to tens of thousands of troops.

What's more, with the speed of the hot air balloon, even if the soldiers gave way to them, it would be difficult for them to escape down the mountain!

"Go, go back!"

Chen Anjie pulled the guards and ran towards the back of the camp against the crowd.

The guard captain was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.

At this time, all the soldiers in the Qin King's army camp were running down the mountain pass. If he were an escort on a hot air balloon, he would give priority to bombing the densely populated mountain passes instead of bombing the empty rear camp.

At this time, it is indeed safer to hide in the camp than at the mountain pass.

As soon as Chen Anjie and his personal guards ran to the middle of the camp, the second hot air balloon had already flown to the northern edge of Wutou Mountain.

At this time, Hai Dongqing was still hovering above the falconer's head. No matter how the falconer called him, it was unwilling to fall down.

Seeing the hot air balloon approaching, Hai Dongqing neighed, turned around and flew south!

In the basket of the hot air balloon, the two scouts looked at the chaotic Wutou Mountain below and almost shouted with excitement.

The reason why Jin Feng arranged for two hot air balloons to come over was based on two considerations.

First, if the first hot air balloon bombing fails, the second hot air balloon can correct the error.

If the first hot air balloon successfully kills Hai Dongqing, even better, the second hot air balloon can bomb Wutou Mountain!

So the basket of the second hot air balloon contained a lot of grenades and explosives in preparation for the bombing.

Although the first hot air balloon did not kill Hai Dongqing, it frightened Hai Dongqing so much that he did not dare to get close.

Although the two scouts were a little disappointed, they would not miss this opportunity!

As expected, the two of them had the same idea as Chen Anjie. They did not plan to bomb the camp in the northern part of Wutou Mountain. Instead, they decided to gather bombs and grenades to bomb the mountain pass at the southern end where the enemy troops were concentrated.

However, the two of them followed the principle of not missing something when passing by. When passing above the camp area, they threw a few kerosene jars towards the area with the densest concentration of camps below.

By coincidence, one of the kerosene jars hit one of the food and grass tents of the Qin King's army.

As soon as the food and grass were ready, billowing smoke erupted from the north side of Wutou Mountain.

Moreover, it was still windy from the north today, and the tents on Wutou Mountain were densely packed, making it difficult to extinguish the fire once it formed.

Not to mention that the King of Qin's army was in a hurry to go down the mountain, and no one came to put out the fire.

While passing through the middle of the camp, a scout kept looking for something with a telescope.

When he saw the falconers running around, the scouts couldn't help but narrowed their eyes!

"Finally found you bastard!"

The fact that the Shu army is so passive now is all caused by Hai Dongqing and the falconer behind him.

Therefore, if Hai Dongqing cannot be destroyed, then the Falcon Master must be destroyed.

So ever since Hai Dongqing landed on the falconer's shoulder, the scouts have been keeping an eye on him.

However, the scene was so chaotic that it was not easy to identify one person among tens of thousands of people.

Fortunately, the falconer was an Eastern Barbarian, and his hairstyle and clothes were very different from those of King Qin's army. After a lot of effort, the scouts found him.

"Send him to the West first!"

The scout sneered, took out an explosive package from the ammunition box at his feet, removed the safety and threw it down.

This explosive package was ignited by impact, and exploded immediately after landing!

Although the explosive package was blown sideways by the wind during its fall, and did not land next to the falconer, but landed more than ten meters south of him, the explosive package was so powerful that the falconer and a group of Qin Wang's soldiers were directly hit.

The explosive air flow flew away!

After landing, the falconer felt sore all over his body, but he had no time to check the injury and struggled to get up.

"Hey, you're not dead yet?"

The scout on the hot air balloon sneered: "Then try this again!"

After saying that, the scout took out a cloth bag from under his feet.

This chapter has been completed!
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