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Chapter 1298 Shooting

At night, the temperature in Zhuzhuanggou reached ten degrees below zero. The party soldiers standing guard around him were shivering with cold, but the hand holding the bow of Shenjian did not move at all.


An arrow flew out from the stone wall and hit the scout at the front directly on the neck!

Blood seeped out, staining the snow under the scout's body red.

Only then did other party soldiers finally discover the scouts.

The sound of gongs immediately sounded on the stone wall, and other party soldiers in charge of guarding immediately poked their heads out and looked down the city wall.

Some people just threw their torches down to prevent anyone from getting close to the stone wall.

In short, there was a mess on the stone wall, but the sharp archer was completely unmoved. After shooting the first scout, he immediately took out the second arrow and bent his bow to nock an arrow.

Under the stone wall, the second scout was only ten meters away from his shot companion.

After discovering that the man in front of him had been shot dead, the first thought that came to the mind of the second scout was that he had been exposed, and he subconsciously wanted to run away.

But he knew in his heart that he was too close to the city wall at this time. If he started running, the enemy would find him immediately.

The grassland herdsmen are good at riding and shooting. When a volley of fire comes from the stone wall, it is impossible for him to escape.

Not only could he not escape, but neither could the other two companions behind him.

Moreover, this scout still had the last extravagant hope in his heart, hoping that the party soldiers would just happen to discover the first scout and not him.

So the second scout squatted on the ground, not daring to move at all, hoping to wait until the enemy's attention was drawn away before lurking or retreating.

But he didn't know that he had been discovered by the sharp archer long ago.

On the stone wall, the sharp archer had already aimed at the second escort, and when he was about to loosen the bowstring, he was stopped by the person in charge of intelligence!

"The remaining three don't need to be shot to death directly, just shoot them lamely!" the intelligence chief said.

"Why?" the sharp archer asked in confusion: "Do you not believe in my archery skills?"

For archers, archery is their most proud skill and the foundation for their livelihood.

A sharp archer can accept tasks assigned by the intelligence chief, but cannot accept his questioning of his archery skills.

"Don't get me wrong, that's not what I meant." The person in charge of the intelligence did not want to offend a sharp archer for no reason, so he explained: "Jin Feng has always been famous for cherishing his soldiers. We will not shoot these people to death, but they will be lame.

I want to see if he sends anyone to rescue me!"

The sharpshooter understood immediately after hearing this. It turned out that the person in charge of intelligence wanted to surround the area and call for reinforcements.

The scouts have arrived at the foot of the stone wall. No matter how many people Jin Feng sends to rescue them, they will die.

If Jin Feng did not send anyone to rescue him, it would chill other soldiers of the Shu army, thus affecting Jin Feng's status in the eyes of the Shu army.

"The adults are still thoughtful!"

The archer nodded and adjusted the angle of the bow slightly!


The arrow made a whistling sound and accurately hit the second scout's thigh!

The scout groaned in pain and fell to the ground.

This arrow completely shattered the last trace of luck in his heart.

He knew that he had been completely exposed.

Thinking of this, the scout was no longer afraid, but got up again and jumped towards the stone wall resolutely.

But after just two steps, another arrow flew out of the stone wall, and the scout's other leg was also shot!

Now the scout couldn't even jump.

But he still didn't give up. He put his hands on the ground and climbed towards the stone wall, leaving a bright red mark on the snow behind him.


Another arrow flew in, and the scout's left arm was directly nailed to the ground.

Before the scout could pull out the arrow, another arrow flew over and his right arm was also nailed!

Zhuangzhuanggou, Jin Feng, Zhang Liang and others boarded the fortifications after the death squads set off, and have been waiting for the final result.

They found out after the first scout was shot.

But like the second scout, they still had some extravagant hopes, hoping that the party members would only discover the first scout and wait and see.

Now the last bit of luck in their hearts has been shattered.

"Sir, we found the guy who shot the arrow. He is the party's master archer!"

The monkey held up the telescope and said: "He is next to the third bonfire in the northwest corner of the stone wall!"

It was already dark, and when the first scout was shot, Jin Feng and the others could not see clearly where the arrow came from.

Later, the sharp archer fired four more arrows in succession, and the monkey finally found his position.

The sharp archer, like the falconer, has a special hat and costume, and the monkey saw his costume.

"Fire the arrow and tell the remaining brothers to withdraw quickly!" Jin Feng said coldly.

Although he didn't know much about the grasslands, he had heard about the archery skills of the sharp archers.

People who are good at archery will definitely not have bad eyesight.

So Jin Feng understood that this latent attempt had completely failed!

While the last two scouts still have a chance, the wisest choice is to evacuate as soon as possible.

Zhang Liang did not refute Jin Feng this time, but waved to the back.

call out!

With a sharp whistling sound, a yellow arrow exploded in the air.

This is the evacuation signal that Monkey agreed with them before the death squads set off.

However, instead of evacuating in time as agreed, the two scouts at the back rushed towards the stone wall regardless, in a z-shaped route.

In fact, when the two scouts at the back were shot in the thigh by the second scout, they knew that they had most likely been discovered.

Before seeing the sounding arrow, they were still thinking about running back, but after seeing the sounding arrow, they understood that Jin Feng had not abandoned them, and the two scouts did not want to go back.

First, the possibility of escaping back is relatively low, and second, they don’t want to be deserters!

So they chose to rush to the stone wall!

The stone wall was less than twenty feet away from them, and at the speed of the scouts, it would only take more than ten seconds to rush over.

As long as the stone wall is blown up, their mission is accomplished!

The z-shape is the route used by scouts in training to deal with crossbow shooting. This was the first time the marksman encountered it. He shot two arrows in succession but failed to hit.

While the scout was running fast, he also exposed the explosive bag behind his back. When the person in charge of intelligence saw it, his scalp suddenly went numb!

He turned around and yelled at the other party soldiers: "What are you doing standing still? Shoot them to death!"

When the sharp archer takes action, ordinary soldiers dare not take action, otherwise it would be disrespectful to the sharp archer.

Therefore, the surrounding party soldiers were standing on the stone wall just now to watch the excitement. No one dared to shoot arrows. After hearing the call from the intelligence chief, they reacted and raised their bows and arrows, aiming downwards.

At this time, the third scout had already run under the stone wall!

This chapter has been completed!
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