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Chapter 1289 Explosive Arrow

There were too many party soldiers on the wall, so the heavy crossbow shot over and killed more than a dozen people.

For the hundreds of thousands of party troops, a dozen people are not worth mentioning, but the blow to morale is huge.

After all, a heavy crossbow can be fired continuously. Killing a dozen people with one arrow is nothing, but what about ten arrows and a hundred arrows?

Moreover, the platform has been leveled by stones and wooden boards at this time, and it can completely accommodate another heavy crossbow.

In fact, the escorts on the platform have already begun assembling the second heavy crossbow.

During this process, apart from loading and filling, the first heavy crossbow was attacking non-stop.

In less than five minutes, at least hundreds of party soldiers were killed.

The Dangxiang people are indeed brave in fighting, but no matter how brave they are, no one wants to die in vain.

The party general who was in charge of the on-site command was afraid of causing a mutiny, so he quickly withdrew the soldiers on the stone wall temporarily.

Without having time to ask Li Lingrui for instructions, General Dangxiang directly ordered two carriages to be dismantled, and the carriage boards were made into huge shields, which were carried by several people onto the stone wall again.

I have to say that this move is very effective. The wooden plank of the carriage is more than ten centimeters thick. If you put it forward and hold it against the wooden head, the heavy crossbow arrows will not be able to penetrate it.

So General Dangxiang ordered that a dozen more carriages be dismantled, all made into wooden shields, and erected in front of the stone wall.

With a row of wooden shields blocking the way, General Dangxiang felt relieved and once again sent his soldiers to carry the stones.

On the opposite front line of the Shu army, the Shu soldiers who had just cheered suddenly became quiet.

"Sir, should I still blow up the mountain?" Iron Hammer asked cautiously.

There are hills on the left and right sides of Zhuangzhuanggou. He just blew up the west hill. After he came back, Jin Feng asked him to find a place on the east hill and try to blow up a platform.

As a result, before the hammer had time to pass, the party members brought up the shield.

Since heavy crossbows cannot penetrate wooden shields, is it still necessary to blow up the platform?

"Keep blasting!" Jin Feng turned to look at Da Zhuang: "Do you have any explosive arrows with you?"

The so-called blasting arrows are heavy crossbow arrows specially made by Jin Feng for water warfare. The shafts of these arrows are hollowed out and filled with explosives and flints.

When the arrow hits an object, due to the impact, the flint will ignite the explosive and explode the enemy's ship plank.

Hearing Jin Feng talk about blasting arrows, Zhang Liang, Tie Zhui and others' eyes suddenly lit up.

Ordinary heavy crossbow arrows cannot break through wooden shields, but explosive arrows can certainly do so.

But Da Zhuang shook his head: "Explosive arrows are used on water. We use them very rarely. We came out in a hurry this time and didn't have time to bring them."

"Hammer, you go ahead and make the platform, and I'll figure out how to make some explosive arrows!"

Jin Feng confessed, turned around, walked off the fortification, and went straight to the temporary laboratory.

In the smelting workshop of Xihewan, there is a machine tool specialized in making explosive arrows, which can produce the shafts of two explosive arrows in one minute.

Unfortunately, the temporary laboratory did not have machine tools or even many basic tools, so Jin Feng could only use simple tools to make it.

Fortunately, dynamite and flint are tools commonly used by female musketeers, and there is no shortage of them in the laboratory.

It took Jin Feng half an hour to get an improvised explosive arrow out.

Someone sent explosive arrows to the platform, and Jin Feng followed him to the front line.

In the past half hour, the escorts on the platform were not idle and kept shooting. The wooden shield opposite had been shot into a hedgehog, densely packed with arrows.

With so many arrows, one or two occasionally penetrate the wooden board. However, after shooting through the wooden board, the kinetic energy of the arrows is also exhausted. At most, it will stop after killing one or two party soldiers, and it will not be able to form the same shape as before.

Such terrifying lethality.

This made the escorts on the platform angry and helpless.

After getting the blasting arrows, the escorts shot them out immediately!

Everyone, including Jin Feng, was staring at the opposite side!

With a whistling sound, the blasting arrows were heavily nailed to the wooden board.

After half an hour of shooting, the party soldiers on the wall were almost used to the whistling sound. They didn't pay much attention to it at first and all continued to work.

But who knew that after the whistling sound passed, the wooden board that was hit suddenly exploded!

The thick wooden plank was blown to pieces, and many party soldiers who were close to the plank were stabbed by the flying sawdust!

What's more important is that the escort on the platform took advantage of the opportunity when the board was blown to pieces and began to attack crazily!

In less than a minute, two heavy crossbows fired three heavy crossbow arrows!

Most of the party soldiers behind this wooden board were shot dead!

The rest also rolled and crawled and hid behind other wooden boards!

The work of moving stones was suspended again.

Jin Feng discovered that this simple explosive arrow was also useful, and immediately turned back to the laboratory.

This time he no longer made it himself, but hired a few helpers to guide the helpers to work together.

These helpers have basically worked in the smelting workshop, have some work experience, and know how to use tools, so they can learn very quickly.

Jin Feng also divided the production process into several parts according to the assembly line model, and each person only needs to be responsible for one part of it.

This not only makes the production process faster, but also helps the helper learn it faster.

In the laboratory, Jin Feng was teaching his assistants how to make explosive arrows. Outside the laboratory, the hammer was not idle either. It was hung with a rope around its waist from the top of the hill to the east.

The height suitable for the current shooting position must be about one to two feet. If it is too high or too low, it will affect the shooting angle of the heavy crossbow.

But this location is a huge boulder, and the hammer can't find a suitable location for blasting.

There is no drilling equipment here, so the hammer has no choice but to use the primitive method of pouring kerosene on the stone to calcine it, and then pour cold water on it immediately after it is almost burned.

If a hot stone is suddenly cooled, it may crack.

After working for almost an hour, the hammer finally made a crack in the stone.

Once there is a crack, there is a place to set the detonator.

With a loud noise, the hammer also blasted a crater on the hill to the east.

However, the area of ​​this pit is relatively small, less than three square meters, and can only accommodate one heavy crossbow.

While the escorts were installing the heavy crossbows, in the laboratory, Jin Feng's temporary assembly line also produced the first blasting arrow.

With the first branch, there is the second branch, the third branch...

Soon, explosions were heard from time to time on the northern battlefield.

Once the planks are blown open with explosive arrows, the heavy crossbow will seize the opportunity and shoot into the air.

The party members had to stop their work frequently to avoid the fire of heavy crossbows, and the speed of the wall was greatly slowed down.

But what Jin Feng needed was not to slow down, but to stop them, so he asked Zhang Liang to find a group of escorts and set up three assembly lines, all of which were used to produce explosive arrows.

This chapter has been completed!
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