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Chapter 1284 Suicide Mission

A hot air balloon can only explode once, killing at most one falcon. The number of hot air balloons carried by the Shu army was limited. Only by finding out the number of falcons of the Southern Expedition can Jin Feng better formulate a strategy.

It's a pity that Li Lingrui was on guard and the scouts tried their best but failed to find out.

"Sir, I will arrange for someone to find a way to infiltrate the Southern Expedition Army camp later. No matter what method I use, I will definitely find out!" Monkey promised.

"Forget it, there is no need to ask brothers to make unnecessary sacrifices." Jin Feng shook his head and said, "Let's just let Li Lingrui release the falcon by himself."

Li Lingrui's defense was so tight that it was almost impossible for the scouts to infiltrate the Southern Expeditionary Army.

The scout may not be afraid of death, and Jin Feng has adjusted his mentality, but he doesn't want the scout to die in vain, a death that is meaningless.

"Let Li Lingrui release the falcon by himself?" The monkey was stunned: "How to do it?"

"It's very simple. Chen Anjie and Li Lingrui are approaching at the same time. They have probably colluded. Just let the hot air balloon fly to Chen Anjie." Jin Feng replied.

When the monkey heard this, he suddenly realized: "Yes, as soon as our hot air balloon takes off, Li Lingrui may arrange for the falcon to come out... By the way, sir, what if Li Lingrui doesn't care about Chen Anjie?"

A war never tires of deceit. It is all too common for Chen Anjie and Li Lingrui to cooperate without any foundation, with one party stabbing the other in the back and treating the other as cannon fodder.

"If he doesn't care, we will kill Chen Anjie directly!" Jin Feng said coldly.

The way back was blocked, which made Jin Feng feel unsure. If Chen Anjie could be eliminated, it would be good news for the Shu army.

What's more, in Jin Feng's plan, he had already made plans to exchange the hot air balloon for the falcon.

The wind has been blowing from the north recently. If the hot air balloon wants to bomb the Southern Expeditionary Army, it must first find a suitable altitude and wind direction, fly to the north first, and then land down to take advantage of the north wind.

The King of Qin's army is in the south, so it is much easier to bomb the King of Qin's army. The hot air balloon can quickly fly over the King of Qin's army as long as it takes off in the Brass Valley.

Even if there was no such thing, Jin Feng would have let the hot air balloon blow up the King of Qin's army instead of going to all the trouble to attack Li Lingrui.

"That's right. If Li Lingrui doesn't care, we will kill Chen Anjie." The monkey nodded slightly: "I will arrange for the brothers to prepare the hot air balloon right away!"

Jin Feng nodded and said nothing.

The two scouts who injured Hai Dongqing in Wutou Mountain last time have not returned since parachuting. Everyone knows that they are in danger.

If a hot-air balloon is used to bomb the King of Qin's army, even if the falcon is successfully killed, the scout controlling the hot-air balloon will most likely fall into the enemy's hinterland, and the probability of coming back alive is very small.

Even though Jin Feng knew that this was the least sacrificial way, ordering his own people to die still made him feel very uncomfortable.

It's just that he can control his emotions now.

Less than half an hour after the monkeys left, a hot air balloon slowly took off over Brass Valley.

"Hey, why is there a hot air balloon in the sky?"

"Why is this hot air balloon different from the previous one?"

"Yes, this hot air balloon looks smaller and takes off much faster than before!"

"Some time ago, I heard from my brothers in the reconnaissance camp that my husband was studying hot air balloons to deal with Hai Dongqing. Is his research successful?"

"Eighty percent yes, otherwise sir, would you like to let it take off and die?"

"Great, our airship hot air balloon can finally be used again!"

"Hey, why are the people in the reconnaissance camp saluting to the sky?"

"Wouldn't it be better to go over and ask?"

Since the emergence of Haidongqing, the frequency of the Shu army's use of hot air balloons has dropped dramatically. Many Shu soldiers have not seen airships and hot air balloons for a long time, and now they suddenly see hot air balloons over the camp, and they are a little curious.

After all, there were relatively few soldiers who knew about the bombing of Wutou Mountain, and many soldiers did not know what happened to Wutou Mountain.

Seeing the scouts saluting in the air, many Shu soldiers who were taking a break ran over and asked why they were saluting.

Then they learned about Jin Feng's plan.

After listening, all the Shu soldiers were silent.

Then, I don’t know who took the lead. The Shu soldiers around the reconnaissance camp also raised their right arms and saluted to the sky.

The surrounding atmosphere became solemn and solemn.

Although the soldiers from Shu who were further away did not know what was going on, they saw so many people saluting and were infected by the atmosphere, so they raised their arms along with them.

For a time, the Brass Trench was filled with saluting soldiers.

In the air, two scouts looked down, with tears in their eyes!

Just now, Monkey gathered all the scouts and drew lots to decide who would carry out the suicide mission. They were the two with the highest numbers.

No one wants to die, and it would be a lie to say that they don't have any resentment in their hearts.

But at this moment, when they looked at the dense crowd of comrades saluting them below, they suddenly felt relieved!

"Old Cangcha, do you think we are heroes now?" asked the tall scout who controlled the hot air balloon.

"Of course, if we can come back alive, we will definitely have the same first-class merit as Tang Fei's fellow!" Another scout replied.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would be a hero one day," the tall scout said with a smile: "Sir, you once said that since ancient times, no one has died, and he will take pictures of what he has left behind."

"Keep your loyalty in history!" the short scout sneered: "You haven't even written your own name clearly yet, so don't imitate others!"

"Hahaha, then don't be ridiculous," the tall scout laughed: "For the sake of a new life, do it!"

"Yes, fuck him!" the short scout also laughed.

The hot air balloon flew farther and farther with the laughter of the two people.

The north wind howled, carrying the hot air balloon quickly to the south. Ten minutes later, the hot air balloon crossed a mountain top, and the two scouts saw the scout team of King Qin's army.

One mile south of the scout team, they saw the vanguard of King Qin's army.

The scouts saw the scouts of the King of Qin's army, and the scouts naturally saw them.

I saw one of the scouts immediately turning his horse's head and running back.

In fact, there was no need for him to go back to report the news. The leading troops of King Qin's army also saw the hot air balloon.

Just a few minutes later, a column of smoke appeared from King Qin's army.

Before the emergence of instant messaging technology, beacons were the fastest way to transmit messages. The disadvantage was that they could only be observed with the naked eye. A beacon tower needed to be set up every few or ten miles, otherwise people from a distance could not see clearly.

The King of Qin's army and Dang Xiang's army marching south are dozens of miles apart, and a beacon tower must be needed to transit them. www.八一zw.????m

Sure enough, a few minutes later, a line of wolf smoke also appeared in an uninhabited valley six or seven miles to the northwest.

On the hot air balloon, the scouts knew that this was the King of Qin's army asking for help from Li Lingrui, but they ignored it and continued to fly towards the main force of the King of Qin's army.

This chapter has been completed!
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